
Thursday, December 2, 2010

U.S. Citizens Bailing Out Banks Around the World - Did Fed Do this - Due to them KNOWING The Fraud of MERS and Selling of MBS many times over? Could it all Lead back to the MERS and Foreclosure Fraud and to Ultimately Try to Cover it Up?

We all know the Fed released the information of their 3.3 Trillion of loans given out yesterday.

In releasing the information it has been found, the Federal Reserve (it is NOT a Govt. agency - but a Private Bank) has bailed out (printed the U.S. dollar) foreign banks.

There is all kinds of information about this on the internet, from Bloomberg, - their headline this morning:         Fed May Be `Central Bank of the World' After UBS, Barclays Aid.

To Zerohedge and their story about it: Meet The 35 Foreign Banks That Got Bailed Out By The Fed (And This Is Just The CPFF Banks)

Market Ticker and his story: First Blatantly Unlawful Fed Act: AIG Foreign Sub Stock

Drudge has this as a Top LinkEuropean banks took big slice of Fed aid

From CNN - a short Video about the FED and their Loans.

Now that I have given you a sample of the Information out there about the Fed bailing out Foreign entities with the Citizen's of the United States money, so there is no need to me to go into the finite details here.... I do have a question about it.

Does this stem from the MERS FRAUD?  Is it possible the Fed has done this due to all the FRAUD of the Wall Street banks, were they in reality covering up the Fraud?  I ask this due to the fact, the Wall Street banks have been proven to have sold MBS (mortgage backed securities) over and over to different bonds.  Those MBS securities are purchased by foreign investors and countries.  Knowing Wall Street would sell one mortgage multiple times over in different bonds and has made huge amounts of money on them, including selling them in AAA Moody ratings bonds.  Though those AAA bonds were fraud, which the Wall Street banks sold, then turned around and shorted, so they have made literally millions off each $100,000 mortgage.  Since the Fed Reserve and Treasury Dept are all previous Goldman Sachs executives, were they covering up for what boils down to the Fraudulent created MERS?  

I find it very interesting that Goldman Sachs - The "We are doing awesome and no problems, Wall Street bank" took out Billions last year, the same year they had their BEST profit year ever!  Then of course they gave Billions to those who work there as bonuses.  The same firm who has given bad advice to countries, investors and those losing money due to Goldman Sach's advice, but Goldman making money every day so far this year.  They give advice and then Short the advice in another area of the firm, which has been proven by the SEC earlier this year.

In fact Zerohedge had an article about Goldman apologizing yesterday to their clients for their "bad advice in the FX realm".  What would be highly interesting, would be to find out if in another section of Goldman, if they were turning around the shorting the FX advice given to investors?  But, do we really have to dig around to find out if they did or not?  I would bet there is another division where the people heading it, have gotten bonuses on shorts of the FX that directly conflicts with their advice to others.

But, my whole question comes back full circle, to..... has these trillions of bailouts given to foreign banks been strictly for the "cover up" of MERS fraud?  Did they know the FRAUD and try to cover it up this whole time by throwing money at all the banks and investors of the world?

Now, the world may suffer from the dollar inflating inflating inflating, due to all the money the Fed has printed to bailout the world with the U.S. dollar, this does not include the coming bail out of the European countries.  How much will be printed for that bailout?  How many more U.S. dollars will be on the market? 

Oh, but of course we will be bailing out the banks of Europe, BUT the people of the U.S. have been told "there is not enough money to keep your unemployment benefits going, anymore"!  So millions have lost their unemployment benefits this week, of course when you are going to hit someone in the stomach, do it 3 weeks before Christmas too!  So those who have lost their little bit of money, they were desperately trying to survive on.... Now get to tell their children "Santa, may not come this year"!  Besides that, we may not have a house to live in next year either!!

Also, lets not forget MSM actually acknowledging inflation of food now..... BUT will Social Security come back and say "they were wrong" in not increasing those on Social Security for 2011 - per them saying there has been "no inflation"?  Did MSM conveniently wait to start reporting on all the food inflation, energy inflation, etc., until after Social Security announced "no increase, for the 2nd year in a row"?  

Yes, I have multiple "rants" in this one post, but do they all actually fit together and a finger point at MERS?

If you want to say I have a "Conspiracy Mind" for asking these questions and trying to put 2 + 2 together in the whole financial mess... then go right ahead.  All I do, is put this little piece with that piece and see if the puzzle fits.  In my opinion, the puzzle is fitting nicely - in that ultimately the whole financial mess has been a Cover Up of MERS FRAUD by the Fed and Treasury Dept. - which is in fact Wall Street Banking and Investment firms FRAUD perpetrated on the World!

UPDATE 12/2/10  11:23am est - OMG - If this doesn't Prove The Fed has been working to cover Up the Wall Street Fraud and Protect the Bankers at ALL COST!  I don't know what does!  The Fed wants to Control the Truth in Lending Law!!  It would make it much harder for people to fight the Foreclosure Fraud and Predatory Lending!  This is the most blatant and obvious F.U. to the "regular" people, I have seen from the Federal Reserve Yet!  

