
Sunday, June 26, 2011

This is Sickening - When will we all say "ENOUGH - NO MORE"! We do not give up our Dignity nor Rights to the U.S. government who have become Terrorist!

This is one of those articles that makes you absolutely STAND UP and say ENOUGH - NO MORE!

We can not allow our freedoms to be taken away and we begin to be treated as sub-human and as animals!

That is Exactly what the U.S. government is now doing!  The government is using the TSA to get people conditioned to being treated as animals and degrading our dignity and freedoms!

A 95 year old woman in a wheel chair was flying who has leukemia and TSA demanded she take off her Adult diaper to be patted down in Florida!  They detained the woman and her daughter for 45 minutes!

This is worse than disgusting!  The TSA have become a Terrorist organization and completely Terrorizing the citizens of the United States to make people submit to the government!


Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.

Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

“It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”

Weber’s mother entered the airport’s security checkpoint in a wheelchair because she was not stable enough to walk through, Weber said.

Wheelchairs trigger certain protocols, including pat-downs and possible swabbing for explosives, Koshetz said.

“During any part of the process, if there is an alarm, then we have to resolve that alarm,” she said.

Weber said she did not know whether her mother had triggered an alarm during the 45 minutes they were detained.

She said security personnel then came out and told her they would need for her mother to remove her Depends diaper because it was soiled and was impeding their search.

Weber wheeled her mother into a bathroom, removed her diaper and returned. Her mother did not have another clean diaper with her, Weber said.

At what point will everyone say "NO MORE"!  Will people who have been asleep finally wake up to what is happening around them?

I will NEVER fly again due to the Terrorist who are molesting people and are degrading citizens for the enjoyment of the government and themselves!  Also how many child molesters are working for TSA?  This should be the last straw on the camels back for the people!  I would hope they realize that what is happening is not for the safety of the American public but for a Police State of the United States!  

Will people realize we have become where all movements are being controlled and watched by the government?  The government is even putting black boxes on all vehicles to track them, it is a Federal Mandate starting July 2011. 

Also - this video is Very interesting - Robert Welch in 1958 described everything that is happening today.  This is a MUST WATCH!  To understand that all those in government are working together to erode the United States in all ways!  You will then understand how all those in Washington are working together behind the scenes, though they will yell and scream about each other in front of the propaganda/controlled media.  


  1. I have a question: Why doesn't a Muslim in full Islamic clothing ever trigger "certain protocols"? I have not seen one account of a Muslim EVER being patted down or detained at any airport in the country.

  2. To Dirk:
    You're kidding, right? Here's your answer:
    For the same reason that a 95-year old woman wearing adult diapers shouldn't trigger "certain protocols." Neither are illegal and neither should require treatment that compromises a person's basic human dignity.
