
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Arte Gundersen Video Update on Fukushima - Japan is deliberately putting radiation into the air, that had settled down. Charts showing radiation throughout Tokyo

 Arte Gundersen Update  from August 21 2011

He mentions Japan is deliberately around 8:50 mark, putting back into the air the radiation that had settled down on the ground.   Japan is handling the situation all wrong and making it worse.

New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, as Contamination Spreads in Japan and Worldwide from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

How is it, they would not know they are disturbing all the radiation on the ground and now redistributing it?! They have to have monitors, they have to know what they are doing! WHY? Why are they purposely making things worse and getting the radiation to go places it had not already?

Alexander Higgins has information and charts showing how Tokyo is radioactive everywhere around it. It has very good information and I would advice everyone to look at the information. Of course MSM is not touching this. It is up to all of us bloggers and alternative news sites to get the information out. What is happening is a killing of the Japanese people by their government. It is going to be a horrible and for some a slow and painful death, directly attributed to TEPCO and the Japanese government. But all governments and the NRC are also to blame as they are accomplices in covering what is happening up and keeping it quiet. The propaganda press is not touching it, due to the governments control of the media.

1 comment:


    I haven't had time to go thru it all but some great(scary) info in this link.
