
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Interview with Roger Wiegand regarding RED ALERT Email about Confiscation of Gold Possibility this Year for a New World Currency

 Roger Wiegand

Roger Wiegand of We Beat the Street was kind enough to give me an interview about his RED ALERT email he sent out to his peers in the gold and silver profession.

Today, I interviewed Roger Wiegand directly on youtube through their upload, the first part of the interview had actually lasted 15 minutes.  But when youtube published the video there is only 8 minutes of the interview on that section.  7 minutes were wiped out.  Those 7 minutes is when Roger began discussing the real possibility and why he sent out the RED ALERT email to his peers.  I am first, very embarrassed our interview was cut off by youtube, as I obviously should not have trusted it to tape it.  I would like to send my apology to Roger, he is aware the first part of the interview did not fully publish and he said he could provide another interview about it in the near future.  Thank you, Roger for being so understanding and wonderful about the cut.  I have learned a lesson the hard way and I will not trust youtube direct upload again for any type interviews.   But he does mention his sources are very valid right before the cut off and explains a little about them.  Though the full explanation regarding his sources are the part that was cut off.  Also in the part that youtube decided not to upload is where he explained how they will be putting information together on what people could do against getting their metals confiscated and how they would be working on some real solutions, due to the potential of Gold and Silver Confiscation.

Part 1 of Interview with Roger Wiegand

Part 2 of Interview with Roger Wiegand

Tomorrow I will be interviewing David Morgan about this subject. BUT I am not using youtube and it will be an audio interview only. So stay tuned for more information and thoughts on this subject with the person (David Morgan) who passed the email on to me.


  1. Sherrie - AWESOME work! I have not even listened yet, I am just very glad you did this follow up! Please ask Mr. Morgan if he thinks they may be trying to set a ceiling for gold and scare weak-kneed holders into selling before gold hits $2K. I am just a chicken ranchin' housewife, but that was my first thought.
    THANKS - for all you do! Have you seen this? MERS CONFESSES!

  2. Thank you Claire!! For the information about MERS!

    I have to laugh! Because WHO will foreclose now - if not MERS? NO one can foreclose! NO servicer can foreclose - they are NOT the owner!

    I will be posting this information! THANK YOU AGAIN for making me aware of it!
