
Friday, May 27, 2011

Brutal Attacks Against Spain's Peaceful Demonstrators! This is Suppose to be a Democracy! Will NATO Bomb Spain for Govt. Violence against Spanish Citizens?

The police in Spain are Brutally Attacking Peaceful Sit Down Demonstrators!  This is outrageous!

I thought Spain was a Democracy!  Oh, will we hear the U.S. saying "Treat your peaceful demonstrating citizens without violence" to the Spanish government?  Will NATO go and bomb Spain?  Will MSM even acknowledge the protest going on?

All the above questions have one answer: NO

The U.S. will ignore what is happening in Spain!  The MSM will never mention what is happening in Spain and NATO sure would not go there, because there is no oil and no billions in banks and gold to raid in Spain!

Besides the facts are...... The U.S. would and does the same thing to their citizens!  Gosh forbid any citizen gets uppity and ask the corrupt government to start listening to the people and not the banks and corporations that actually tell all the elected officials what to do. 

Here are some videos and a great link to pictures of how the people are standing up in Spain.

Pictures of the masses of people demonstrating in Spain (looks like Egypt did) - thousands of people.

Video of pictures of some of the Revolution happening in Spain

Videos of the Police brutality against the peaceful demonstrators!


  1. 1st of all it didn't happen in all of Spain, rather only in Barcelona... albeit it was disgusting and as a Spaniard I'm ashamed of what is happening back home. 2nd, the US and I hope some people finally get it into their thick heads, only goes to places where they have monetary interests, first and foremost tied to petroleum. It explains their intervention in petrol-rich Arab countries. "Bringing democracy" to these places is simply an excuse. They will never give a crap about my EspaƱa... then again I don't give a crap about them either. The American way is NOT everyone in the world's way! But they will never understand it... just speak to a US soldier and you can get an idea of what I'm referring to.

  2. sherrie, a insightful post, that deals with extremely complex geo-political issues. while i am in total agreement w/ you and tonio about the brutal force the spanish government used against peaceful demonstrators as horrific. i do believe that their is much concern in washington as we continue to see and hear about demonstrations and rioting such as what we saw in greece and ireland. the fate of the euro is at stake.the pigs countries if they should default on their loans would send shock waves thru the financial world; bringing democracy to the world , just as hillary's speech about the right of a nations people to peacefully demonstrate is as antonio said "crap" . it is and was just self-serving, while washington and the state dept. is up in arms about the treatment of citizen's in egypt ,liyba.they are deadly mute when it comes to the sudan where genocide is taking place as well as the ransoms being paid to the pirates, etc. but in the arabic countries we continue to support thru the saudi's urgings those nickel and dime dictators/kings/tyrants that shoot and kill or hunt down those that dare speak against the richme. a wonderful article was written by robert fisk in the uk's indepenent titled" why no out cry over these torturing tyrants" is well worth reading ! please sherrie,"keep questioning all"regards
