
Monday, June 13, 2011

I am asking all who read this to do one thing - PLEASE STORE WATER!

6/13/11 - I originally wrote this and put it on the blog on April 8th, but I feel I should bring it back up to the top.

All I can say is, I have not wanted to put this out there on my blog.  I have not wanted to have people think oddly of me.

But it seems no matter what I have wanted, what I must do is something else.

So, let's just say I have had a request from a "higher realm" to ask people to


There is a lot more involved with this request to people, of which I am not going to go into.  But I will say - this request comes from what I consider are Angels/Spiritual Guides/God/higher sources.  Yeah, sounds odd, right?

Someone asked me "What would be the length of time"?  I do not have any answer to that.  I do not know.  What I do know is that it would be better to have water stored than no water at all.

Water is what sustains life.  If you do not have water that is drinkable then you can not sustain your life to figure out what next steps need to be taken for access to clean water.

I sincerely hope that there will be no need for people to have to use stored water and that this request could be laughed at at some point in the future.

I will say, I believe every person is intuitive and every person is able to get information through higher realms, we just have to pay attention and listen to that inner voice and information given to us.

This request is being made from my own "higher sources".  Also another requirement about this request, is the stored water must be inside and not outside.

For over one week I have resisted putting this up on my blog because I have not wanted to put  myself out there to others, but it seems I it is something I must do.

I will explain to you a little more, so you understand where this is coming from.  I do have dreams where it seems the dreams are real information.  I knew a week before the information came out about a reactor being cracked and leaking through the bottom at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in the media.  I knew this because I was given the information through a dream/vision.  I told 4 other people that morning about it.  I saw the melted reactor fuel rods underneath the reactor and I saw the Japanese men faces (those in control) and their terrified reactions to the news.  I was told they were going to hide the information as long as possible and that everything of them trying to stop the meltdown was for show and a charade.  The real purposes for them to do what they have to do to transfer their wealth and protect themselves as much as possible.  I believe the situation is going to become much worst in a small amount of time.

One other thing I will add to this "knowing" on March 11th I woke up and before I got out of bed, I "knew/felt" that something happened.  I felt and thought to myself "Something happened overnight that involved Earth changes and after today the world will never be the same".  It was not until I turned on the T.V. after getting up, I heard about Japan's quake and tsunami.  I knew much more was going to come from it because I knew that our world was going to be changed forever from the event.   Then later was the information about Fukushima nuclear power plant. 

The above is only a very small fraction of information I believe I have received from my Angels/guides, but it is all I need to put out there at this time for people to understand I do get real information.  You may think "yeah, she is putting this out after the fact".  Yes, that would be true, but there are a few I told about this before the fact and it is not information I want to put out at all, but again something I am being made to. 

Please understand I am not writing this because I want to.  I guess I did a dry run in putting this information out by first putting it in a closed area of a forum.  This is very uncomfortable for me, but by putting it on the forum first, I gained more comfort, because ultimately I guess I was suppose to end up asking people to Store water on this blog.

My blog is about truth and it is not about personal information and I feel my dreams/visions are very personal and private.  Yet, I am being pushed to do this, as I woke up time and time again last night with "It is time to get the information out to all, for them to store water".  You have no idea the resistance I have put up not do this but I have been pushed and pushed, to where I wake up constantly at night with the same thought/being told, that I have to do it.  (I sure hope, now that I have done this I will be not be woken up every half hour, with the request) :)

Think of me as you will, I have never put out this type of information before but the time is here.

I have a few questions..... Would it really hurt to store water?  Is there any real cost to storing water?  Is it better to have water stored in case you need it than not to have water at all?  Isn't water what sustains all life?


Look within if this feels like truth to you then follow your feelings and own intuition.  

I am not going to "predict" things here.  There are some things I KNOW - I have seen things and the more I have come to the understanding we are all ONE, we are each others keepers in helping one another.  

If there is a time that the stored water is needed (which I would not be putting this out there - if I did not feel it will be) and it saved some by listening, then I will have done my job of which I feel the strong need to.  

I honor all and I ask for people to RADIATE LOVE AND LIGHT to All people to Japan and to our Earth! 