Portion from article:

WASHINGTON — As Americans continue to lose their homes in record numbers, the Federal Reserve is considering making it much harder for homeowners to stop foreclosures and escape predatory home loans with onerous terms. 

The Fed's proposal to amend a 42-year-old provision of the federal Truth in Lending Act has angered labor, civil rights and consumer advocacy groups along with a slew of foreclosure defense attorneys.

Critics say the proposed change by the Fed would render the rescission clause useless. The Fed proposal would require homeowners who seek a loan rescission through the courts, to pay off the entire loan balance before the lender cancels the lien.


  1. Good work Sherrie!

    It is so good to see the painful truth about the rotten corruption at the heart of our nation exposed in print.

    As to your question "Is it possible the Fed has done this due to all the FRAUD of the Wall Street banks, were they in reality covering up the Fraud?"

    That may appear to be an immediate response to an immediate problem. But we must remember the whole sub prime scam was planned at least as far back as the 1990s. The sub prime fraud is so obvious and so public there is no way it can be covered up. It can be SANCTIONED by the USSA power structure as has been 9/11.

    MERS and the whole sub prime fraud is but a part of the master plan to destroy the USA and replace it with the police state USSA. The FED and Wall Street banks are prime tools in this destruction. J. P. Morgan for example was the prime tool for the runs on banks that paved the way for the FED to be foisted on the American people.

  2. I can't find any article that simply explains the fraud because it's so complicated.

    For example,

    take Indymac Bank doing toxic loans, suckering in every unsuspecting borrower to take out another loan.
    then the Feds, allowing the business activities of selling common stock and preferred stock, and all that stuff in between, then Indymac going BK, FDIC takeover, passing Indymac assets off to Onewest, giving Onewest a Shared Loss Agreement, allowing fraudulent foreclosures, devaluing the stock to 0 (which IF the promissory notes were placed into stock (SPE) then wouldn't the promissory notes be also worth ZERO?

    How does the new servicer make money by fraudulently foreclosing?
    I've seen thousands of trustee deeds recently (deeds when the house is foreclosed upon) where the foreclosure trustee deeds the house to FNMAE or Freddie MAC BUT
    FNMAE or Freddie Mac were not the "benificiary" (holder of the promissory note) listed on the notice of trustee sale documents. So where is the LINK?

    What do the "debt collectors" i.e., Onewest, Bank of America, JP Morgan, etc, get? How do they get paid? What is their motivation for foreclosing. How much do they make off of each foreclosure?

    There needs to be a fluent, simply stated article that walks the public through beginning to end, and shows who is winning what.

    Another example, I found an article that states
    FDIC Postpones Capital Requirements for Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC), Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C), Bank of America Corp. (NYSE:BAC) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM)
    and another: SEC Settlement Finalizes Bank Of America (NYSE: BAC) Shareholder Fund

    Here is what I understand so far: Lender originated promissory notes. Bank (subsidiary of Lender) loaned Lender the $ to fund the promissory notes from a Bank Warehouse LOC. Bank took that Warehouse LOC and made an SPE and used the Warehouse line (factored it) to entice investors to purchase preferred stock in the SPE.
    Then Lender (with the unencumbered promissory notes) took those notes and put them into different SPE's (also they retained partial stock of some of those SPE's by forming more subsidiaries) and sold common stock in those SPE's to unsuspecting investors. Now those investors can write off their investments becaue the stock is worth NOTHING. BUT the Lenders actually didn't legally assign the promissory notes into the SPE's in violation of SEC rules per GAAP and FASB140.
    Thus, when the mortgage market imploded, and the FDIC took over as receiver for Indymac and other BAD banks, investors got to take tax write offs, by claiming their stock was worth 0. Wouldn't that make the promissory notes worth 0 too?
    Then because the FDIC has taken over the "assets" of the BAD bank, they have to figure out a way to gain control of the property secured by the deeds of trusts (they can't produce the notes, because if they do, it would make the investors of those SPE's very upset that the notes were not actual assigned into their SPE and cause SEC investigations galore).
    So the FDIC hires "debt collectors" (Stern, Onewest, NW Trustee Services) to go after the properties using any means possible to attempt to gain title to the property. They use robo signors, produce 2 fraudulent notes in court, etc, etc..
    But I need help with the rest of this story........
    I do know that if a borrower STAYS in the house, it is very difficult to get them out and the lenders came up with that cash for keys plan. BUT I think that also the borrower needs to pay their taxes separately, because I've seen where the servicer lenders are letting the borrowers sit for 3 years (from the date that the borrower stopped making pmts) but if the lender makes the tax pmts, then there is some other law about who has paid the taxes and rights to the property.

    Does anyone know of anyone that can walk a simple person though the quagmire of Bank Fraud @)* so that the story can get out to everyone?
