
Monday, July 25, 2011

Social Security is NOT An Entitlement from the Government - Contrary to the Propaganda MSM and the Government are Spewing right now! Here are the FACTS about Social Security!

Update 7/30/11 - Washington Journal Interview - Peter Coy of Bloomberg Business Week caught and set straight when trying to say Social Security is an entitlement and underfunded.

I keep reading and hearing all the propaganda even on alternative news sites about the Debt Ceiling and Social Security being affected if the debt ceiling is not raised!

Well let me give you an education!


No matter how much MSM and the Government have twisted it over the years for people to think it is an entitlement it is NOT!

BTW - from Social Security's website itself - shows  it has made 2+ TRILLION Dollars in excess than what it has ever paid out!

Every single person in the U.S. who works and gets a pay check are paying into Social Security.  Then on top of that all the money you paid into Social Security over the year you still have to pay full taxes on, even though the government took it for your "own good".  

Social Security was started in the 1935 by Roosevelt (yeah the same one of the Bretton Woods agreement and let the banks run wild and confiscated all the gold).   I am sure it was simply another way to get people's money out of their pockets and sold as a retirement nest egg that the government was going to keep safe for them.

Social Security is NOT a paid out benefit that comes from the government and has to be budgeted in!  It is it's own program that people are required by law to pay into.  It is NOT I repeat NOT an entitlement from the Government!

Understand how the Propaganda is working right now in the government and media.  Obama has threatened that Social Security checks won't go out on Aug 3rd if the debt ceiling is not raised!
Well let me tell you.... he has no right to threaten that!  Social Security is not at all hinged into the debt, except for the fact that other government entities have raided Social Securities money and has not paid it back!  We the people have had our money raided in every single way even our retirement money which we have been forced to pay has been taken by the government and spent on war and given to the banks.

Here are Facts about Social Security from U.S. government sites!  These are not "alternative news/blogs" this is the U.S. government saying exactly where Social Security money comes from. 

Here are some links with Facts

Participating in the Social Security program

Updated 06/01/2011 05:31 PM   |   ID# 200 
Am I required to participate in the Social Security program?
Participation in the Social Security program is mandatory with respect to the payment of Social Security taxes. Unless specifically exempt by law, everyone working in the United States is required to pay Social Security taxes on earnings from employment. These earnings are subject to Social Security tax without regard to the citizenship or place of residence of either the employer or the employee.
The authority for the collection of taxes, including Social Security taxes, is found in the Internal Revenue Code, not the Social Security Act. (See sections 3101(a) and 3102(a) of the Code.) We suggest that you direct any questions you may have about tax liability to the Internal Revenue Service for consideration. The address is:
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20224.

Can I opt out of paying Social Security taxes or withdraw taxes I paid for Social Security coverage?

Social Security coverage is mandatory.
The law also does not permit a refund of Social Security taxes. The authority for the collection of taxes, including Social Security taxes, is published in the Internal Revenue Code, not the Social Security Act. (See sections 3101(a) and 3102(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.)  Please direct any questions you may have about tax liability to the Internal Revenue Service at the address below:

Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20224.

Do I have to pay income taxes on the benefits I receive?

You will have to pay federal taxes on your Social Security benefits if you file a federal tax return as an individual and your total income is more than $25,000.  If you file a joint return, you will have to pay taxes if you and your spouse have a total income of more than $32,000.
Use the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Notice 703 shown on the back of the Social Security Benefit Statement, SSA Form 1099, to determine if any of your benefits may be taxable.
Social Security has no authority to withhold state or local taxes from your benefit.  Many states and local authorities do not tax Social Security benefits.  However, you should contact your state or local taxing authority for more information.

Q24:  How much has Social Security paid out since it started?
A:  From 1937 (when the first payments were made) through 2009 the Social Security program has expended $11.3 trillion.

(See detailed tables of annual Social Security payments 1937-2008.) (See also detail for Q26)

Q25:  How much has Social Security taken in taxes and other income since it started?
A:  From 1937 (when taxes were first collected) through 2009 the Social Security program has received $13.8 trillion in income.
pay out table!

 (Only non-government site linked in regards to information)

Where Does the Money Come From?
As of June 2005, 6.2 percent of a worker's wages are diverted into the Social Security trust funds (one for retirement benefits and one for disability). Employers put in an additional 6.2 percent, resulting in a total payroll tax of 12.4 percent. Self-employed workers pay all 12.4 percent themselves. Income greater than $90,000 is not subject to Social Security taxation -- this is known as the "maximum amount."
 it means that you are paying a certain percentage of your salary into the Social Security system -- and the idea is that you will get this money back once you retire so you have some extra money to live on once you stop receiving your paycheck.

So - Understand and stop thinking the Government is "giving away money in an entitlement" to the people!  WE the People are the ones who have paid the money to Social Security!

OH, you want to know the funniest part of Social Security???

When FDR enacted Social Security, he put the retirement age and ability to get Social Security benefits at 65.  Well guess what............... at that time in the 1930s, the expected life span of people was under 65!
So, who was he enacting Social Security benefits being taken out of your pay for retirement, in reality (banks?)?  Just makes you laugh once you learn that history is not all it has been made out to be.

