
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NO Federal Aid for Joplin or the other Tornado affected areas - Per Congress? WTF!

The U.S. is providing Billions in aid to Israel, Pakistan and every other country out there. They have even guaranteed Billions for Egypt the other day! BUT now our heartland is being ripped up with tornadoes and there is no money to help them?

Eric Cantor - Congressman from Virginia - says no Federal Aid for Tornado victims, unless cuts are made elsewhere!

Considering the Treasury just stole all the Federal Workers Pensions by confiscating them to keep the pretend of others buying our debt and throwing billions at the banks, they can't help the people when it is really needed?

For there to even be a "Condition" put on providing Federal Aid for the tornado victims is OUTRAGEOUS!  There is never a condition on throwing money at the banks and other countries, why is there one for the victims of the tornado?

The outrage of this, I feel in every cell of my body.

I will also say, there is evidence through all the past week's radars that these tornado outbreaks and the weather pattern has been Haarp. The radars every day has shown concentrated circular patterns right over the areas getting hit by tornadoes the day before they get hit. Yes, that is quite a conspiracy statement, but people have recorded the radars and it is obvious. One who has many videos up about it and has recorded the radar is here. Check it out yourself. He has been able to say the day before where tornadoes will hit due to the Haarp patterns and has been correct. He named Joplin directly the day before the tornado happened, he said a tornado was going to hit there, due to it being Haarped.

I have been monitoring Haarp for a few days now and it has continued to emit strong signals.  Haarp has been very active for days now.  So now we know where they are targeting.  This picture from last night.
My previous post about Haarp and how it was off the charts on Saturday (day before Joplin, Tornado).


Edit - Here is an example of a video - showing the Haarp rings being focused on the heartland. Where all the bad weather is happening right now.

One other conspiracy bit..... Notice the tornadoes are ripping up the food basket of the U.S. right now, just as crops should be sprouting.   There is the flooding that is ongoing around the Mississippi river, but you don't hear about that anymore from MSM.  

NOW Congress is saying NO Federal Aid for the victims of Joplin.  There are many other areas getting hit by tornadoes, will there be aid for those areas?  Will those in the heartland be abandoned by our elected officials?  Are they not considered worthy enough for Federal Aid?  Is it the banks, the elected officials will keep giving money to and other countries, instead of those who live and are citizens of the U.S. and pay the taxes and elect those in office?

I would also like to know, if a tornado goes roaring through Virginia will Eric Cantor keep the same stance and not provide his constituents with Federal aid?

Another question............................. Will People WAKE UP?!!!!??????!!!!


  1. Excellent Sherrie! Thanks for keeping on top of all of this. blessings-donna (mg from bopp's)

  2. This is criminal. If this were a crisis in Israel??? Trillions for Israel ME Wars etc

    We need to stop letting these traitors get away with this. CALL and DEMAND. dont write or email. SPEAK to someone live.

    Richmond Office | 4201 Dominion Blvd. Suite 110 | Glen Allen, VA 23060
    p: (804) 747-4073 | Toll Free: (800) 438-3793 | f: (804) 747-5308

    Culpeper Office | 763 Madison Road #207 | Culpeper, VA 22701
    p: (540) 825-8960 | f: (540) 825-8964

    DC Office | 303 Cannon House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515
    p: 202-225-2815 | f: 202-225-0011

  3. The implications of future food shortages are severe and widespread. I always try to think -- what is the ultimate goal? More concentration of power? Rationing food to the hungry? Hungry people cna be very cooperative with the parties that hold the food...
    Where are the congressmen who represent these people from MO?

  4. Our rulers are taking a page from history. Old timey sieges involved surrounding a city and waiting the occupants out by starving them. This version is much the same only they are targeting the production of food and eliminating America's role as the breadbasket of the world.

  5. I live in NW Arkansas. A week to ten days ago, a tornado dropped down 1.5 miles from my house. It only lasted for probably 30 seconds. Now here's something strange. Three days ago, I checked my mailbox, which is about 600 - 700' from my house. I noticed what appeared to be some medium-sized ants inside. Spiders are normal in mailboxes in the summer, so I ignored it. The next day, however, there were literally hundreds of them, maybe as many as 500!! And they were all huddled in the far rear of the metal box. I banged on the side to see if I could get them to flee, but only a few moved to the front. There are no signs of them on the outside of the box where there is wood, and it turns out that they are subterranean termites--insects that like dirt and wet wood. Yesterday, I looked again, and they are still there. We also had another short tornado warning via the National Weather Service.

    My thought was first, why are they inside a metal box? There's no food for them. Then I began to wonder if maybe they are escaping from some environmental assault? A web search comes up with termites in mailboxes, but only if they are next to the house and the house being the home nest and the box the sub-nest. Again, my mailbox is hundreds of feet away.

    When the fish die-offs were happening in the Arkansas river a few months back, my fireplace insert fan motor (the shaft vertically mounted)started making wobbly noises like the bearings were shot. I'd just bought a new motor for it some months back and replaced the old one, so I was mad. I ordered a new one and was ready to install it, but first thought I should try the old one again. Now it was quiet as a church mouse. It has been ever since. I have no answer for either of these things, but I could believe damn near anything at this point.
