Through TRUTH we Will Create a Better World Together. There is no real division of left or right, religions, or anything else, it was all created to keep us separated. Coming together as ONE in Truth we are the Power! We CAN and WILL create the world as it is meant to be through Truth of What is and Ourselves! In Truth We Stand!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thank YOU Sandra. You are a brave and couragious woman to stand up to congress that way. Too bad we don't have any men that are anywhere near as strong as you any more. Where are our Patriots? Where are American Heros? Who will stand up and speak out and act out for America?
This unfortunate lady made a powerful presentation to the in one ear out the other ear Congress! Nothing will be done to help and all the fraud the Banks committed, no one will be charged yet see jail time.
Foreclosure lawyers are officers of the court knowledge of applicable laws and civil procedure is not required from mortgage lenders, nor loan servicers. In states that require judicial foreclosures, FORECLOSURE LAWYERS are the ones who file lawsuits to seize and sell property; and lawyers are responsible for filing and recording foreclosure property deeds.
Scores of homeowners do not contest foreclosures because of: not having knowledge of the law in order to recognize legally challengeable foreclosures or fraud; lack funds to pay for attorneys to represent them; homeowners are told to come to foreclosure auctions with money that they do not have, so they stay away from foreclosure auctions.
Inadequate or questionable foreclosure can lead to useless property deeds that impede real estate sales. Increasing numbers of title insurance companies are refusing to cover foreclosed properties; and certain mortgage default claims, are being denied because of defective foreclosure proceedings. . .”
SEE: Request for Congressional Foreclosure Panel to Examine Foreclosure Lawyers @ _foreclosure_lawyers#
This woman's bravery and clarity moved me to tears. If we all stand up as she has, things will change in short order. Ms. Hines is truly representative of the type of concerned citizen we should all aspire to be. Power To The People.
The bigger picture is now known to us well informed people. Congress repealed glass steagall act giving the banks the right to own homes again. The depression of the 30s created that act for GOOD reason. After the repeal of GS the bankers began packaging mortgages known as securities backed mortgages. Some mortgages were sold in 4 seperate packs. The foreign bankers who bought this toxic paper CAUGHT them in 2008 and that is why the bailouts occured. Turning profits private and losses PUBLIC! An insane and moral hazard to put it nicely. The american people were looted to pay for CRIMINAL activity plain and simple.
Should have listened to your mother, must have your daddy's brains. She probably told you not to put your money in a 401K too, but you're going to do it. And you'll be up there whining to the clowns again when you lose your 401K. I'm going to let you in on a secret, the clowns didn't listen to a word you said. They were thinking how they could make more money bailing out the banks again.
People stop letting the Gov and the banks tell you you faltered, when in fact they did. You still make the same the economy collapsed brought about by illegal loans and interest rates that were known to fail, let down by the Us government to stand up to the bankers who defaulted on the homeowners. There is something known as a fundamental breach that's when the contractor effects the terms of the original agreement and disables the party's ability's to honoring the original contract. Which makes the contract void. File charges against them they are at fault you did not change your pay the economy fell in part by the housing market everything was affected by it. It changed the terms of the original contract or mortgage.
So do you still think you can VOTE tyranny out of office? The two parties are simply opposite sides of the same coin, and neither of them gives a rats behind about America, or Americans. WAKE UP!
This is what happens when your government is CORRUPT. Of course there not listening to the people. The people aren't bribing them with money. Oh sorry lobbying. Like there's a difference. Until we end the corruption in our government we might as well just give up. America will be no more.
This woman is great. She speaks for all of us, so don't try to sweep her testimony under the table. She is, unknowingly, the Voice of God, a shot across the bow as it were, to shake all of you representatives out of your lethargic betrayal of America and the People. Wake up and smell the "brewing". You rep's should have bailed out the banks on the stipulation that everyone holding a primary residence mortgage have it paid in full, period. Then the banks, needing to make money would then start lending their bail out cash to the unstrappted people and businesses. It seems the rep's are in collusion with the ruling "corpses" class, sheeple for the corporations.
As long as we operate a money system that "never prints money for the interest".....foreclosures and bankruptcies will permeate the United States. Buy gold and silver...the time for speeches and rhetoric is over. Bring back constitutional money....and you bring back freedom from banker and governmental tyranny. It will be funny when the dollar collapses...they can take their government pensions to the Post Office and buy themselves one stamp with the proceeds. Good riddance.
