
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Metal shorts get Wiped out and Lost everything! Manipulation of metals over?

This is one of those bits of information that just makes you want to cry for the big Wall Street banks....... As I am bending over and laughing!

Seems the Big Shorts of metals have gotten wiped out and some have lost everything, according to a London trader on King World News.

Can we just feel so sorry for them?   hhmmmmm.............

They have manipulated the markets for decades and have made billions doing so.  I sincerely hope they have been wiped out. 

The question is....  Is the manipulation of metals over with? We do know for the past 3 days they have not had control of gold.  They have still controlled Silver, but hopefully the demand will cause that to stop soon.  Hopefully they will be wiped out even bigger and harder with Silver, than they have been the last few days with Gold.

Small portion From Article:

“Well what’s happened with the shorts that were in there is they were absolutely crushed on that overnight rise on Monday.  There were some margin calls on some serious players.  There were some anguished faces on Monday. 

These guys in London woke up with their asses handed to them and I don’t think some of these guys will ever be short again, if they are still in business. 

I mean literally lost everything.

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