WOWSA WOWSA WOWSA - They are now going after each other. Wall Street fraudsters are suing other Wall Street fraudsters over the FRAUD of mortgages! Dog eat dog scenario.
AIG is an insurer who insures mortgages for big Wall street firms. They are the same ones the government had to bail out in 2008/2009, due to all their losses in mortgages.
Well it seems everyone is coming right out and suing over the FRAUD of mortgages.
Zerohedge has an article about Bank of America going down in stock price and they have the information about AIG filing suit against BOA and Merril Lynch last night.
Update - Bloomberg also has an article about Bank of America and their 20% drop in stock today, they mention the AIG suit against BOA.
This is awesome and I can just imagine this will help open the door to every investor in the world who put money in MERS mortgages, since they are all fraud.
AIG probably filed this fast, due to the settlement BOA has been pushing with the government, which would sanctify their fraud and block any lawsuits or litigation against their mortgage fraud.
Please remember every single Wall Street bank is in the same boat as BOA, it is just they get all the attention and suits, since they have the most mortgages outstanding in the United States.
Every single Wall Street bank should have a suit filed against them, including Warren Buffet's Wells Fargo Bank. They are all part of the fraud and commit fraud every time they foreclose on anyone or even write a mortgage.
Go to the Zerohedge link to see the papers filed by AIG against BOA and Merril Lynch.
A comment about all the outrage over S&P's downgrade of the U.S. The U.S. credit rating has been fraud for years and should have already been downgraded due to the debt and all the printing by Bernanke. Which more printing is expected to be announced tomorrow by Bernanke in the start of QE3. That will provide all the fake prop up of the stock markets and help JP Morgan continue all their manipulations of metals.
One other thing, where is the outrage to the credit ratings for all their fraud they committed for Wall Street in rating AAA mortgage bonds, when they knew they were junk? Why should anyone even listen to a credit rating? Why can't people look and read and study what is going on and see for themselves? All ratings are based on fraud and it is all just a game and cover up.
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