Look at the blonde sitting behind Hank Johnson at 5:30 minutes into the video. She sits there with a condescending frown. Great testimony by Sandra Hines. At least they can't say noone told them about what was going on.
So.. the person who signs an agreement is faultless? You agree to pay. PAY ot lose. You sign knowning you owe. Admit you were stupid and give it back to the person/s you owe!
Actually the people who are standing up to the banks are not babbling idiots!
You must not know all about all the FRAUD of Wall Street!
You must not be familiar with how people are getting foreclosed on when they have been current on the modifications, due to fine print the banks put in!
You must not be familiar with the FRAUD the banks have committed on their investors by selling one mortgage about 20 times in different bonds.
You must not be familiar with the fact they have made about 3 million to every 100K loan.
Oh, lets not forget the trillions they have been given by you and me to bail them out. But then foreclose on people to make more money.
So, let the banks just keep raping the people?
Become familiar with all Wall street has done and I don't believe you will make that same statement again.
Wall street has committed fraud upon the people with houses too! So it is time for the fraud to end and people need to stand up!
The “Oil Crisis” of the 70’s, “Savings & Loan Crisis” of the 80’s, “Dot Com. Crisis” of the 90’s, “Mortgage Derivatives Crisis” of 2001-10, are in fact treasonous acts of sabotage upon the American people. Deliberate, well-orchestrated, documented, completely verifiable acts of treasonous sabotage perpetrated by The Federal Reserve and their many coconspirators in private and public domains.
Here’s another fact: between 1776 and 1913 the average annual inflation rate was about zero! After the Federal Reserve was formed (1913) average annual inflation rate has been about 1% per year! Read how Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and later the assassinated John F. Kennedy felt about Central Banks.
Unfortunately, Sandra Hines is only one person who did little more than embarrass the cowards that now run the country. And she is not completely aware of just how wide-spread and deep this disease really is. But then again Harriett Tubman was only one person, so perhaps there is a glimmer of hope.
The jewish family of rothchild and their ilk that own the federal reserve are the ones that have done everything in this country to destroy it that this fine american is talking about! Please read mike hewitts 2 page article titled "America's forgotten war against central banks." It describes and fortifies exactly what this woman states.
I would absolutely vote for this women for Congress! That is, I would, if this Government had real honest elections.
I am a white American (ethnic Irish). We're all refuges here, including our members of the U.S. Government, who treat it's citizens like cattle.
Christians now believe that our government servants are followers of Manicheism, a belief where good and evil is equal, that is, as having justification to do what ever one wants because it allows for dualistic justification. We see this in Foreign and Domestic policies, that is, the corruption of the soul.
Wealth is their addiction and eventually their down fall.
So sad that this great speech of this wonderful women fell on deaf ears. Her words were tossed in the trash as soon as she was done. They simply don't give a damn- that's why it has gotten this far.
The Congress suffer from a disease.. They believe they are impervious to the coming problems of collapse. The hide under special priviledges, bunkers that will be flooded by people or water seeking retribution for their crimes. Look how clever the Representatives of this sytem suddenly shift pretending to be the good guys..>Jon Stewart (brother Nasdaq mossad agents) Geraldo 911...they figure they are protected...not known.. When there people that catalogue their crimes & know their hiding spots..
How do I know this.. Cause this ime in history... People know more, want more.. Payback
There have always been groups or segments of society in the US who have been enslaved to support the obscene lifestyle of the elites. Unfortunately, America is today what it always was, a meat grinder to benefit the rich. Whether is be Indians, blacks, immigrants, or Mexicans who are enslaved it really hits home when the man comes to your door to sell you down the river. Now the middle class is being led like pigs to the slaughter. The middle class has associated itself with its rich masters for so long that they think they are on the fringe of being rich themselves. Now the middle class is presented with a reality check and is being shown plainly that they are expendable and not controlling their representatives who are corrupt and have been paid off by the rich and powerful. A psychopath will not respond to emotional pleas and we are governed by psychopaths. Some cannot resolve themselves to believe they have been deceived by an elite class and so console themselves by stating the "Jews" are really behind this. However, it is all before us, like a bully daring a beaten child to fight him, we are being taunted and mocked by the open revelations the corporations and government have looted the treasury and trashed our civil liberties. We have a culture that blames itself for misfortune so many families are destroying themselves rather than confronting the evil in plain sight. The hope of the nation lies with the youth to confront the sociopaths that have our nation in a stranglehold. If no one stands up for justice we will all return to our former positions as serfs and slaves.