Here is that information from the government themselves:
If we look at life expectancy statistics from the 1930s we might come to the conclusion that the Social Security program was designed in such a way that people would work for many years paying in taxes, but would not live long enough to collect benefits. Life expectancy at birth in 1930 was indeed only 58 for men and 62 for women, and the retirement age was 65.

 Stop thinking it is a Give Away from the Government!  It is NOT - it is in fact a program that lets the government get more of the people's money!  

UPDATE 10pm est 7/25/11 - Huffington post a alternative news site is touting that Social Security is an Entitlement to the people of the U.S.!!!  Man that Tees me off!  The article is saying Reid's plan will leave all entitlements in place, including Social Security!  What a Crock - that is how twisted the government and the media has made social security, as if it is an entitlement to the people!  They forget to say - that it is a TAX that everyone has to pay and it is our own money we start getting back at age 65!  

Update 7/26/11 - Video I did about Social Security not being an entitlement


  1. Thank you for your article on this important matter.
    If congresscritters eliminate SS payments, we need to garner the Largest! class-action suit Ever! All of us who have paid into SS for decades will be the plaintiffs, with the goobermint the lone defendant. We want our money back! We will sue them for breach of contract - we have paid megabucks for services that these critters now say they won't deliver. That is known as FRAUD - so not only is this a civil matter (class-action suit), but criminal as well - whatever congresscritters vote to do away with SS will have criminal Fraud charges brought against them.
    And note - please call the media by it's proper name - it is Not the MSM/main-stream (main-stream is the Internet); it is corporate media plain & simple.

    1. Remember this government will piss down your back and tell you it's raining.

  2. Sorry to burst your bubble. There is and never was a trust fund. Congress created this act to siphon off more tax dollars under the guise to provide old age benefits in the future. Look at a supreme court decision from 1937 regarding social security.

    Helvering v. Davis

    No. 910


    301 U.S. 619

    The income tax on employees is to be collected by the employer, who is to deduct the amount from the wages "as and when paid." ' 80a(a). He is indemnified against claims and demands of any person by reason of such payment. Ibid. The proceeds of both taxes are to be paid into the Treasury like internal revenue taxes generally, and ARE NOT EARMARKED IN ANY WAY. ' 807(a). There are penalties for nonpayment. ' 807(c).

    Title II has the caption "Federal Old-Age Benefits." The benefits are of two types, first, monthly pensions, and second, lump sum payments, the payments of the second class being relatively few and unimportant.

    The first section of this title creates an account in the United States Treasury to be known as the "Old-Age [p*636] Reserve Account." ' 201. No present appropriation, however, is made to that account. All that the statute does is to authorize appropriations annually thereafter, beginning with the fiscal year which ends June 30, 1937. How large they shall be is not known in advance. The "amount sufficient as an annual premium" to provide for the required payments is to be determined on a reserve basis in accordance with accepted actuarial principles, and based upon such tables of mortality as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time adopt, and upon an interest rate of 3 percentum per annum compounded annually.

    ' 201(a). Not a dollar goes into the Account by force of the challenged act alone, unaided by acts to follow.....

    Did you get that last part? If congress does not make any appropriation each year, then no one gets any social security. You can't ask for your money back either because you were defrauded. No standing the courts will say. Don't think just because they tricked you into believing in Santa there really is one. Social security is treated just like welfare payments, it is an entitlement. You don't have a right to it.

    1. I'm thinking what anonymous is saying is regardless of what we all think in essence with a flip of a switch ,so to speak we can loose our anticipated retirement money that we grew up with paying ,with the thought that we would at least have a little security in our old age . Well with my luck when I turn 62 in 11 months ,3 weeks and 2 days ,I wont be or could not be getting a dime of the approximately 126000 I and my employers have paid in to this insurance policy . In essence all of our insurance policy's can be cancelled because of an existing ailment called national debt !So now we have a tax on health insurance coverage for all Americans ,so do I get cancelled out if I have a major claim and I am not insured on my own or with an employer , Im thinking I hope I dont suffer much when the good lord calls me . :))


  4. Well it is obvious it is a fraud from the start! Almost all that FDR did I have found from research was to enslave the people of the U.S. in various ways. Funny how the history books, media etc have sold him as being a Great President! Yeah, a great President for the banks and War companies! It is obvious it was a Fraud from the get go, once you find out the average life span for everyone was under 65 years old, which he placed the retirement age at.

    I still Stand by the Fact it is NOT an Entitlement! We pay specifically to Social Security besides our regular taxes! It is something we have to pay into for our "retirement" at 65!

  5. You will have to pay federal taxes on your Social Security benefits if you file a federal tax return as an individual and your total income is more than $25,000.----FYI- I am taking early SS. I'm 62 and got my first check of $1427.00 in Jan. They told me if I make more than $14,200, I'll be taxed at 50% for every dollar over 14.2k(Feds will deduct $.50 from my SS for every dollar over). I keep under that to avoid feeding the beast any more than I have to. (CASH DEALS ASIDE)

  6. One other point of Social Security not being an entitlement!

    Entitlements are Food Stamps, housing assistance, etc. Those things which we do not specifically pay into for that one program. Social Security is our retirement government account which we are required to pay into. All the money in it is directly from the people. It is not from the debt and having to sell bonds to raise the money etc.

  7. Read these-

    Just because you want it to be an insurance program does not make it so.

  8. The knowledge you provided is a real asset we have. Thanks for these info. Keep on posting such valuable articles. I like your blog design as well.
