
Monday, August 15, 2011

My journey of discovery: Corruption - Disinfo - Fear Mongering of 2012. What 2012 is NOT and what the REAL meanings of Apocalypse and Revelations are. We should all aim to be "Illuminati"!

We are all on our own journeys in this lifetime.

I am still writing about Truth in this article as I try and write about Truth in all I post about.  I feel the time has come for me to write this under my "Questioning All" blog, though it is a personal account of my growing in understanding of Universal Laws.   I am not claiming to know all the answers, I am still on a journey, but I am writing about my journey and understanding up until this point.

I am someone for some reason (maybe it is because I am a Libra - Justice and scales) that I absolutely want truth and try to uncover it in anyway possible.

Let me start this by saying when I first became what I term "awake and aware" in 2008, I freaked out.  I began finding out about the most Doom and Gloom subjects, from FEMA camps, Chemtrails, underground bunkers, FEMA coffins, hidden Alien information, I had researched 911 in 2004 so I already knew how that was an inside job, and the list goes on.

Yep, I totally became a doom and gloom person and started thinking of all the things I needed to prep for to survive the coming times.

It is funny how evolution takes place.  First for a couple of years I only read doom and gloom stuff and followed the webbot, which is about as much doom porn anyone can get.  But something funny took place upon this path of doom for me..... revelations of much more truth than doom and gloom.  The revelations in fact are the brightest and most brilliant of light path of deeper understanding.  That understanding encompasses all the doom and gloom out there.  The understanding puts in context and peace why all the doom and gloom is being thrown about and why things have been happening as they have over the last few years.

Why has all the economic problems come to a head over the last few years?  Why is the media more and more about distraction?  Why so many doom and gloom (from aliens attacking to asteroids) movies out there?  Why do those who try and control try to keep people in constant fear?

Well, I am opening up to my ongoing journey of the search for the truth.  The truth of who we are, the truth of why we are here and the truth of what those who try and control as I know it as my own truth in understanding through research.

After living in fear for so many years, expecting any day for the world to end due to believing in the webbot - which constantly projected the worse events happening at any moment and there was always a date to look out for, a revelation of truth came to me last year, thanks to Clif High himself.  I wrote about it all here.
I am not trying to continue beating a dead horse here, but it is relevant to my journey of understanding.  Once the full understanding of being kept in fear on purpose, someone who I will say is a "Sage" began sending me wonderful information of deeper truths of Love and Light!

I began to understand through focus and intent we create everything.  I also began to understand those who are awake and aware create much more energy than those who are asleep, though there are more asleep than awake still.

Energy is everything.  Energy is the key to all that happens, energy is our freedom.  I am not talking about energy that powers a light bulb in wires, I am talking about our individual energy.  We are the power of all.

I have another blog (which I don't update often) but it is Positive Personal Energy and Vibrations.  I started it as I began my path.  There are some really great links in it for those who are trying to understand spiritual principles as I am.

In the early 90's I began reading many metaphysical books and studied Edgar Cayce's information, besides being fixated on Nostradamus and hearing about 2012 doom.    After spending a few years reading all kinds of "new age" books, I dropped it all for many many years.

I began a small awakening in 2004 when I researched 911 and found not everything the government says is true, up until that moment I believed in all the government would say, along with the media.  I had researched 911 due to curiosity of finding out "why" others questioned the official story of 911.  I did not expect to question it myself, it was just to see why others did.  Well, after weeks and weeks of research, I understood we had been lied to in every way.  I also began to feel the chains that were being wrapped around us by the government all in the name of keeping us safe.  I also began to recognize the media towed the line of the government and would constantly put things out to keep us in fear of "terror" threats.