This traitorous Congress has only ONE master... Israel. You people need to wake up to what is really going on and why Congress does NOT represent you. They represent a FOREIGN ENEMY STATE.
The people she's talking to don't care. They don't care about this lady, they don't care about her home, they don't care about her mothers antique furniture, they don't care she's been thrown out in the snow! They care about *their* comfortable homes, *their* wealth, *their* power. THAT'S what America is about now... wealthy people getting wealthier. Powerful people getting more power. Congressmen and Senators being bought and paid for by foreign governments and banking interests. THAT is America today. The People mean nothing. We are expendable. We are in the way. The government does not work for The People... never has. The government works for The Rich, The Powerful, the influential. At best you are in the way; at worst, you are a slave to be kept in your place by distracting you with wars and cheap imported crap from wherever we can get it.
Meanwhile, We the Sheeple continue to bicker amongst ourselves while our masters pull our strings.
Bruce, do you know why Cynthia McKinney was not reelected? “The guy who replaced Cynthia McKinney” he did not replace her in some magic way. He was elected! By who!? By lazy asses who relay on others opinion (newspaper and TV) Be sure, that because “This guy”, like anonymous said “Nothing will be done to help and all the fraud the Banks committed, no one will be charged yet see jail time.” Matt
The most indicative aspect of this hearing is the boredom of the representatives and the empty chairs. No one is listening, no one gives a damm. And that's the way it is and that's the way it will be. The American people are not a untied front and thus represent no danger to the self-interested status quo. We are a conquered people and our so-called representatives are in bed with the conquerors, hook line and sinker. Washington is a Vichi government. Their beds are feathered and they are not going to make any waves. Why people keep voting them into power is absolutely beyond comprehension. Only the fact that the people are completely brainwashed by oligarchic propaganda, the corporate media and just plain ignorance, explains this phenomenon. If people only read their history and were aware of the dangers our forefathers warned against in regard to private banking taking over congress' responsibility to control the monetary system, they would well be aware of what is happening to our country and to the world for that matter. This is our own fault. As one smug politician put it, "you have the government you deserve," and he was right. Thomas Jefferson warned us against this very situation, over and over again but we chose to become "consumers" rather than conscious people, "material girls" rather than young, responsible women, don't give s sh*t "potheads" rather than strong-minded young men. What the hell do we expect? These conquerors may have laid out the bait but we did not have to swallow it. Even as we listen to this lady's testimony, more of us will be as bored as those representatives, if we even listen to the end. This is the real tragedy. The American people have traded in their Sovereignty for trinkets, baubles and bling-bling. I hail Sherry for her courage, hoping that some males will someday develop the cojones to speak up as well.
Still don't know the facts behind loss of the house....job loss,illness,what. I know people who took out second mortgages on their homes and started spending as if there was no tomorrow on new cars, tvs ,surround sound ,luxury clothing, jewelery, fine dining and entertainment as my own family scrimped and budgeted. Then we watched them blame everybody but themselves when it was all gone and time to pay back what they owed. My husband ans I own a small business and find it increasingly unfair to have to pay higher taxes to support what amounts to greed in others who have spent in essence ,others money and are complaining when it is all gone . Wish my mother and father had left me a house,,,that's half the battle won.If it was already paid off why in fact did you go and remortgage it?.Need to know the whole story before I feel your pain.
I hate to seem cruel, but I also have very little sympathy for her. She took a second loan on her home and failed to pay it. The bank did what it had to do to recouperate their loan from her. And now she is angry that she had to repay them. Does she really think she shouldn't have to repay the loan?
"What do we do now for Easter Dinner that we are living in an apartment?" Have your family over at easter for dinner. Home is where you hang your hat and your heart.
