
Friday, April 22, 2011

Congress thinks 911 Sick First Responders may be Terrorist! Law requires FBI check before getting Treatment for 911 ailments!

I have come to realize the amount of laws being passed by the elected officials in Washington that are so unbelievable against the citizens, that those elected officials are the actual Terrorist in this Country against the Citizens!

How could Congress pass a law that requires ALL Sick First Responders of 911 have a complete FBI background check and give all their vital information BEFORE they will be allowed to be treated for their sicknesses from 911!???????  The bill states they have to be checked for "Terrorist Connections and to Ensure they are not Terrorist"!!


How DARE the Congress put those Brave  and very sick People of the Fire Department and Police Department of New York City through a degrading background check for Terrorist Connections!!

I have had the honor of talking to some of those people who were there from the first moments during 911.  Their stories are heartbreaking but also what they still go through and their own traumas and torment of what they saw and experienced during that time and the months afterward as they found pieces of bodies etc.  I know they are tormented by it.  I know they have nightmares, they have told me about them!

Besides that they were LIED TO by the U.S. government and EPA saying the air was fine for them to work at ground zero.  The EPA had reports contrary than what they were releasing to the public - that is Fact!

How is it that the control of millions are in so few hands?  How is it those people in Washington can create the most disgusting laws AGAINST the citizens of the U.S.?  How is it we allow those in Washington to enact laws that terrorize the U.S. citizens?   Why aren't people saying 'NO MORE'?

I am sorry, but when will people stand up and say 'STOP'!?  We can not continue this way.  We can not continue being run over by so few people who do not have the interest of Americans at heart.  They have the interest of Big Corporations and Banks  in all they do!

This law introduced by a Republican but passed in a Democratic Controlled Congress at the time shows they are all on the same page and team but simply playing their different parts of the game!  There is NO Left and Right!  I keep saying that over and over!

I hate seeing the division of people thinking there are Liberals and Conservatives - the Left Versus the Right and So on!  IT IS FAKE!  It is a controlled game to make people divided and dislike each other for their politics!  I know I use to be part of that game and believed it!  I got smart.  I realized and watched and saw the laws were still always passed after lots of media attention of who said what against who, yet the sides always came together to get that touch down of a bill passed that has taken our rights away even more!  Pay attention to what is going on and you will see.... lots of yelling and screaming but they always get done what those in the background want done, together!

Think about it, people are easier to control when they are a divided nation!




Portions of Article:

The tens of thousands of cops, firefighters, construction workers and others who survived the worst terrorist assault in U.S. history and risked their lives in its wake will soon be informed that their names must be run through the FBI’s terrorism watch list, according to a letter obtained by HuffPost.

Any of the responders who are not compared to the database of suspected terrorists would be barred from getting treatment for the numerous, worsening ailments that the James Zadroga 9/11 Health And Compensation Law was passed to address.

It’s a requirement that was tacked onto the law during the bitter debates over it last year.

As doctors and administrators begin acting on the federal instructions, participants in the 9/11 treatment and monitoring programs will soon be told that their names, places of birth, addresses, government ID numbers and other personal data will be provided to the FBI to ensure they are not terrorists.


  1. I think i know the reason for the very long duration fires on the ground zero site(over sixty days long)

    The Towers had units called tuned mass dampers.
    600 to 800 tons each tower.

    If they were filled with Uranium 238 granules (DU) and the bottoms of these containers at the top levels of each tower were blown out to allow the contents to flow down the elevator shafts into the basements and a substance was used to innate that material to burn (Thermate)
    could have been the reason for such long and sustained fires on the site that was doused the whole time with MILLIONS of gallons of water from the east river. Mass is all you really need to concentrate on. Jones thinks Thermate. Ward thinks Micro-nukes. I say BULLSHIT to em both.

    Uranium 238 may have been used to obscure evidence by fire. And it needed to be in place... PURPOSELY installed into those TMD units way back in 78 just like the tons and tons of asbestos whilst the towers were built.
    Thermate is not even close to being sufficient enough mass wise to burn for 2 or 3 days forget about SIXTY PLUS even without the effects of all the water pumped into the "bathtub"

    500 plus first responders and EVERY SINGLE dog used to help find trapped victims is dead.

    Hit my URL. Choose oldest comment first and have an open mind read of the entire post at WUFYS on the Melted vehicles of 911.

    Try as i might i can not account for these fires any other way than using U-238 as fuel.

    Collapse was a matter of a controlled demo. Many have proven that. Cutter charges,C4 under floor pans Etc. Etc.

    I am just postulating a reason the aftermath was wrought with fire for 60+ days in a closed off container with tons and tons of debris,concrete,steel,asbestos and Sixty plus days of dozens of 4" fire lines soaking the whole mess down.

    I know the towers were a controlled demolition. So do you. The aftermath is a matter of Far longer concern than most realize on this single fact - If DU was used to burn up or melt very incriminating evidence in the basements then the whole event is a long term health hazard to anyone exposed to the fumes and fallout.

    Fires burned for more than sixty days.

    Not one report of the 600-800 tons of lead the TMD units were supposedly filled with.

    Millions of gallons of water were poured onto the debris pile for the entire time.

    Molten steel was found in the basements as the cleanup progressed.

    No explanation leading to a duration of sixty+ days of fire on the site.

    No plausible explanation of the fuel source to cause the resulting molten steel found under (3) buildings (one,two and seven)

    Ed ward has gone on record as saying micro nukes caused the observed cratering of the site.

    Stephen Jones has gone on record saying nano-thermite was the source of many of the effects of an obvious controlled demolition.

    Pre collapse blasts reported by folks IN the towers were never properly investigated. Some were even burned and injured by these blasts.

    No explanation of the many many fire and ambulance units burnt in very unusual ways.

    Hold a huge stick over the heads of any one involved with the cleanup of ground zero and say "Now we insist you keep your mouth shut... Don't allow any medical tests WE don't control and we will make the remainder of your life easier.... fail to heed this warning and you will know a new hell on earth for telling the world of the things that befell you at ground zero"

  2. Sherrie-
    And now ask this very hard question... Why can't Ron Paul defend these people? He is one of their most devious tools. He has done more to keep the 9-11 cover up intact than any other single human I can think of. He need not say "inside job" all he need say is "The workers were victims of the attack. Care for them." And if he was really an honorable man, he WOULD add, without prompting "And their first amendment right to believe it was an inside job is inviolate."
    He says nothing of the sort. He flashes Masonic hand signs and protects their secrets.
    TRUTH, my dear lady. I know it is not good news, but it is truth, and I know you value that.
