
Friday, January 14, 2011

WOW - Feeding the Homeless is NOT Allowed now - Houston Couple who feed homeless, told to STOP by Police and City Council!

Yet another instance showing how the government is inhuman in so many ways!

A couple in Houston Texas has been feeding the homeless out of the goodness of their hearts for about a year.  They will feed 60 plus homeless a night.  They have help from neighbors and friends to prepare food for the homeless.

But that has all stopped, when the police showed up and told them, they are not allowed to feed the homeless anymore due to an ordinance from the City Council!  Anyone wanting to feed or help another human being in times of need in providing food, has to have a permit!

Yeah, you got that one right!  By trying to help those who are most down and depressed by most probably losing their homes through bank fraud, you can get in trouble and be told to stop!

Where is humanity from those in power now?

Will this insanity from our "leaders" ever end?  Will they ever find Love and Goodness in their hearts for the people?   Will they ever work for the people and not for the banks and corporations?  Will they ever find kindness in their hearts for the people?  

In reading the last few days of postings, you will find I have been very hard on the government, that is due to so many realizations of just how far down the path the government has sold out the American People.  When complete reality hits, anger comes up.   I believe it is the unbelievable amount of sadness I feel for all the people who need to be helped as the government sits on their hands and lets the American people go down the drain through out right fraud and inhuman treatment. 

Portion of article:

Bobby and Amanda Herring spent more than a year providing food to homeless people in downtown Houston every day. They fed them, left behind no trash and doled out warm meals peacefully without a single crime being committed, Bobby Herring said.

That ended two weeks ago when the city shut down their "Feed a Friend" effort for lack of a permit. And city officials say the couple most likely will not be able to obtain one.

Bobby Herring said those rules would preclude them from continuing to feed the 60 to 120 people they assisted nightly for more than a year. The food had been donated from area businesses and prepared in various kitchens by volunteers or by his wife.

On Nov. 8, they were approached by Houston police officers and asked to provide food at another location under an overpass at Commerce and Travis streets adjacent to Buffalo Bayou, he recalled.

They were happy to move to the new location and continued to provide food there until Dec. 30, when a park ranger and two police officers told them they would have to stop until they could obtain a permit.
Because the new area to which they had moved is on city park land, they need permission and permits from both the parks department and health department.

Because city ordinances would prevent them from obtaining the needed permit, Bobby Herring said he is hoping to find a new solution, perhaps working through a church with a permit or finding a downtown location that would allow them to continue to help the homeless.

Amanda Herring said she was frustrated at the city's sudden stance.

"I'm just really sad," she said. "I can't believe for a year we were right out in the open and never had anybody tell us to leave, to stop, to tell us it was wrong. I'm blindsided with it."

1 comment:

  1. if you have the missforchan of being broke and hungry with no were to go you will be let starve to death such compasion for your fellow man huston, now we know how much you fallow fasizium and why you shelter war crimminals and commit crimes against humanity