December 22, 2010 9:44 PM “Still don't know the facts behind loss of the house....job loss,illness,”
This is without any thought the biggest problem of them all, the readiness almost enthusiastic desire to blame the victim. The elite create poverty. Get that into your heads. Many cultures, peoples, entire nations, where doing just fine until someone came along and said I’m going to save you from sin, I’m going to save you from ignorance, I’m going to save you from unemployment, I’m going to save you from poor credit. Even before the Roman Empire, enemies have been fabricated, religions created or redirected, economic cycles manipulated, fears of all types preached, all for the benefit of the elite. So what if she refinanced! There are hundreds of plausible reasons for refinancing, that is not the point. Why not ask, why are corporations that are “out-sourcing” getting tax breaks? Is it really that difficult to see that this current economic down turn like all the others, are carefully arranged and 100% intentional. Just like the wars, just like the poisons in your food, the periodic economic turmoil is intentional. And blaming the victim is part of the strategy.
I just want to know why she didn't pay her monthly mortgage bill. Hey geniuses, guess what happens when you decide to not pay your mortgage bill. I guess you're saying that this woman is a hero because she whines about not paying her mortgage and losing the house that was in her family for decades? If she got off welfare and got a job, maybe she would have paid her mortgage and not been forclosed on.
Commonsense often falls on deaf ears. However, there is no mistake about this, defending the corporations and banks that victimized this woman and millions of others is pointless. Unless you are one of the twelve families that own the Federal Reserve, than you are just as insignificant to them as this women that some of you choose to belittle. Your catering to the elite is shameful and quite foolish.
She hit the nail on the head. God bless her for speaking the truth. However the greedy Politicians do not care, this is why the Country is going down the tubes. The Politicians sold this country.
Thank YOU Sandra. You are a brave and couragious woman to stand up to congress that way.
ReplyDeleteToo bad we don't have any men that are anywhere near as strong as you any more.
Where are our Patriots? Where are American Heros? Who will stand up and speak out and act out for America?
ReplyDeleteThis unfortunate lady made a powerful presentation to the in one ear out the other ear Congress! Nothing will be done to help and all the fraud the Banks committed, no one will be charged yet see jail time.
ReplyDeleteForeclosure lawyers are officers of the court knowledge of applicable laws and civil procedure is not required from mortgage lenders, nor loan servicers. In states that require judicial foreclosures, FORECLOSURE LAWYERS are the ones who file lawsuits to seize and sell property; and lawyers are responsible for filing and recording foreclosure property deeds.
Scores of homeowners do not contest foreclosures because of: not having knowledge of the law in order to recognize legally challengeable foreclosures or fraud; lack funds to pay for attorneys to represent them; homeowners are told to come to foreclosure auctions with money that they do not have, so they stay away from foreclosure auctions.
Inadequate or questionable foreclosure can lead to useless property deeds that impede real estate sales. Increasing numbers of title insurance companies are refusing to cover foreclosed properties; and certain mortgage default claims, are being denied because of defective foreclosure proceedings. . .”
SEE: Request for Congressional Foreclosure Panel to Examine Foreclosure Lawyers @
This woman's bravery and clarity moved me to tears. If we all stand up as she has, things will change in short order. Ms. Hines is truly representative of the type of concerned citizen we should all aspire to be.
ReplyDeletePower To The People.
ReplyDeleteyeah, the guy who replaced Cynthia McKinney is what you would call an empty hat and sits on its worthless overpaid ass.
ReplyDeleteThe bigger picture is now known to us well informed people. Congress repealed glass steagall act giving the banks the right to own homes again. The depression of the 30s created that act for GOOD reason. After the repeal of GS the bankers began packaging mortgages known as securities backed mortgages. Some mortgages were sold in 4 seperate packs. The foreign bankers who bought this toxic paper CAUGHT them in 2008 and that is why the bailouts occured. Turning profits private and losses PUBLIC! An insane and moral hazard to put it nicely. The american people were looted to pay for CRIMINAL activity plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteShe deserves a medal. Very powerful presentation in from of the representatives of the fascist regime!!!
ReplyDeleteShould have listened to your mother, must have your daddy's brains. She probably told you not to put your money in a 401K too, but you're going to do it. And you'll be up there whining to the clowns again when you lose your 401K. I'm going to let you in on a secret, the clowns didn't listen to a word you said. They were thinking how they could make more money bailing out the banks again.