Early 2008, I had gone to Thailand for medical reasons.  A local media story about it is here.   
During that time the primaries were happening and I was still very involved in politics and believed our politicians.  Yes I knew the truth about 911, but I felt it was Bush and his cronies that had committed it, not the politicians as a whole.  I was over there for over a month and it was at 5am for two hours only, they would have U.S. news - (CNN -Wolf Blitzer, then Anderson Cooper on the T.V.) - so I was always up just to watch what was going on and hear the latest.  BUT during the other times, the news was international.  The Miramar typhoon happened and the China quake happened while I was in Thailand.  The news would be about all that was going on in those two places besides the rest of the world.  When CNN came on, they would have a few blurbs about those 2 events, but the rest was about Clinton and Obama battling it out in the primaries.  It hit me..... "Wow - the U.S. is so self absorbed that the suffering of those two nations and events of the world are never looked at in-depth and the U.S. news does not really carry stories about the rest of the world". 

I am relating this, because they were important steps into my becoming aware of how the media controls our thoughts and focus.  The Democratic primaries were a good "show" and great distraction for all.   So during my time there, is when the realization came to me, the media in the U.S. keeps people's focus only on the U.S., yet there is news that happens all over the world, we never hear about.  I then became determined, once I got back to the U.S., to always find news from around the world and know what is going on everywhere. 

The whole 2008 Wall Street financial failures began coming to light - Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers went down after I got back into the U.S..   Realizations how the government and media hid the truth began being revealed to me, from Jim Cramer pushing the Bear Sterns stock at 64 two days before they went under saying "it was a good buy for everyone and they should get their money into it", which he out right lied for the benefit of Wall Street and not the normal guy on the street investor.  I was shocked over how much lying was going on for the benefit of a few compared to the benefit of all.  It was at that point I began to delve into "doom and gloom".  I had never looked at a forum up until 2008, but I began finding some through my searches of trying to uncover truth.  The first forum I found was ATS and I joined it.  I also found the "webbot" at that time.   I jumped head first into the forum and webbot.  I read all kinds of doom and gloom stuff and created lots of doom and gloom topics too, due to the webbot information.  I was completely immersed into it, I fully admit.

I was experiencing a full "everything is going to end any moment" emotions and thoughts.  I was freaked out, over many of the things I read about and that is when 2012 came full into my focus.

So, now that I lived a few months in total fear and worried constantly and Hollywood was putting out all kinds of 2012 doom, and the webbot had everyone on Earth dying and suffering,  I bought it all hook line and sinker.

Please understand I am relating all of this (for those who are still reading it) so it may help others who may be at that point of doom and gloom right now, due to just waking up that we have been lied to all of our lives about the history of the world, the bible and all the current events happening.

I believe through those times of believing the worst of things were going to happen is what made me look to what is real or not real.  It is/was through my searches of always wanting the truth of the matter.  I believed the doom and gloom to be truth at that time, but yet again I was not awake and aware enough to know, we were/are being lied to once more.

I have one definite understanding, those who try and control- TWTAC (others call them TPTB - but I do not - because saying they have "power" then gives them power - they do NOT have power) feed off the energy of fear and worry.  At this point of our evolution, they have to keep people in the fear and worry to keep control, due to the real energies trying to lift us up. 

The facts seem to be, Yes the Mayan Calendar is real, BUT the "end" is not Dec. 21st 2012 - it is actually Oct. 28th 2011!  I know that sounds shocking to some, but understand those who try and control, put the date out over a year so people would not know what was coming.

Before I begin about what this 9th wave/year of the Mayan Calendar is, I would like to insert a word TWTAC have corrupted and fear mongered with and have used the Churches to help is "Apocalypse".
Do you know what the REAL meaning of that word is that the book of Revelations uses?

Apocalypse is a from Greek word meaning "revealed" or "uncovered". The Latin equivalent is Revelatio meaning something uncovered or unveiled. Thus the last book of the New Testament is either the Apocalypse or Revelation both meaning the same thing derived from different languages.

here - you will find the normal "fear mongering" definition of a world wide calamity as they say is mentioned in the bible.

Don't you find that interesting that the real meaning of Apocalypse is "unveiling - revealed"?  It is not really about destruction of the Earth or world, it is about truth being revealed.  

