
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The U.S. Government SEIZED ALL supplies of Potassium Iodide? that is why people can't get it now? Also Govt. Considering a Policy on KI Pills.

Let me get this straight.  The U.S. government is seizing all supplies of potassium iodide and that is why people are not able to get their orders from suppliers?  So the government is not allowing the people of the U.S. decide for themselves if they feel they need KI (potassium iodide) pills?

I have been hearing every single MSM network tell people not to get KI pills over and over again today.  Fox news went as far as ridiculing people for buying or wanting KI pills.   The press is absolutely going against people getting the KI pills to protect themselves.   It is quite a force out there.

After hearing this all day and hearing the network talking heads constantly blast it and saying there will be no radiation exposure in the U.S. from the Japan reactors, I almost started believing them.

Then I read this article.  It hit me, yeah they are ridiculing the people because the government is seizing the supplies of them so people will not be able to get them anymore.  The government is obviously protecting themselves first.  You will also see where the govt. is now considering creating a "policy" for the KI pills.

This is so outrageous!

Here is the question for you.  Should we believe the government and the media regarding the nuclear fall out potential in the U.S.?

In asking that.... I am going to ask you to remember the days after 9/11 when the EPA said the air was completely safe for all the volunteers and workers.

From 9-11 Research group

A 2004 report by the Sierra Club went further than previous reporting in detailing the cover-up of the public health hazards of Ground Zero. The report's summary indicates gross malfeasance by EPA, FEMA, and OSHA.
  • The Ground Zero health risk cover-up did not result from a poorly informed government. The World Trade Center attack involved the open, uncontrolled burning and demolition of two huge buildings - conduct that would be illegal in any state of the Union because of the known risks to human health. This report finds that the federal government ignored its own long-standing body of knowledge about pollution from incineration and demolition. The notion that EPA had to wait for test data before telling people that the pollution posed health risks is absurd. EPA should have issued a health warning, based on its own knowledge of pollution, before any test data came in.
  • EPA failed to investigate and disclose toxic hazards properly. Oddly, EPA's website reports that it found no polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) - cancer-causing chemicals generally released by combustion of mixed materials - "in any air samples," although four independent tests found them at elevated levels and even EPA's own research scientists reported in a scientific journal that they found them at levels that Science magazine deemed worthy of "the most serious kind of concern."
  • The federal government failed to change its safety assurances even after it became clear that people were getting ill, and even after a survey of federal employees of a sister agency in the same building as EPA at 290 Broadway revealed that they were suffering health impacts - a survey that, this report finds, the federal government did not release to the public at the time. It was quietly published in a journal in 2002.
  • Many Ground Zero workers did not have proper protection, especially in early weeks. This report explains that federal assurances of safety gave workers conflicting messages about the need for respirator masks, which are difficult and exhausting to wear.
  • OSHA refused to enforce worker safety standards at Ground Zero. It wrongly claimed that it had no authority in national emergencies. It then continued this refusal long after the emergency had passed, and long after it became apparent that serious health and safety risks were occurring despite efforts by OSHA staff to advise safety.
  • EPA and FEMA, in concert with New York City's own health department, told families that they could clean up the contaminated dust themselves with wet rags. In fact, they actually discouraged area residents from wearing safety masks. 4  
In mid-2006, as evidence of a health disaster mounted, a 2002 executive order directing the EPA's administrator to classify information as secret was revealed by the NY Daily News. 5  

The MSM completely backed the EPA up and would announce how safe the air was during this time too.  They said "there is nothing to worry about regarding air quality around Ground Zero".

So now we have the government and the media telling people not to buy the KI pills and we have nothing to worry about with Japan radiation making it's way to the U.S.

Should we believe them?
I know what I personally believe.

U.S. Supplies of potassium iodide pills are taking a huge hit as people flock to the stores in search of protection from possible nuclear fallout.

A number of stores across the west coast are reporting that they are completely sold out. And a pharmacist at a Walgreen’s in California told us that they would not be getting anymore because the government has seized all supplies.

Fleming Pharmaceuticals, maker of ThyroShield a potassium iodide used in nuclear emergencies, said in a press release today that before the Japanese Quake the federal government already has stockpiled millions of doses. The company claims that some of the federal stockpile has expired and the remaining supply is set to expire over the year. 

White House chief spokesman Jay Carney continued to tell the press that the U.S. is not in danger, but wouldn’t comment on the governments stockpiling program. 

Potassium iodide, which is sometimes are sold as anti-radiation pills can protect your thyroid from radiation by blocking the absorption of radioiodine. Potassium iodide does not protect from all side effects of radiation poisoning and can have a number of side effects. It should only be taken in prescription doses if the radiation reaches the coast at dangerous levels.

UPDATE: 3-15-2011 11:24p.m pst
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a statement about potassium iodide policy.
Dori Salcido, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health, said that they will be looking into “every aspect” of the Japanese disaster including “”Policy options relating to KI distribution.” 

I would like to know what policy options they are thinking about.... making it where it is not available to the U.S. people over the counter?


  1. cant the US govt so something right these days? geez

  2. Our news in oz said that the pills were taken off the shelf and is being stockpiled by the government as well. It also went on to say that unscrupulous people are taking to selling it for profit on sites such as ebay. They said people should be weary of buying online as it could be made of anything, even rat poison! Would it not then stand to reason to leave the pills on the shelf in pharmacies? It's all a bit odd. I agree with you, people should be able to make the choice for themselves... or will the U.S government be selling the pills on to Japan?

    watch "U.S panic over nukes" report

  3. The government sees this as an opportunity to thin the herd. There is nothing about them that is not sinister and every day it shows more and more.

  4. to @anonymous first comment , Now a days everyone can't think usa can do it .