ReplyDeletePeople stop letting the Gov and the banks tell you you faltered, when in fact they did. You still make the same the economy collapsed brought about by illegal loans and interest rates that were known to fail, let down by the Us government to stand up to the bankers who defaulted on the homeowners. There is something known as a fundamental breach that's when the contractor effects the terms of the original agreement and disables the party's ability's to honoring the original contract. Which makes the contract void. File charges against them they are at fault you did not change your pay the economy fell in part by the housing market everything was affected by it. It changed the terms of the original contract or mortgage.
ReplyDeleteElect that woman right now!
ReplyDeleteWhy did she remortgage--moron.
ReplyDeleteSo do you still think you can VOTE tyranny out of office?
ReplyDeleteThe two parties are simply opposite sides of the same coin, and neither of them gives a rats behind about America, or Americans. WAKE UP!
Nice job Sandra--it takes courage to face the enemy. You have earned my applause. Be careful though they have camps prepared to house us.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when your government is CORRUPT. Of course there not listening to the people. The people aren't bribing them with money. Oh sorry lobbying. Like there's a difference. Until we end the corruption in our government we might as well just give up. America will be no more.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is great. She speaks for all of us, so don't try to sweep her
ReplyDeletetestimony under the table. She is, unknowingly, the Voice of God, a shot across the bow as it were, to shake all of you representatives out of your lethargic betrayal of America and the People. Wake up and smell the "brewing". You rep's should have bailed out the banks on the stipulation that everyone holding a primary residence mortgage have it paid in full, period. Then the banks, needing to make money would then start lending their bail out cash to the unstrappted people and businesses. It seems the rep's are in collusion with the ruling "corpses" class, sheeple for the corporations.
As long as we operate a money system that "never prints money for the interest".....foreclosures and bankruptcies will permeate the United States. Buy gold and silver...the time for speeches and rhetoric is over. Bring back constitutional money....and you bring back freedom from banker and governmental tyranny. It will be funny when the dollar collapses...they can take their government pensions to the Post Office and buy themselves one stamp with the proceeds. Good riddance.
ReplyDeleteLook at the blonde sitting behind Hank Johnson at 5:30 minutes into the video. She sits there with a condescending frown. Great testimony by Sandra Hines. At least they can't say noone told them about what was going on.
ReplyDeleteSo.. the person who signs an agreement is faultless? You agree to pay. PAY ot lose. You sign knowning you owe. Admit you were stupid and give it back to the person/s you owe!
ReplyDeleteYou are a bunch of babbling idiots.
ReplyDeleteThe person(s) loaning her money is(are) signing too.
Start a mortgage bailout fund of your own...see how far you can take it.
Don't ask every middle-American to pull your azz out of the dump. Be responsible for your decisions.
Actually the people who are standing up to the banks are not babbling idiots!
ReplyDeleteYou must not know all about all the FRAUD of Wall Street!
You must not be familiar with how people are getting foreclosed on when they have been current on the modifications, due to fine print the banks put in!
You must not be familiar with the FRAUD the banks have committed on their investors by selling one mortgage about 20 times in different bonds.
You must not be familiar with the fact they have made about 3 million to every 100K loan.
Oh, lets not forget the trillions they have been given by you and me to bail them out. But then foreclose on people to make more money.
So, let the banks just keep raping the people?
Become familiar with all Wall street has done and I don't believe you will make that same statement again.
Wall street has committed fraud upon the people with houses too! So it is time for the fraud to end and people need to stand up!
The “Oil Crisis” of the 70’s, “Savings & Loan Crisis” of the 80’s, “Dot Com. Crisis” of the 90’s, “Mortgage Derivatives Crisis” of 2001-10, are in fact treasonous acts of sabotage upon the American people. Deliberate, well-orchestrated, documented, completely verifiable acts of treasonous sabotage perpetrated by The Federal Reserve and their many coconspirators in private and public domains.
ReplyDeleteHere’s another fact: between 1776 and 1913 the average annual inflation rate was about zero! After the Federal Reserve was formed (1913) average annual inflation rate has been about 1% per year! Read how Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and later the assassinated John F. Kennedy felt about Central Banks.
Unfortunately, Sandra Hines is only one person who did little more than embarrass the cowards that now run the country. And she is not completely aware of just how wide-spread and deep this disease really is. But then again Harriett Tubman was only one person, so perhaps there is a glimmer of hope.
