
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Video - What has happened to this country? Basketball hoops are Illegal to have now?

I am shocked at this video - the main part of the government police taking the basketball goals of a neighborhood due to them being illegal.

I am speechless over this, I really don't know what to think at how this is being allowed to happen.

Also I would like to know how much this cost the state to do such important work that day? $100000 - $200000 to take those basketball hoops? I would insist if I was a taxpayer there that any county money goes to real work and not Police State ridiculous work!

I am so outraged over this show of force by the police and dept of transportation in Delaware!

Besides that the police woman lied right to the man - saying he could keep the hoop, once they had it down she then said they were taking it and she never said he could keep it. I am sure all those who were taking the hoops especially that woman was enjoying themselves and the "power" they had over the people. That woman in the video is what makes the police vile in people's eyes - the out right lies and show of force for the fun of it, because they have "power".

Read the comments on the news site for Delaware. The people are definite sheeple as they are saying "The law is the law"! Why isn't anyone questioning why there is even a ridiculous law making basketball hoops by the street illegal? I guess it shows how well Fluoride works in the water. You will be shocked how people feel the police were in their rights of the excessive force, but no one says anything about that police woman out right lying!

At some point this kind of stuff will cause people to start going Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain - due to the most outrageous ridiculous police show of force. Are they going to just come into our homes soon without a warrant?

It is a sad day to be ashamed of the country you live in, but that day has been here for awhile. The U.S. invading other countries without provocation, killing their innocent citizens, torturing people, putting poison in the skies in the way of chemtrails which is why cancer is so rampant and using Haarp that does harm to the Earth and people makes me very ashamed to be a citizen of the U.S.. We are to blame ourselves through not being diligent in keeping aware of what our politicians were doing and not holding them responsible and allowing them to give the U.S. away to corporations and banks.

We do not live in a free country - it is all talk from the politicians, but the fact is if you try to assert what you think your rights are you will find you don't have those rights.

Also you will see by this article - the police are getting training on who is considered a terrorist in this country. If you voice your freedoms and constitution than you are a terrorist in the governments eyes.


  1. It would be nice to know their justification. Is this just some city ordinance gone bad? Will it be statewide, nationwide?

  2. Sherrie,

    You are great. Thanks for all the work you put into your posts. It is hugely appreciated!

    Power and money corrupt. Our litigious society and ordinary meanness fosters absurd ordinances. Fear of survival insures obedient enforcers.

    The solution is to sue them in a court of common law, a true 'we the people' court legally higher even than the supreme court. (See 7th amendment)In common law there must be an injury for there to be a claim. See

  3. Well legally if the hoop is in the right of way of a publicly, that is government owned road then they the government can remove it. My question is why does the government own the roads anyway? Why do they have a monopoly on roads? Why aren't the roads privatized?

    The government has too much power, abuse of it should be a surprise to no one. Notice how those who purport to "protect and serve" us actually protect and serve the state.

    I wonder how those people in the video feel about the government in other areas? Do they sanction wealth redistribution? how about invasion and occupation of countries abroad? Income tax? regulation? licensing? I guess when the boot is on your neck its different. Maybe they will learn from this but I doubt it.

  4. It is ridiculous for neighbors to think they have the right to place basketball goals or hoops in front of another neighbor's property; the law should be if you have children and want them to have a basketball hoop, you the parent of these children or child should have ample space to place in your backyard or in the front of your property not a neighbor's. Where is the respect and civility in causing confusion just because you can????? Also it would be best if a neighbor ask before just setting up a goal. In our neighborhood a man placed one in front of our property refusing to remove it; the police officer who came per our call sided with the neighbor who said he couldn't put it anywhere else because neighbors had boats, what a sorry excuse; at least his sons saw and heard their dad, perhpas they would rightly conclude it is not worth it to strong arm neighbors, what you think???
