
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Read between the Lines - U.S. money not being accepted for Libya oil - Dollar transactions being blocked

I have thought and told some people when the dollar gets dropped from the oil trade that is when it is going to be dead around the world.  China has already begun trading with other large countries (Russia and India) in the Yuan now.  They came out a couple of weeks ago and said they wanted all countries they trade with to start transacting the trades in the Yuan.  Knowing they are making the moves now to become the international trading currency, I have thought the only thing saving and keeping the dollar having any strength at all is due to it being the trading currency for oil.

But if/when that ends is when the U.S. will become isolated and go Zimbabwe due to the amount of printing of money Bernanke is doing.

This article is out today from Reuters about Libya's oil trades being at a stand still as U.S. dollars are blocked from the country.  They are saying another currency could be used possibly, that verdict is still out.

Will this be the beginning of the U.S. dollar being dropped for oil trade?  Can be be done fast and not over a period of years?  If this happens and another currency is used right away for oil trade what would stop other Middle Eastern countries immediately using other currencies for oil trade also?

Small portion of article:

"It's not a matter of choice, there is an embargo on U.S.
dollars coming in and out of Libya. All U.S. dollar transactions
are being blocked," said a trader with one of the firms.


  1. As scary as this may seem, the U.S. is much more powerful in that once other countries drop our dollar, we stop all trade with these countries. We are the largest consumers on the face of this earth, without us these countries cannot survive. They refuse our dollar, we refuse to trade. Furthermore, it may seem that the totally reliant on oil from other countries, but I remind you that we have our own vast resources of oil in our own country, we just haven't tapped into it. They refuse our dollar, we will still prevail. But then again, I may be totally wrong and our government will advocate something real dumb like creating a one new world order and one world currency. If it comes to this my friends, the end of time will draw nigh.

  2. Anonymous may not be aware that Canada and China own MUCH of "our" resources. Americans are too lazy to claim land, but foreign nations are not.

    So, Sherrie - do you believe me yet that I AM fighting this best I can? The AG in my state is not even pretending to be anything less than a perfect bankster minion. You think I need to throw tens of thousands of dollars at attorneys, because THEN when I lose, I will have LESS than nothing left? Great plan.

    You know, I don't expect you or anyone else to like me. Are you really so shallow that you will only help people you like? Some day, we need to learn to stand up for JUSTICE, instead of picking personalities we like and sticking up for them, even when they are wrong.

    People are going to play the "Ron Paul" game again, even though this moron cannot find one thing in the official 9-11 report to question. The 9-11 Commissioners have questions, but good old Ronny, he likes the story, thinks it sounds solid. Darn that rascally bin Laden! I mean, a kidney dialysis patient that can go YEARS without treatment, and apparently will never die of his end-stage, terminal disease... I mean, the USA needs to surrender, we can NEVER defeat the magical bin Laden that DOCTOR Ron Paul still thinks is alive...

    Good luck, Sherrie. I think you are a good person, but still hypnotized and when "trigger words" are used, you shut down. What a shame.
