
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, kicked out of 50 State Mortgage Fraud Investigation, due to wanting to go by Laws and not just doing what banks want.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was officially kicked out of the 50 State Attorneys General Investigation doing as the banks say - into Mortgage Fraud by Wall Street.

After reading this, you will fully understand how the banks control our government and our law system.

There is only one Attorney General in these United  Broken States who is willing to actually rule and stand up for laws of the land.  The rest of the Attorneys General are not ruling by law nor investigating by laws, they are only working on how to legalize all illegal fraud committed by Wall Street banks.

This is proof, there is one law for all of us and no laws for banks and corporations in the U.S..

The U.S. is lawless and those who were elected as the top law officer of each state has been working on how banks can get around the law.   Now they are about to give blank immunity to the banks and make any contracts signed by us regular people null and void, if it is not to the advantage of banks.

This act will be the most unlawful act committed in recent history in the U.S. and it will be committed by those who are suppose to uphold the laws of the land.

Understand, the Attorneys General of 49 states will be saying to us regular people "No matter what contract you sign/signed previously or in the future with any bank or corporation, we can/will change it against all laws on the books, if it is not to the advantage of the banks or corporations". 

The other 49 Attorneys General kicked out the one upholder of the laws in the states - New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, due to him wanting to actually follow contract laws and hold banks responsible for all their fraud.

We the people have no rights in laws if the Attorneys General of the states do settle with the banks and allow illegal fraudulent foreclosures to become legal.

Notice in this article - it says "The Attorneys General started negotiations with the banks once fraudulent foreclosures came to light last year"!  It does not say started "investigations"  but negotiations!

So last year, when we all heard how the Attorney General of each state jumped on-board of what we thought were lawful investigations into the mortgage foreclosure fraud of the banks, what they have really been doing the last year is working on how to give the banks carte blanc lawlessness and fraud.

I guess they could not figure out how to make it legal since it is so illegal, so now they are throwing contract law out the window and just saying "Here do what you will to the banks - we sanctify all fraud on your part".

This is a moment when there is a full understanding that We the People have no rights and in any way shape or form even in legal matters if it is against a bank or corporation.

Portions from article:

But state prosecutors and federal officials are pressing to complete a proposed settlement with the five companies even though they've initiated only a limited investigation that hasn't examined the full extent of the alleged wrongdoing, The Huffington Post reported last month. Elizabeth Warren, who until recently was a senior adviser to President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, told a congressional panel last month that government agencies may not have sufficiently investigated claims that borrowers' homes were illegally seized.

Sources said attorneys general like Schneiderman, along with the top legal officers from Massachusetts, Delaware and Nevada, among others, were complicating that goal by questioning the plan to scuttle the state and federal investigations in exchange for a settlement.

These attorneys general have said they're reluctant to sign on to an agreement that effectively kills their ongoing investigations or prevents new ones from being launched. Beau Biden, Delaware's top law enforcer, remains on the states' executive committee.

In a statement of support for Schneiderman, Biden said that the "events leading up to the mortgage crisis must be fully investigated, including origination and securitization practices, before any broad immunity is granted."

"The American people deserve an investigation," he added.

"Effective immediately, the New York Attorney General’s Office has been removed from the Executive Committee of the Robosigning multistate."

This month, Schneiderman accused Bank of New York Mellon, the 11th-largest U.S. bank by assets, of "repeated fraud and illegality" when it came to its actions as a trustee for various mortgage securities, and he accused Bank of America of fabricating missing documents when foreclosing on some homeowners who defaulted on their mortgages.

"Since that time, New York has actively worked to undermine the very same multistate group that it had spent the previous nine months working very closely with," Miller continued. "While we certainly respect the right of any state to choose to no longer participate in a multistate and to pursue another path, working to actively undermine a multistate while still a member of the Executive Committee simply doesn’t make sense, is unprecedented and is unacceptable. Accordingly, today I informed New York that it is no longer a member of the Executive Committee."

Schneiderman's removal will likely make it easier for state and federal officials to reach an accord with the five banks. However, the potential amount of money they'll be able to extract will likely decrease.

The banks targeted by state prosecutors and federal officials would rather settle claims that they improperly bundled home loans into securities than allow those probes to continue. In exchange, they'd shell out more cash to help homeowners and help the Obama administration avert foreclosures.

So there you have it, when one Attorney General actually wants to investigate fraud, he is kicked out.  That means for the rest of us outside of New York State, our Attorney General have each sold themselves off to the banks and are willing to throw out laws for the banks and not rule by the law for the people.

We all have been sold out, not just by Washington D.C. but also by our own state top law official.  Will I bother calling mine?  No.... the voices of the people are drowned and are dead to those who are elected and in office, we are not a country that is "For the people and by the people" anymore.  We are a country "For the fraud of banks and by the fraud of banks".  

Don't worry, when this is sold to the public by the media and government, it will be spun that the Attorneys General of 49 states did something great for the people in how they put out the "settlement" with the banks.  What they won't tell you, is they wiped out all laws and what ever contracts were signed and you were having to uphold the banks do not have to uphold, because they were fraud by the banks.  

The people in New York State are lucky they have a top law official in Eric Schneiderman, who actually is willing to stand up for the law.  
I guess instead of flying my flag upside down to show a country in distress, I should just bury it and give it a funeral, as the country has died from being lawful "For the people and by the people".  It is a very sad day when a country is dead in every way of which it was originally founded and the people are dead and have no meaning to those who are suppose to be the leaders of the land. 

1 comment:

  1. Where is this story on any of the news networks? It is time the common people stand up to these crimes. It is time for the people to be outraged of the rape of the constitution and the rule of law. These crimes committed by corporations and banks against the people are happening because there is no voice of the people, the people have become sheep.
