
Thursday, November 10, 2011

CNBC Wipes OUT Debate Poll after 25 minutes on their site - after Ron Paul Winning in poll! Video - Now they have "Who won debate - Attendees weigh in"! All MSM keeps doing this!

Here is a video proving there was a CNBC "Who won the debate poll" on 11/9/11 that CNBC took off their site after 25 minutes due to Ron Paul winning huge over all other candidates!

Now CNBC only has "Who won the debate - Attendees weigh in"! 

MSM keeps doing this.  Every poll after a debate has Ron Paul winning - they wipe off the poll - they have changed the polls. 

It is up to all of us to keep the Ron Paul message going - since MSM keeps covering up his following and numbers. 

Here is a video showing the poll up on CNBC and how Ron Paul was winning by a huge amount.


  1. the numbers may be an aberation and affected by solar flares - our free press would never dick with these numbers - an isolated event.

  2. Its all about convincing the american public that their system of government is beyond repair which will make them demand something be done about it. That is when they offer up their solution, getting rid of the government and merging it with Canada and Mexico, creating the american union. Thats why every criminal thing they do is exposed, from 911 to financial meltdown. Its all a scam top to bottom.

  3. Doesnt make you wonder how long they have been doing this. All those presidents before. All of your local officials. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? What about Lotteries? How do you know they are actually live and not previously taped the night before so someone can pick the numbers. Of course they can't do it with the bigger jackpots when everyone is watching. mmmmmm..

  4. "the establishment" did it to me before I was even of voting age- High School Student Body President election, I took an overwhelming majority of the votes, but the guy who was given the position was the one who best fit the administrations idea of who they thought should represent the students, all of the other results were announced the next day but it took them almost a whole week to "decide" the presidential outcome. I haven't seen anything in the 30 years since to give me any second thought- how self-evident can it possibly be that the entire program in the US is rigged

  5. So... Why didn't they just program their vote counter to keep Ron Paul's vote total less than the others?
    Certainly not for ethical reasons.

  6. I know I will VOTE for Dr.Ron Paul in 2012,
    and in EVERY POLL, the ONLY question is:


  7. add them to the list of people who need to be hung for treason!

  8. Go to your town hall and change to republican so you can vote for Dr Paul in the primaries
    He may have to run as a Libertarian in the end anyway

  9. I have seen this once before.
    Just after 911, some guy was the gate keeper for the Democratic party website.
    His comment was to the effect of, "I am so sick and tired of having to delete 911 Truth comments all day long... no one anywhere thinks that."

    At the time I noticed how unusual that brainwashing was... he was tired of all the people who then don't exist.

    You would hear those same words now in the main media about Ron Paul.. They are so sick and tired of deleting thousands of supportive message about Ron Paul... because no one exists who supports him.

  10. See your area hall and change in order to republican to help you opt for Generate Henry in the primaries
    He might need to run being a Libertarian ultimately at any rate
