
Monday, January 17, 2011

WOWSA WOWSA!! 10000 Foreclosures TOSSED OUT in ONE Ruling in Maryland - Fraud Notary! AWESOME!




I have new HEROES!  The University of Maryland, stopped talking and took action to SUE GMAC and their foreclosures due to Robo Signing Notary!  The judge TOSSED OUT ALL THE FORECLOSURES!

btw: GMAC is a MERS Bank

A Consumer Protection class taught by Peter Holland, took it upon themselves to STOP the FRAUD OF MERS BANKS AND FORECLOSURES AND THEY WON!




Portion of Article:

In a major ruling Friday, a coalition of nonprofit defense lawyers and consumer protection advocates in Maryland successfully got over 10,000 foreclosure cases managed by GMAC Mortgage tossed out, because affidavits in the cases were signed by Jeffrey Stephan, the infamous GMAC “robo-signer” who attested to the authenticity of foreclosure documents without any knowledge about them, as well as signing other false statements.
The University of Maryland Consumer Protection Clinic and Civil Justice, Inc., a nonprofit, filed the class action lawsuit, arguing that any case using Jeffrey Stephan as a signer was illegitimate and must be dismissed. In court Friday, GMAC agreed to dismiss every case in Maryland relying on a Stephan affidavit. They can refile foreclosure actions on the close to 10,000 homes, but only at their own expense, and subject to new Maryland regulations which require mandatory mediation between borrower and lender before moving to foreclosure. Civil Justice and the Consumer Protection Clinic also want any cases with affidavits from Xee Moua of Wells Fargo, who has also admitted to robo-signing, thrown out, but that case has not yet been settled

My Plea for everyone to Call the Universities to Start Class Actions against MERS in all the States!   Also the latest MERS info from last week. (I don't know why my videos never sync correctly when I upload them - so sorry it is out of sync)

EDIT - 1/18/11 - I have left a message for the University of Tennessee Dean of the Law Department, letting him know what the University of Maryland accomplished and asked him to have a professor at the University do the same thing with their students.   *** I ask everyone - it does not hurt to call a University where you are and ask for them to do a suit against MERS      PLEASE CALL - AS YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE, IF/WHEN ANY TAKE IT ON****


  1. Hmmm

    So this of course begs the question: where are the arrest warrants for all the officers of all the companies that conspired to not only commit this massive fraud but to continue to lie about its existence and consequences, obstruction of justice and purgury? In other words is the rule of law in America only applicable to poor people? Are the consequences of breaking the law only for poor people. Is incarceration only for poor people.

    In short when will the other 95% say enough is enough,put the white collar criminals away. And put them away in the SAME prisons as the poor people.

  2. Check out the Massachusetts SJC decision last Friday.

    And this gem

    CNBC is soft pedaling this and are incorrect
    about refiling "slowing" things down and the
    supreme court. The chain of ownership was
    irreparably broken when the note was sold
    through MERS leaving the mortgage behind. They
    can't refill, EVER. The supreme court is moot
    because property transfer law is clearly a
    province of the states and can be defended
    successfully under the 10 amendment on states
    rights. The whole mortgage banking industry is
    going to collapse, there is nothing the federal
    government or the banks can do about it. It's
    just a matter of when...

  3. Yes, they can do something about it and come July all suits against foreclosures will stop. The Federal Reserve has been given the right to change our laws. I posted about it last week. No more suing banks for fraud, unless you pay off your mortgage first. That is why class actions have to start before then in EVERY State against MERS and the Banks!

  4. There is no statute of limitations on fraud, it is forever, so if the FED goes forward on this the original fraud will only be compounded by putting an unlawful limitation on fraud.

    It is unnecessary to pay off your mortgage to prove fraud, or to file suit, your signature on the mortgage gives you standing, which I assume where the banks are going here.

  5. Bottom line is the homeowner cannot afford to sell their home nor keep it. They stopped paying their mortgage. The homeowner still needs to take responsibility to prevent the foreclosure action. What does robo signing have to do with that?

  6. wow, I sit in Germany and was reading your comment and now I am proud about the american peoples who like and want the Re-Republic of the united States of Amerika. Maybe someone knews that we have in Germany the same system as the US and now I can understand why we don`t have a Peace Treaty since WW2. I hope, soon will be change everythings to a better Life in Freedom!
    God bless America

  7. July 2011!!?? They (banks and mortgage companies) can still be challenged in Court regarded the proof they have of the debt. The supreme laws of the USA are still the US Constitution (1st and foremost) and Statues at Large. Fraud is fraud with no Statute of Limitation.

