
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

S&P Downgrade of U.S. Connecting the Dots - Interactive Maps of relationships to S&P/McGraw Hill. Very Interesting Dots!

I like to look deeper into the reasons why something happens.  Why did S&P downgrade the U.S. when they have ignored MBS fraud from banks and would rate mortgage bonds AAA, though they knew they were junk?  Considering they have always had Wall Street's back, what happened this time?  Who is actually behind the downgrade and for what reason?  Power struggles happening?

There is more behind the S&P downgrade than what has been touted, in my opinion.  It has not made sense they would do this, when the board members are so connected to financials themselves.
I have put together relationship maps of S&P with their main owner being McGraw Hill.  Who is behind these companies, who are the board members, who are the ones who influence what is going on?

I have found some very interesting relationships, which are mapped below.  Look at the maps and see what dots you connect.

(The maps are interactive - You can click on one of the relationships and see their relationships and connections - except for the screen shot maps)

Standard & Poors map of connections

Ray Groves connections (a board member) - notice the CFR connection?

McGraw Hill - considered the owner of S&P map of relations

This gets even more interesting when you look at Cormac Group who is a part of McGraw Hill's relationships.
 Click to make large - as this is VERY INTERESTING!

(note - I had to screen shot this one, because the embed option, left out Freddie Mac - Puerto Rico and McGraw Hill, besides a few others for some reason.  I could not get a better shot of it - but this says a lot as it is)

It gets very interesting when you start looking closer at Cormac Groups and their relationships when clicking on their 19 Lobbyist groups.  Guess what - they are mainly media - including News Corp.

People related to Cormac Group:

Other current Cormac Group relationships:

Here are the board members information for Mcgraw Hill:


NameBoard RelationshipsTitleAge
Harold McGraw III364 RelationshipsChairman, Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman of Executive Committee62
Jack F. Callahan Jr.5 RelationshipsChief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President52
David Swail 6 RelationshipsChief Executive Officer of McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited and President of McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited54
Robert J. Bahash 11 RelationshipsPresident of McGraw Hill Education, Inc.65
Daniel Caton No RelationshipsPresident of Learning Group--


NameBoard RelationshipsPrimary CompanyAge
Harold McGraw III364 RelationshipsThe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.62
Sidney Taurel 162 RelationshipsCapital Royalty L.P62
Edward Barry Rust Jr.244 RelationshipsState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company60
Winfried Bischoff 57 RelationshipsLloyds Banking Group plc69
Michael Rake 92 RelationshipsKPMG Corporate Finance United Kingdom63


Committee NameChairpersonBoard RelationshipsMembers
Audit CommitteeMichael Rake 92 Relationships4 Executives
Compensation CommitteeSidney Taurel 162 Relationships6 Executives
Nominating CommitteeEdward Barry Rust Jr.244 Relationships5 Executives
Corporate Governance CommitteeEdward Barry Rust Jr.244 Relationships5 Executives
Executive CommitteeHarold McGraw III364 Relationships5 Executives
Finance CommitteeWinfried Bischoff 57 Relationships6 Executives

Here is another interesting connection - Douglas N Daft - who happens to be connected to Walmart

Here is another interesting board member of McGraw Hill - Edward B Rust. Look at all his political and foreign connections, including Chicago's connection (note - another one that would not show all his connections under the embed option. Screen printed - click to make larger)

Here is yet another interesting board member of McGraw Hill - Winfried Bischoff

There are financial companies behind McGraw Hill and global power players. So why would they hurt themselves? Why did they make this move?

What I found is the fact Cormac Group is very connected to the media and Murdoch - News Corp.  We all know what has been happening with Murdoch recently.   Could this one connection actually be the catalyst to the downgrade, in being a revenge move?

I have put these maps here for a connection of the dots. What people and organizations are actually the power of a company.

I am not trying to slam S&P for downgrading the U.S., I believe all the ratings agencies should actually do their job and be honest. If they were honest, the U.S. would be downgraded by them all and it would be lower than a AA+. Of course that is simply my uneducated opinion and it is from watching and researching the U.S. and global real financial truths.

So the questions are..... Did one elite piss off another one?  Was this a ploy to get the cash into bonds, since they are rallying and people are getting their money out of the stock market?  Events like this, don't just happen, there is a bigger reason than the fact this should have been done long ago and the U.S is not credit worthy, but the U.S. has always been protected by those who control.

I have noticed the CNBC crew have been saying "More downward motion is expected in the market".  They said it on the Today show and on CNBC during the day.  Why would they do this?  Again nothing happens without a reason and they don't say things on their own, they are told what to say by their controllers.  What games are being played and what is the end result they are going for?

Note - I will be researching more on who the board members are and the influences behind them, but I wanted to get this part of the research up to what it is at this point.

UPDATE 8/12/11 - Obama is trying to get S&P's license taken away, he now has the SEC investigating them for any "insider trading".  It sure does seem like there are some Elite power struggles happening right now.  Who is going to be "Check mate" at the end?


  1. Brilliant. This is how to illustrate the deep structure of government mafia networks.

    Loyalty is to the "Family" or "Company"- these crown conglomerates (simple corporations no more) are the post-border international class.

    I call it the Cold War "spy economy" or the "stratosphere class".

    I'd like to tie this into a calculus of corruption... a sort of "Laffer Curve" of graft and influence. Economics theory ignores the most durable aspect of those who make a career of power.

    Wonderful stuff, Sherrie.
    What a useful tool. Similar to Horowitz's "Discover the Networks".
    I can't thank you enough-

    I hope this becomes a very common software template, and we can develop a wiki of the connected (the corrupt)!

  2. You've done a masterful job of connecting the dots in showing how the criminal cabal are inter-connected and yet are turning on each other (no honor amongst thieves!). Great journalism!