Now lets look at "Revelation" - as the last book of the bible is called.  Most consider it the "doom and gloom" of the bible and the description of the "end times".  But what does "Revelation" really mean?

revelation [ˌrɛvəˈleɪʃən]
1. the act or process of disclosing something previously secret or obscure, esp something true
2. a fact disclosed or revealed, esp in a dramatic or surprising way
3. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) (Christian Religious Writings / Bible) Christianity
a.  God's disclosure of his own nature and his purpose for mankind, esp through the words of human intermediaries
b.  something in which such a divine disclosure is contained, such as the Bible

So we have the fact that an Apocalypse will happen in Revelations.   Put those two meanings together.   Revelations is actually saying "at the end times - truth of Who we are will be revealed".  Those horsemen that are riding, they are part of uncovering the truth not death of mankind.  It is the death of blinders, of lies, as the horsemen are riding, each one reveals an apocalypse "unveiling truth" at a time. 

Understand, those who some call "the Illuminati" and Freemasons, they have known the truth, over the centuries and they have used those in the churches, media etc to keep that truth from us.  Their biggest fear is that humans would learn the truth of themselves and what really is.  They also need control of us, so they use the churches to help keep that control, so people always look outside themselves for help and understanding. 
Yes, I believe churches are a major control area to keep people in the dark and to make them believe it is outside ourselves which miracles and creation happens.  Do some searches on how the Church took out references and all information about our abilities and reincarnation.  This is fact and not a conspiracy theory.  Churches control the masses in what to think and many have people in complete fear about the "end of the world".   Look at the inquisitions and the killing the churches committed against those who had psychic powers and used them.  The churches make people believe having any psychic powers is evil and satanic.  That is a way to keep people from getting in touch with their true abilities.  Understand, how they stop people from being who they really are.  Once this full realization hits the church controls of "it being evil to be psychic in anyway"  and you release that control, you can then open up to who you are.

Think about the word "Illuminati"- the meaning of it is:
People who are religiously and spiritually enlightened.  

Now, isn't it funny, we have been conditioned to think the "Illuminati" is a bad thing!  When the reality is, we should all aim for "Illumination"  and to become a part of the "Illuminati"!  That means we would have the understanding of the universe and the truths of ourselves and our own powers!  But by making people believe it is a bad thing - they have kept people in the dark.  

Also the Freemasons are considered part of the "illuminati".  The top at the 33 degrees are the "illuminated" ones.    They know the secrets of who we are and they understand the power of who we are and it is kept hidden from the majority of us.  Yes, Washington D.C. is a complete Freemason designed city, with their Freemason temple at the top of the pyramid.  Besides D.C. having more astrological points and designs than any other place in the world built into it.  There is no doubt that D.C. is the most "Illuminati" design there is.  There are many sites on the web that gives very detailed information about it.  I had posted a 4 hour video a couple of weeks ago on this blog - "Secrets in Plain Sight".   The video has information about how cities and buildings are aligned around the world with the pyramids and Stone hedge.  It is a fascinating video of the architecture of the most famous buildings around the world displaying "secrets" in plain sight for those who recognize them.

I am not saying I believe those at the top of the Freemasons are all good people, in fact I believe they are the top "Illuminati"  that have kept people in the dark and they have committed very evil acts, I am stating they know the truth of who we are.  But knowing the truth does not make you a "good person" and only spiritually inclined.  There is enough evidence of the opposite happening on exact "sacrifice days" of those who still live by blood sacrifice.  All you have to do, is look at all the events of April 19th to the 22nd in history, to understand how blood sacrifice is committed, besides other important dates of "power" to those who are "illuminated" in knowing the power we each have.

Examples are:  
Deep Water Horizon - Gulf of Mexico April 20 2010
Columbine shootings - April 20th 1999
Waco - April 19th 1993
Oklahoma City Bombing - April 19th 1995
Those are just a few of the blood sacrifices that happened during the dates.  Yep, there are conspiracy theories with each one - including looking at the numbers killed etc.  But, this is not about that, I did want to say/show that I don't believe all who are "illuminated" are of good intent.