The jewish family of rothchild and their ilk that own the federal reserve are the ones that have done everything in this country to destroy it that this fine american is talking about!
ReplyDeletePlease read mike hewitts 2 page article titled "America's forgotten war against central banks."
It describes and fortifies exactly what this woman states.
I would absolutely vote for this women for Congress! That is, I would, if this Government had real honest elections.
ReplyDeleteI am a white American (ethnic Irish). We're all refuges here, including our members of the U.S.
Government, who treat it's citizens like cattle.
Christians now believe that our government servants are followers of Manicheism, a belief where good and evil is equal, that is, as having
justification to do what ever one wants because
it allows for dualistic justification. We see this in Foreign and Domestic policies, that is, the corruption of the soul.
Wealth is their addiction and eventually their down fall.
So sad that this great speech of this wonderful women fell on deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteHer words were tossed in the trash as soon as she was done.
They simply don't give a damn- that's why it has gotten this far.
The Congress suffer from a disease..
ReplyDeleteThey believe they are impervious to the coming problems of collapse.
The hide under special priviledges, bunkers that will be flooded by people or water seeking retribution for their crimes.
Look how clever the Representatives of this sytem suddenly shift pretending to be the good guys..>Jon Stewart (brother Nasdaq mossad agents) Geraldo 911...they figure they are protected...not known..
When there people that catalogue their crimes & know their hiding spots..
How do I know this..
Cause this ime in history...
People know more, want more..
There have always been groups or segments of society in the US who have been enslaved to support the obscene lifestyle of the elites. Unfortunately, America is today what it always was, a meat grinder to benefit the rich. Whether is be Indians, blacks, immigrants, or Mexicans who are enslaved it really hits home when the man comes to your door to sell you down the river. Now the middle class is being led like pigs to the slaughter. The middle class has associated itself with its rich masters for so long that they think they are on the fringe of being rich themselves. Now the middle class is presented with a reality check and is being shown plainly that they are expendable and not controlling their representatives who are corrupt and have been paid off by the rich and powerful. A psychopath will not respond to emotional pleas and we are governed by psychopaths. Some cannot resolve themselves to believe they have been deceived by an elite class and so console themselves by stating the "Jews" are really behind this. However, it is all before us, like a bully daring a beaten child to fight him, we are being taunted and mocked by the open revelations the corporations and government have looted the treasury and trashed our civil liberties. We have a culture that blames itself for misfortune so many families are destroying themselves rather than confronting the evil in plain sight. The hope of the nation lies with the youth to confront the sociopaths that have our nation in a stranglehold. If no one stands up for justice we will all return to our former positions as serfs and slaves.
ReplyDeleteVote em all out,
ReplyDeleteThis traitorous Congress has only ONE master... Israel. You people need to wake up to what is really going on and why Congress does NOT represent you. They represent a FOREIGN ENEMY STATE.
The people she's talking to don't care. They don't care about this lady, they don't care about her home, they don't care about her mothers antique furniture, they don't care she's been thrown out in the snow! They care about *their* comfortable homes, *their* wealth, *their* power. THAT'S what America is about now... wealthy people getting wealthier. Powerful people getting more power. Congressmen and Senators being bought and paid for by foreign governments and banking interests. THAT is America today. The People mean nothing. We are expendable. We are in the way. The government does not work for The People... never has. The government works for The Rich, The Powerful, the influential. At best you are in the way; at worst, you are a slave to be kept in your place by distracting you with wars and cheap imported crap from wherever we can get it.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, We the Sheeple continue to bicker amongst ourselves while our masters pull our strings.
Bruce, do you know why Cynthia McKinney was not reelected?
ReplyDelete“The guy who replaced Cynthia McKinney” he did not replace her in some magic way.
He was elected! By who!? By lazy asses who relay on others opinion (newspaper and TV)
Be sure, that because “This guy”, like anonymous said “Nothing will be done to help and all the fraud the Banks committed, no one will be charged yet see jail time.”
