
Friday, February 25, 2011

Our Corrupt U.S. Supreme Court, Under Justice Roberts now rules FOR Corporations and against the people - 61% of time

We the people of the United States, don't just have DHS, U.S. government, Federal Reserve working for the corporations and banks, we also have the U.S. Supreme Court working for the corporations and enacting laws or making rulings in favor of them.  If this information does not make people realize how far down the rabbit hole of our government and now justice system is being controlled by the elite and corporations, I don't know what will.

The University of Chicago analyzed 1450 Supreme Court decisions since 1953.  They have now found under Justice Roberts the Supreme Court rules for corporations 61% of the time.  This is the most one sided Supreme Court ever in the history of the U.S.!  

I doubt this finding includes the ruling last week from the Supreme Court that pharmaceutical companies are NOT liable for bad vaccinations and people are not able to sue the large pharmaceutical companies for any ill effects from a vaccine anymore. 
Rather, the Court said, vaccine makers cannot be held liable for negative side effects that parents believe are the result of their products.

Small Portion of statistics Article:

A study prepared for The New York Times by academics at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago, has analyzed some 1,450 Supreme Court decisions since 1953. 

It showed that, during the five terms in which John Roberts has been Chief Justice, the percentage of both business cases on the Supreme Court docket and cases won by business interests has grown visibly.  

The Roberts court ruled for business interests 61 percent of the time, compared with 46 percent in the last five years of the court led by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who died in 2005, and 42 percent by all courts since 1953. 

Those differences are statistically significant, the study found.
It was prepared by
  • Lee Epstein, a political scientist at Northwestern’s law school;
  • William M. Landes, an economist at the University of Chicago; and
  • Judge Richard A. Posner, who serves on the federal appeals court in Chicago and teaches law at the University of Chicago.
Posner's participation is particularly important because he has been perhaps the most influential right-wing academic legal theorist of the last thirty years.

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