We are shown everyday real truths, but we don't recognize them, but universal law requires people be shown the truth, it is then up to the people to understand that truth.  So TWTAC, show us truth, but most of us don't comprehend the truth.  Just as 911, there were many things that revealed to the world what was going to happen, there are multiple examples that 911 was revealed to us before that faithful day, we did not recognize the truth when we saw it.  But those who committed 911 had to stay within the Universal Laws and tell the world beforehand what a future day held.  There are many examples of it I am not linking but if you are interested, simply do a few searches. 

TWTAC have hidden what the real truth of this day and time is, of which I believe every one of us made the decision to be here at this point and time, due to amazing transformations and events are ahead of us.  It is actually something to look forward to, in my belief!  It is where truths of who we are will be revealed for all to see and understand!

Regarding the Mayan Calendar and it having an "end of the world" date.  Yes there is the date and as I mentioned it is Oct 28th 2011, not the date TWTAC have put out of Dec. 21st 2012.  BUT if you look at the Mayan Pyramid - the second picture below, you will see we entered the 9th and final wave/year on March 9th 2011.  Look at what all the Mayan waves have been, since the beginning of time, it is about our evolution, not death.  It is about our life and living not destruction.  There are some really great videos about the REAL meaning of the Mayan Calendar and the 9th wave being about "Unity of Consciousness" and our becoming One and our understanding and truth of ourselves and who we are!  It is a GREAT thing and something very much to look forward to, not to fear!

Fear should not be felt in any way shape or form at all regarding the Mayan Calendar and "end date".

Mayan Pyramid, showing the waves/years of the Universe since the beginning of time. 

You may notice we are in the 5th day right now, until the 17th of August, in which we will go into the 5th night.  

Please go to the link and explore all the other links on the left side, there is so much more in-depth information, including how the days are about the creation of new things and the nights are either using them in a good basis or bad basis.  

This time period is not about doom and gloom, it is actually about understanding of Love and Light and the revealing who we are.  

I have used the phrase "who we are" many times, without giving my own understanding and explanation of what I believe "who we are".  

"Who we are" - My truth as I have come to know it from my own research and studies, is we are all ONE, we all come from the same One - God.  We are all part of the one, individualized.  Though we are all our own soul we are all collective in our abilities.  Being from the One God and being individualized, we still have the abilities of God!  We are the creators of everything in our lives.  Every single situation, event, good things and bad things are of our own making.  We are responsible through our focus, consciousness and  intent of all that happens during this life time.  We can not blame others for any single negative thing of our lives, no matter what it is.  It is through our own creation of thoughts that create and forms our lives.  We are souls and we are here right now in bodies.  We are using these bodies to experience life and to grow in understanding.  

We are able to change our lives right here and now, if we do not like the way our life is going.  It is through our intent and focus we can make things happen!  We do have the power to create absolute Love, Prosperity, Happiness, Joy, Peace and Harmony at this moment and all future moments!  It is through the power which we have that is within ourselves, not outside of ourselves that can/will make this happen.

As many may know, things are told to us through "fiction" writings and movies.  Truths are revealed at times.

A couple of months ago, I really began the journey in earnest to understand how we are able to create all that happens in our lives, as I believe that step came to me, because I was ready to start understanding it.  

One thing after another led me to this step.  First there is a completely awesome video - called the "Quantum K"  , in my opinion it has really helped me tremendously and I am not someone who normally listens or reads things that affect the subconscious, due to not trusting what it is really doing to my subconscious.   I can't express to you, how much I love the Quantum K and how much I believe it has helped me!  Then I picked up the book by Richard Bach once more titled "Illusions".  I had read that book about 20 years ago, but it did not affect me, like this time. The book is about our being our own creators and we are able to do the miracles as Jesus did.  Please remember in the Bible - Jesus does say " You can move the mountain if you had the faith as small as a mustard seed".  So, we were told, we could do the same as Jesus, it was only our own faith in ourselves and our abilities to "move the mountain".  