The most indicative aspect of this hearing is the boredom of the representatives and the empty chairs. No one is listening, no one gives a damm. And that's the way it is and that's the way it will be. The American people are not a untied front and thus represent no danger to the self-interested status quo. We are a conquered people and our so-called representatives are in bed with the conquerors, hook line and sinker. Washington is a Vichi government. Their beds are feathered and they are not going to make any waves. Why people keep voting them into power is absolutely beyond comprehension. Only the fact that the people are completely brainwashed by oligarchic propaganda, the corporate media and just plain ignorance, explains this phenomenon. If people only read their history and were aware of the dangers our forefathers warned against in regard to private banking taking over congress' responsibility to control the monetary system,
ReplyDeletethey would well be aware of what is happening to our country and to the world for that matter. This is our own fault. As one smug politician put it, "you have the government you deserve," and he was right. Thomas Jefferson warned us against this very situation, over and over again but we chose to become "consumers" rather than conscious people, "material girls" rather than young, responsible women, don't give s sh*t "potheads" rather than strong-minded young men. What the hell do we expect? These conquerors may have laid out the bait but we did not have to swallow it. Even as we listen to this lady's testimony, more of us will be as bored as those representatives, if we even listen to the end. This is the real tragedy. The American people have traded in their Sovereignty for trinkets, baubles and bling-bling.
I hail Sherry for her courage, hoping that some males will someday develop the cojones to speak up as well.
Still don't know the facts behind loss of the house....job loss,illness,what. I know people who took out second mortgages on their homes and started spending as if there was no tomorrow on new cars, tvs ,surround sound ,luxury clothing, jewelery, fine dining and entertainment as my own family scrimped and budgeted. Then we watched them blame everybody but themselves when it was all gone and time to pay back what they owed. My husband ans I own a small business and find it increasingly unfair to have to pay higher taxes to support what amounts to greed in others who have spent in essence ,others money and are complaining when it is all gone . Wish my mother and father had left me a house,,,that's half the battle won.If it was already paid off why in fact did you go and remortgage it?.Need to know the whole story before I feel your pain.
ReplyDeleteI hate to seem cruel, but I also have very little sympathy for her. She took a second loan on her home and failed to pay it. The bank did what it had to do to recouperate their loan from her. And now she is angry that she had to repay them. Does she really think she shouldn't have to repay the loan?
ReplyDelete"What do we do now for Easter Dinner that we are living in an apartment?" Have your family over at easter for dinner. Home is where you hang your hat and your heart.
December 22, 2010 9:44 PM “Still don't know the facts behind loss of the house....job loss,illness,”
ReplyDeleteThis is without any thought the biggest problem of them all, the readiness almost enthusiastic desire to blame the victim. The elite create poverty. Get that into your heads. Many cultures, peoples, entire nations, where doing just fine until someone came along and said I’m going to save you from sin, I’m going to save you from ignorance, I’m going to save you from unemployment, I’m going to save you from poor credit. Even before the Roman Empire, enemies have been fabricated, religions created or redirected, economic cycles manipulated, fears of all types preached, all for the benefit of the elite.
So what if she refinanced! There are hundreds of plausible reasons for refinancing, that is not the point. Why not ask, why are corporations that are “out-sourcing” getting tax breaks? Is it really that difficult to see that this current economic down turn like all the others, are carefully arranged and 100% intentional. Just like the wars, just like the poisons in your food, the periodic economic turmoil is intentional. And blaming the victim is part of the strategy.
I just want to know why she didn't pay her monthly mortgage bill. Hey geniuses, guess what happens when you decide to not pay your mortgage bill. I guess you're saying that this woman is a hero because she whines about not paying her mortgage and losing the house that was in her family for decades? If she got off welfare and got a job, maybe she would have paid her mortgage and not been forclosed on.
ReplyDeleteCommonsense often falls on deaf ears. However, there is no mistake about this, defending the corporations and banks that victimized this woman and millions of others is pointless. Unless you are one of the twelve families that own the Federal Reserve, than you are just as insignificant to them as this women that some of you choose to belittle. Your catering to the elite is shameful and quite foolish.
ReplyDeleteCorrupt bastards, all of them.
ReplyDeleteWater off a ducks back.
ReplyDeleteStirring statement but that's all it means to
those guys.
She hit the nail on the head. God bless her for speaking the truth. However the greedy Politicians do not care, this is why the Country is going down the tubes. The Politicians sold this country.
ReplyDeleteWould be a shame if the foreclosed homes burnt down, wouldn't it?
ReplyDeleteThink about it...