
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is there ONE Obama Campaign Promise Kept? Do We have ANY FREEDOMS or Justice left in this Country? NO - The reasons Why! Video - Olbermann blasting Obama!

Obama has not kept one campaign promise, since taking office!  The wars are continuing, the renditions are continuing, there is more spying on the people!   There is no balancing of the budget, in fact for the first time in history, the Congress did not even bother doing a budget for 2011, which started October 1st.  The spending is out of control!   Obama's base is now fully realizing he has not done anything for the people, he continues to out Bush, Bush!  Even his solid media base is starting to come out in the open, including Olbermann, who has always been behind Obama.  But he even blasted him last night for all his campaign promises broken, he took Obama to task on the tax breaks for the rich!  In fact Olbermann, said Obama is a failure in so many words and says, he doubts he would even be nominated for the 2012 Presidential election by the Democrats!

We have been going down a socialist road in a police state.  If people don't realize that... then they are totally asleep.  Even those who have stood behind Obama, need to wake up and see where this country is headed.   I will say, I voted for Obama.  I bought all that "Hope and Change and Yes We Can"!  I believed we would get back to the free country we once were.  I was sadly wrong, and somehow I knew that instinctively at his inauguration.   I have never watched an Obama speech etc. since.

We have gone down a road of losing most of our freedoms.  If people still think we are free, they need to take a closer look at the policies enacted the last couple of years and all the bills the Congress and Senate have passed.  Also look at the things they have not done, including any federal budget for 2011.  Has one MSM outlet taken the government to task on us carrying on without a Federal budget?  NO!  It has not been discussed.  Why?  It is our constitution that keeps being trampled on.  In fact is there much left of the constitution lived by, from this government?

Free Speech?  Well, no.... people get arrested now for rallying in Washington D.C. all the time now.  They don't have a permit to rally or other such things.  We have to have permission to demonstrate on the streets of the U.S. now, otherwise we are arrested.  Besides that, all who demonstrate and rally for a cause, their pictures are taken and their information is submitted to a fusion center.  They are then put on a list of "possible terrorist", simply for voicing their peaceful opinions of a cause.

Do we have a right not to be spied on by our government anymore?  Well, no.... people's credit card purchases and purchases using value cards at stores, are tracked by the government.

Do we have a right of freedom of movement?  Well, no..... Everyone is considered a suspect and is molested or naked body scans are done, if traveling on a plane.  Also our roads have police check points at times.  Cars are inspected and people are searched, without warrants or provocation. 

Do we have freedom of our own home privacy?  Well, no.... especially if you have a child, the government is allowed to come in and inspect your home, for the least of reasons.

Do we have a justice system that works for the citizens?  Well, no.... We have a justice system which works for banks and corporations.  Look at the foreclosure fraud.  Judges know the banks don't have a right to foreclose, yet they still let them, with fraudulent paperwork.  Also, due to the Patriot act any citizen of the U.S. can be considered a "terrorist" for speaking out and they can be taken by the government and held with out a trial or even acknowledgment from the government they are being held. 

Will we be able to even grow our own food or have a choice of what food we eat?  No.... not when S 510 bill takes affect.  We will have lost our freedom of choice in what we put in our bodies and where we get our food from.

The list goes on and on.. of our losing of our freedoms.  It did not start with Obama, it started many many years ago, but Obama and the elected officials in Washington, have taken it to the extreme. 

When will people truly wake up to the fact we are not living in a Free country anymore?  When will they stop accepting how the MSM spins all the clamp downs are good things?  When will people wake up, to the fact they have lost their rights in every way?  Will they realize it, when the military are patrolling our streets?

Here is Olbermann and his blasting Obama - saying "You are not the President we elected" basically.

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  1. Thanks to all the 53% who could not see past the rock concerts, the bullshit hope n change speeches, and failed to let their fingers do the walking and check on this asshats political records online. Really very easy to do,especially when you are casting a very important vote for America's future.We Americans now have some tough choices to make and not any of them are pretty. The tree of Liberty needs to be refreshed.

  2. How can anyone be surprized when a politician from any party fails to keep his/her campaign promises? Every election they promise all kinds of stuff and they never deliver. Election after election the promises made with such "sincerity" never materialize. And yet people never learn. People are continually suprized. So its not the politicians who are fooling us...we are fooling ourselves. It is our own lies to ourselves that fool us into believing any campaign promise from any politician of any stripe. So sheesh...grow up already.


  4. Why are you suprised? Somebody has to give you the game, or you are lost. It goes like this ... the US has been bankrupt since at least 1933, as evidenced by the call in/revaluation of gold/going off the gold standard as per HR192. The nature of the bankruptcy of 1933 was a receivership, where policy is dictated by our creditors. The main creditor is a private, run for profit corporate entity known as the "Federal Reserve System". With the exception of coinage, all base metal these days, every dollar in circulation or in the banking system has been created by bond issuance and is therefore evidence of debt of the United States. The debt of the US is secured by the future labors of the American People. This has been fastened onto us via the new deal era socialism of the 1930's, in particular, it is use of socialist slavestate numbers whereby people incur liability for federal income tax.

    Bottom line ... the socialism we are seeing now is a direct result of what started in the 1930's as the "new deal" and is the policy of our creditors, dictated to us as a result of the bankruptcy. The next phase of the bankruptcy will be/is the sell off of our infrastructure at firesale prices to foreign corporations, a change from the dollar to some international unit of money as the world reserve currency, a drastic decline in our standard of living, and a dramatic stepping up of the police state. What Obama is doing is merely a continuation of policies of the Bush administration and every other administration before that going back to FDR.

    Once you understand how the system is setup, there is recourse and remedy available. You simply do not have to participate in your own enslavement. You need to see the video "Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception" by Robert Arthur Menard, it is on google video and youtube. Menard's website is


  5. I must admit I voted for Obama and thought (hoped really) that he was the real deal that he was going to bring change. I thought that he was going to as he said "restore the rule of law" and he was going to rein in wall street. I thought he would end the wars (instead all he did was rename the combat troops in Iraq support troops - they still fight and die just in support not combat). I thought he would slash the ridicules military budget and balance the budget just as he promised. Well 2 years and one hell of a rude wakeup call later and I can promise you he will never again get my vote, not as if it matters anyway (A democrat or republican will win and they are just 2 sides of the same rotten coin). I would say a police state looks inevitable but in many ways it is already here. Hell his victory speech had tears in my eyes because I thought we would get back on the right path to being the land of the free and the home of the brave. I know better now, fool me once shame on you, you won't get a second chance.

  6. obama has kept over 100 campaign promises. just because you don't want to admit to them doesn't mean they didn't happen.