I have been working on the "creating" aspect, when someone mentioned to me, in a forum they participate in, someone had posted about an affirmation (but not something to be said over and over again) but something to say at the beginning of the week......  "This week I WILL experience a miracle having to do with money".  Then when you find change or any amount of money comes to you... then you need to  "Thank the universe/God" and be grateful for that money coming to you.  Then you say "This week I WILL experience another miracle having to do with money".  

I can tell you, this has worked for me and others have expressed it has worked for them, with money coming to them in many ways and savings on items.  I have also said the affirmation, with just using the words "multiple miracles" and not just relating it to money.  

Above shows you, intent, focus and thankfulness can bring all you need, want, desire and deserve in this life time.  

After the above steps, a book came to my attention through watching the "Secrets in Plain Sight" video, linked above.  The book is "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown.  Yes, the same Dan Brown that wrote the Davinci Code.  I was amazed to find out the book is about the secret being kept from mankind of how we are actually the creators and how our focus becomes reality!  It is about the symbolism of Washington D.C. and Freemasons.  The day I started reading it, my sister called me and said, she had just seen a video about "The Lost Symbol" book and how it had all kinds of information in it. I laughed and told her "Funny, I just picked it up from the library and was just starting to read it that day".   Her mentioning the book reconfirmed that my path of understanding "who we are" definitely included reading the book.  
You may think that is silly, since "The Lost Symbol" is a book of fiction.  Remember fiction has lots of truth in it and I believe The Lost Symbol has all truth in it, in regards to understanding we are our own creators.  

When one thing after another comes to me about one subject I have started on in understanding, I then feel it is the correct path and it is about truth of which I need to comprehend.

My Truth summed up as I know for myself and all is: 

We are all God - individualized with the ability of the One God!  We are all one with each other.  We need to forgive all others in our lives, no matter what they did and we need to forgive ourselves for all things we have done that has hurt others, ourselves, etc.  We need to focus on our own Power through Love and Light.  We need to open to the wonderful energies that have been coming our way of apocalypse (revealing of truth)  with revelations so we can/will become the One in Unity and Consciousness of which we were/are meant to be!  We can create a pot of gold in front of us right now, through our own powers, but those powers have been hidden from us, due to TWTAC wanting to keep people in the dark.    Churches are a control arm to help people not know themselves or their own power.    

I will never force my truth upon anyone else, as we are all on our own paths of understanding.  I do ask for people to open up to the powerful energies from the various comets, sun flares and space energy that is coming our way for awakenings!  Awakenings to truth.

Many reading this, may be turned off by what I have written and that is okay.  I did not write this for validation or for others to just accept what I have revealed as my own steps of growth and understanding.  We are all at various positions on our own paths of enlightenment, which we eventually lead us to the same place.  I would like to say again... Please don't listen to the fear mongering going on about 2012 - it is something to look forward to and embrace.  There does seem to be tragedies happening, but I believe those are happening due to our own focus and thoughts leading up to them and giving our power away to those outside ourselves.  Though those tragedies seem to be making people come together in consciousness of prayer and sending Love to those affected (Japan, flooding midwest, Joplin Missouri, etc.).  

Also understand those who know the truths at this time and some who are "illuminated" are working very hard to keep people's emotions, thoughts, focus and consciousness in fear, instead of in Love with the purpose of people not connecting to the beautiful and loving energies coming our way at this time.
There are thousands of links and information out there for people to read and look at to research in their own search for truth.  We find what we need at the time that we need it, so I am not going to link all the ones that have helped me in understanding, I do have a few on the other blog - Personal energy and Vibrations that may help. 

Love to all and I would like to say "This week a miracle WILL happen involving us all in truth of understanding who we are"! 

