
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Video - Up Close Fly over of Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Shows Reactor 3 and 4 Containment Vessels open. Plus Commander of U.S. Military in Japan - Video Evacuating U.S. bases now

Up Close Fly over of Japan's  Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant showing both Reactor 3 and 4 containment vessels compromised.  Reactor 3 is the MOX Fuel Reactor.

U.S. Commander In Japan - Voluntary Evacuation of U.S. bases are beginning.
His order of evacuation begins at the 8 min mark

The Order as he says is:

Women and Children First
Non-Essential Personnel
Essential Personnel
and Last "ME"


  1. Glad the pres could take time off to help, from 'as he said' the distraction of his March Madness Picks.

  2. it is indifferent whether or not they evacuate.the damage is world wide and forever.they never will close the nukes because they get money and power on people and, last but not at all least:it is essential for their (illuminaty and other reptils) plans to decimate the population.
