
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Denver Airspace Closes Today (9/27/11) for a period of time for VIP Movement

FAA website - Denver airspace is closing for VIP movement. You might first think "Well Obama is going to be there" so that is why.

But, if that is the case, why haven't the airspace of all the other places - San Diego etc. close their airspace during the time he was landing and taking off there?  There was no closing of other airspace for Obama. 

Link to all airspaces that have closed for various reasons - back to 2009

What first alerted me to this, is this video - I then looked up the info to see if it was completely real and it is.

UPDATE 4:09pm est - youtube  yanked this video - Thanks Anon, for bringing it to my attention.  The Video had the information that I linked above and showed what I screen shot and put in the post (FAA site - showing airspace closed due to VIPs!  He read all the information on the link that I also provided above.  That is what was in the video!  I am glad I got a screen shot of their site, incase they now change it!

Previous post about "Elite" not having things on their schedules for this week. 

UPDATE - Weird happenings - A nuclear missile being launched out of Alaska in a few minutes. 

well, this missile is the same type model that carries nuclear war heads.  But they are saying a satellite is going to come from it.  This is happening the same day there is a "mock" Def con 1 drill in Denver - missile out of Alaska and Def con 1 means "nuclear war imminent".  there has never been a Def Con 1 drill before in history.   Now..... why launch a real nuclear missile the same day?  

the September launch calls for using a Minotaur IV rocket, used by the Air Force to deliver nuclear weapons.

things are just plain weird right now.  What is going on and what psych ops are they accomplishing right now? 
live link to watch the missile take off at 7:49am Alaska time. 

I have the live stream on in my post about the missile launch.

the satellite will provide American combat commanders around the globe with "an additional outlet for data transmission and communications on the move," the Navy says. In other words, the satellite could allow military forces to be coordinated without having to position and point on-the-ground antennas.


  1. NobodysaysBOO!:
    never believe anything from these assholes they are probably someplace like south america celibrating honkyaka another jewish high holey day

  2. Very intersting. Thanks for the info. Please visit for more usefull news insights.

  3. What was in the video, Youtube has yanked it already

  4. I notice that the youtube video has already been killed off by the YT Censortrolls. No problem though - we know it's happening. Thanks Sherrie. You've uncovered some compelling facts. Let's see what happens next in the symphony of the Apocalypse...

  5. It is very odd that they would launch a satellite from Alaska as one of the main reasons they use Florida is it is closer to the equator. The rotational speed of the earth is used to help put the satellite into orbit. The speed at the equator is about 1000 mph. and at the north pole it is 0 mph.

  6. I've just about decided that this a practice run. I'm just keeping an eye on where Biden is. Once he's buried too them I'll worry.

  7. um if we were having a pole shift alaska would b a better launch then florida