Great video someone posted on a message board, I am adding it here:

Love is Energy


  1. please post in larger typefaces

  2. Jesus Christ said He was the truth, the way and the life. He claimed to be God. He claimed to be the only acceptable sacrifice for sin. He died and rose again. I'll believe Him instead of you on this matter.

    I am not God. Neither are you.

    I will trust in Jesus Christ as I need to be forgiven.

  3. As I said this is my truth through my studies. I posted what I felt I had to at this time.

    Remember Jesus said "you can/will do the same as I". Faith is everything, Faith in ourselves, God and all. Love of ourselves and all others is the key to all.

    I look forward to the apocalpse (unveiling of truth) that is coming, just as revelations said it will.

    My point is - don't fear anything, and definitely don't fear the "apocalpse" that will be soon, though others try and flame fear, worry, anxiety, just feel Love for Ourselves, Each other and the Earth.

    These are my truths and by my posting this, hopefully it will help others work through the fear that is being fired up. I don't and never will expect others to just accept my own truth - people have to search themselves for what their truth is.

  4. Sherrie, forget about the religious context. religion is most often oblivious to reality (or truth). From my experience with aliens, angels and a culture from a parallell universe, you're on the track. We all have the divine spark within us, we're literally part of God. In a sense we all is what is God or The Source as I prefer to name it. A long time ago I asked some of them - why Life? The answer was - to experience! The also showed me we have but one life but this life is eternal! The body is only a temporary abode for your spirit or whatever you like to call YOU. The Source allows and wants us to expand and return home...

  5. Yes Sherrie, love IS what it is all about. Love and sin. We sin against our Creator, yet He loved us enough to lay down His life for us.

    For god so loved the world... John 3:16

    God created angels too of course. One is currently allowed to be in charge in this world / dimension. His plan of global government, religion and money is coming to pass more quickly than ever before.

    One can read all about it in the Book of Revelation (no 's').

    I do love the truth Sherrie. You often reveal some. You expose evil too. May your Creator bless you! May He also open your eyes to His free gift of forgiveness through Christ. ONLY He claimed to pay for our sin. Amazing love!

  6. ty for sharing so much ... I found this on another forum but wanted to come leave some gratitude in your comments section ... I too believe that 'they' are bound by Universal law and have indeed been revealing truth ... whilst doing their best to make the info useless to us ... professional trolls 'n gurus in spiritual chat rooms have done well to obscure truth and in some cases are now going back in time, so-ta-speak, via web sites, adjusting the writings of others from the past to fit their current hoped for outcomes ... I do find nearly 100%, that the following quote you cite is ignored, walked right past by folks who otherwise consider the Bible undeniable truth, "... Jesus said "you can/will do the same as I".

  7. Sherrie- We seem to wander parallel paths often. Have you delved into the possibility that we are pure energy FIRST, and the daily miracle we perform is to manifest our physical being again?

    There is a slippery slope that this awareness leads to, and you are teetering... Yes, we are creators, and we have to choose - will we create stuff to please our physical body, or create energy to feed our own and the collective soul? LOVE is the way we create energy, and it is the antidote to the fear-poison they feed us. They twist love into fear, but we can twist it right back!

  8. Sherrie,

    I enjoy your site. The Mayan stuff is interesting, but it mixes apples and oranges. The 2012 date is based on a stelae found at Coba. The big pyramid at Coba has 13 levels instead of nine, such as the one at Chichen Itza. Some of the Mayan conspirists have not done their homework in fabricating all the 2012 stuff. They are taking elements from one site and combining it with elements from other sites.

  9. I agree that Jesus Christ is everything He claimed to be. Years ago I got into the New Agey (really nothing new about it) feel-good, love and light, "we are Gods in the making" theosophies. Ya right. As William Cooper said to Shirley MacLaine, "Let's see you make a blind man see."

    Yes, terrible things are happening everywhere, but I stay focused on Jesus' promise to return. Make sure you partake of His incredible love and forgiveness for us.