  8. OK, one more time... If I owe you a million bucks, how can you borrow a thousand?? Ya cant, all ya do is use some of the debt as credit. Thus when you (who is owed several hundred million by the bankrupt US via the fed, apply for credit... guess what.. your given credit!!! But here is the catch, the banks are acting as agents for you cause you filled out their forms and they then get the "credit" (some of what is owed to you) form the secretary of treasury and they deposit it into an account!!! But never tell you about it. You see the trick is done before you realize it. Then they use those funds to pay of the house and all the leans,, other wise how could you the buyer sign a Deed of Trust as owner? Ya couldn't, the bank would have to bring some of their own money to the table, pay off the seller and all other leans, and then turn it over to you for you to then place it into the trust. But we know the banks never use any of their own funds cause it is against the law!! So the house was yours already at the closing table. Then you signed the deed of trust which they sell, or use as collateral to write bonds against... without your knowledge or approval, and remember it is a security instrument so it has value to those slick and able to present it on its own without the Note, which is supposed to be a debt instrument but it is in fact another credit instrument because it has your signature on it and since all note you write have full face value, it has value, and guess what, they take pictures of of it and sell it many times over, without your permission or knowledge once again. It is not a debt instrument but rather a security instrument, secured by your credit owed by the US and their bankruptcy, use of fiat money.. they have all the gold and silver so until they pay off all the debt and bring back lawful money we have unlimited use of Notes. That's right folks you simply write them on a piece of paper and the banks have to accept them. The proof is in the Notes you signed,, they cashed them "Pay to the order of Bank, without recourse" That is cashing it as well as converting it unlawfully, altering it which voids it in actuality but they use it to create funds in their accounts which is the same as money, cause they use the funds and sell the value over and over again. Then they pretend that they are debt notes and toxic mortgages and get a big bail out money, after they have collected insurance money and then Attorneys who are collection agents without licenses and are third party interlopers, create the facade that you have breaches the agreement and foreclose making a ton of more money and there will be another sucker come along and sign docs to do it all over again.

  9. You see, increasing cost of property causes a boom and people constantly "refinance" quickly which means new signatures to steal and then when it gets to the point where they want to get rid of a few thousand banks to create a monopoly of only the handful, just like they did with the oil companies, the media companies, farmers, etc, etc, they then collapse the market and make a tone of money again. Well they don't "make" money they just put the US and other countries and the people in alleged deeper debt and they collect all our resources by the interest on the alleged debt!!! What a scam!! and they have instituted the US corporation to look exactly like a real constitutional government when it is a shill and they control the law makers and law making etc, and we keep voting as if we had a say so... we have been played for fools, as our parents and grand parents before. Gee do ya think Jesus knew something when he turned the tables of the money changers and whipped them.. the only time he used violence!!! Does that not give you a clue??? Is it not time to turn their tables over once again and this time hang the lot of them for treason? i think so!! Have they not undermined the security of this country and the world? have they not created and funded all the wars to create debt? That is treason and crimes against humanity violation of Geneva convention united nations laws and every law known to man s well as God law!! But we must do it!! Lets get busy!!
    Can't get your head wrapped around that? Ok, lets say your Note is a debt note then for arguments sake,, what did they give you in return? A bank Note which is a promise to pay when real currency comes back so that is an exchange of a Note for a note, promise to pay note for a promise to pay note... Only yours is backed by your ability to create and generate substance, labor, energy, creativity and build something, theirs is backed by nothing but the ability to steal, no substance!! That is why your note can be sold so easily because it has real value!! So once again you give them a credit note for a debt note. Oh and how can there be a default on the note when it does not even mature for thirty years?? and even then what can be paid ? more promise to pay notes. Promises to pay when the Gold and silver is returned. Oh and one tiny little thing, no note is a note if it is valid for more then 9months. By law it is not a Note but a security instrument!!! Which is just like a bond, or other security instrument and is sold as one which means again they are guilty of violations of the SEC. Counter-fitting etc. etc. etc. it just goes on and on adn one their fraud and deceit!!
