
Friday, June 3, 2011

Is Indonesia sinking and no one is talking about it? Video - For 2 months now areas/streets/houses/ towns have stayed flooded

Areas in Indonesia have stayed flooded for 2 months now.  The people are now living in their flooded homes, since the water will not recede.

This begs the question if Indonesia is actually sinking. 

This link has a video of it.

Here is a short news article about it from Indonesia

Northern Japan floods every day with high tide since the Earthquake.  It has been admitted the quake sunk Japan a little.   So with all the quakes the Indonesia area has all the time, are they also sinking?

The whole Pacific plate area bares watching very carefully.  I don't expect MSM to ever mention this, so we need to keep watching and be aware of what is going on. 

1 comment:

  1. i really think tht sumthin very different then usual is goin on in the pacific tectonic ring.
    quakes are all around frm kamchatka to kuril to japan to ryuku to phillipines to P.N.G. to newzealand to fiji to west coast of south america....
