
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are we being set up for Nibiru? Australian Paper says we may/will get TWO SUNS by 2012 for a while in our sky!

UPDATE 2/15/11 - Nibiru Disclosure?  - CNN - Brown Dwarf Star lurking right outside Pluto's orbit.

Yes, I have done lots of research on Nibiru/Planet X - when I read and hear about things that seem interesting I like to look into why people are talking about it.   Nibiru is one of those subjects I have looked for all I could in the reasoning of people believing in it.

I will say, there is compelling evidence from historical Egyptian Hieroglyphics and how Google Earth and Microsoft sky software has blocked out a certain area in the Universe, which happens to correspond where Nibiru should be coming from.   Besides the information and video leaked out of the South Pole Observatory.

Why did the govt. build that telescope in Antarctica?  There is that question besides multiple other ones.

I have never been absolute in belief one way or another, I have not been able to disprove it, but I have not been able to prove it either.

I have still looked out for evidence of it.

I will say, I do firmly believe our government will do anything to hide Nibiru, if it is real.  If you are not familiar with Nibiru, it is said to be our 13th planet.  It is said to come around every 13000 years and 2012 it is suppose to make it's round.   It is considered the winged planet, which is depicted in many caves and places around the world in ancient drawings.  Also in the 80s very briefly it came out public by the govt. we had another planet and they described Nibiru and said it was on an ecliptic orbit.  Well that got shut down real fast and all information wiped out and they have never said another word about it.  

So, why am I writing about Nibiru, though I am not sure if it is simply a mythical planet, being written about on the internet?

Today I found something, I feel is very strange.  I am wondering if we are being set up for the coming of Nibiru by the governments of the world?

Oh, a former Norwegian government official came out last year and said Nibiru is real and that is why all the governments are doing the doomsday seed vault in the Arctic and they have built underground bunkers and so on, for the "elite" of the world.  He said he felt guilty about all the populace not being told, so he felt he needed to.

So I have given you a very short synopsis of why I have still been on the look out for evidence one way or another about Nibiru. 

Today an Australian newspaper is claiming we may have a second sun in our sky.  They are saying we may have two suns by 2012

Now I find that completely strange!  I also feel if Nibiru is real the governments are trying to set up a reason we will have a second sun.  Their excuse would be a super nova that exploded in Orion's nebula. 

Now, my question is..... will people really believe that? Will they just take the governments word for it?

I would find it exceedingly strange that a super nova way out in the Universe could create a second sun for our galaxy. 

Portion from article:

twin suns are real. And here's the big news - they could be coming to Earth.

Yes, any day now we see a second sun light up the sky, if only for a matter of weeks.

The infamous red super-giant star in Orion’s nebula - Betelgeuse - is predicted to go gangbusters and the impending super-nova may reach Earth before 2012, and when it does, all of our wildest Star Wars dreams will come true.

The second biggest star in the universe is losing mass, a typical indication that a gravitation collapse is occurring.

When that happens, we'll get our second sun, according to Dr Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland.

Does anyone else find this very strange, in how we may get a second sun?  Also, can't blame global warming and glacier melts on carbons, when the second sun appears.  I would say, we will be in for some very hot days.

So..... are we being set up for Nibiru arriving ?


  1. What the *#@! are you doing? I personally want the morgage information? all this junk you have begun spouting is throwing me for a loop. I could give a @#$! about your conspiracy Theories I thought this was a Morgage Fraud info site. Move this junk to another blog, or I am concerned about your info being legit!!

  2. Sorry, but sometimes things just grab me that I have read about. Yes, it is mortgage fraud info, but I also put others things going on too. It does not take away from my passion of stopping all foreclosures in what ever way I can.

  3. Excuse me but isn't this still a free country?

    Doesn't Sherri still have a right to blog about anything she wants too?

    Keep calm and carry on!

  4. there's a lot of interesting "news" being released..from NASA saying to brace for
    a HUGE Electromagnetic storm coming in 2012
    that will knock out the world's powergrid,
    to scientists saying our solar system is moving
    to a "debris" filled part of the astroid belt.
    to finding water on mars/moon, etc,etc...this mortgage biz in interesting, but alas, there's other things in life just as interesting..

  5. also, sheri fyi, check out this website
    owner of site is a REAL brain doctor from
    like yale or harvard..anyways, his theory about
    life and 2012 is one of the most interesting
    i've ever read...
    and this vid he did about the origins of life begs more research..
    his butterfly analogy just knock me on the floor with it's force..

  6. Kudos, Sherrie.

    Cross verifiability is high on this.

    The last major upset in planetary motions as recorded by the ancients was about 3600Y ago:

    Venus is the brightest object in our night sky, second to the moon.
    The well developed astronomers of the far and middle east did not show Venus in their
    sky charts until around 1500 BC, when they described it as first appearing, and having a
    beard or tail. Venus was a comet. Its unique retrograde rotation is still slowing, and
    surface temperature over 700 degrees is still cooling. It was indeed absent from the
    night sky until it settled into its current orbit. Occam's razor at its sharpest.

    There is not so concrete a case for Nibiru, but the Sumerians knew about Pluto, which we rediscovered in the 1930's.


  7. I’m so sick of ppl dismissing the whole notion of a 10th planet solely on the grounds that they think that we would have seen it by now. Sure, a lot of the claims about a planet nibiru and the anuuaki are a little out there, even for the most “open minded” conspiracy theorists. This doesn’t change the fact though that there are facts that point to the presence of a 10th planet (like perturbations in the orbit of Neptune that are far greater than the gravitational effect of Pluto or any other known celestial bodies). Regardless of whether there is a 9th planet, I still have a feeling that whatever happens in 2012 will not be favorable for us. There’s no way to know for sure, but I doubt that our collective resonance is on a frequency high enough to ascend into a higher consciousness or w.e it is that they say is supposed to happen. There’s actually some good articles about how the amount of fear, hate and anxiety on the planet is not only way below what it should be, but at an all time high on if anyone wants to read more about why we won’t be able to get out of the “3rd density” that we’re currently stuck in.