Think of me as you will, but know my posting this is from Truth and Sincerity, because people read this blog for truth and I am continuing in truth.  This is truth to me.  

Also understand please, I have had miracles in my life if you watched the video asking people to pray for Japan and a miracle, you would have heard my story of an absolute miracle.   
I believe in Angels, I know Angels protected me that day I felt their arms around me, I have also felt them holding my hand and showing me things and it has been happening more and more recently.  

So...... believe me or don't it is up to you, know your own truth.

I have done what I have been requested to do and those who read this are suppose to and those who follow the suggestion are suppose to.  

To all LOVE AND LIGHT!  Please remember if things happen, please help  one another.  Japan showed us how it can be done.  We can honor each other even in times of crisis!

UPDATE 6/15/11 - W. Palm Beach only has 22 more days left of water supply.  
I believe there will be other areas also where water becomes the most valuable commodity there is. 


  1. Bless you for caring more about others than about yourself. Accolades to you!

  2. Thank you for being Awake and Aware!

    When I read the forum post, I just rolled my eyes. But when I saw it here I actually took the time to read it.

  3. As "crazy" as it sounds, I think it's profoundly important that we all listen for and consume carefully information whereEVER it comes from. I can only speak for myself, but I assume others may share the same challenge. That challenge is to recognize truth when we hear it. It's even harder to recognize thruth that we simply "sense." Most of us only trust our intuition reluctantly. Very few trust OTHER people's intuition as sole proof of truth. That's absolutely understandable. However, I, for one, sense your sincerity and urgency. You have no ulterior motive. Saving water is not a bad idea anyway. I'm going to save water (and pray you are wrong).

  4. Thank you for the info, I believe you will hear "well done good and faithful servant"

  5. Saving water?
    Yes, that's sound advice, especially if one relies on a municipal water source. Cesium-137, strontium-90, plutonium-239 & numerous other (solid) radioactive isotopes have lengthy half-lives...& "ARE CUMULATIVE" in nature & thus deadly to life itself in the long run.
    Those of us, who rely on subsurface well water may be in somewhat better shape...provided we maintain the ability to extract said water!!!

    Sherrie, you speak of dreams (nightmares really, imo) & a spiritual force compelling you to forewarn your fellow man to prepare (good advice, btw).
    Oddly enough I too, am compelled to reveal a spiritual manifestation/truth...
    ...the coming radioactive maelstrom from Fukushima & its future cancerous/slow-death legacy across this country, is/will be cosmic payback/justice for our failing to hold our govt. accountable for its indiscriminate use of "DEPLETED URANIUM" weaponry (in civilian populated areas), throughout the world.

    .....It is likely that the average American alive today, in the future, will become the ultimate example of...-COLLATERAL DAMAGE-

  6. 311 had been slated for the Day of Pole Shift/radical earth changes on many blogs and websites for MONTHS beforehand, even the MSM was touting that date as a red line number on the calender. One woman, 9Nania even released a youtube on Mar 8 BEGGING, pleading with folks to leave quake danger fault zones.

    The minute the news broke, some immediately taped their windows up - very valuable and cheap- and began stockpiling water and food. Once we watched the buildings EXPLODE in front of us on our TV screens, it didnt take an angel, spirit guide or health care professional to illuminate us. IT WAS OBVIOUS.

    Gods grace comes from overcoming inertia, denial, procrastination and sloth and then OBEYING the spirit's prompting by obedient action.

    Thank you for the extra push and motivator to keep on in the safe direction!

  7. Sherrie, I appreciate you blog postings. They are very informative and obviously, from the heart. I intend on storing some water, but not sure how (gallon bottles?) and how much.

  8. I wish I knew the answers to that. I only know that over and over again until I posted this, I was pushed to tell people to store water. I used 2 liter coca cola bottles, from when I used to drink coke (which I don't now). All I know is storing water is a necessity from my guides. Was it suppose to be only a certain area? Again that was not told to me, only getting the message out that people needed to store water.

    Look within yourself and ask yourself the truth of it and guidance in this. Then through your own "knowing" you should be compelled to store whatever amount you feel is necessary. You do have the answer, look within!
