
Monday, November 8, 2010

Words Can NOT describe what I think right now! Banker Hit and Run - but Prosecuter doesn't want to hurt his Job! Not Charging Him! If this was you are Me - We would be in Jail and they would Not care Where we worked or how much we Made! OUTRAGEOUS!

Talk about INJUSTICE in how the Police deal with People!  A Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, did a Hit and Run on a bicyclist in Colorado!  He left the bicyclist for DEAD.  He was found, but the police have opted to NOT charge him with a Felony of Hit and Run and only with a  Misdemeanor, because they say it would "Hurt His Job and Pay"!!

How is this possible?!!  How is it a Banker gets Treatment as this and Not going to Jail for almost killing someone and leaving them for dead.  The bicyclist had a severed spinal cord and bleeding in the brain!

This literally PROVES Bankers can get away with Murder or what ever else they want and there will be NO repercussions from it!  This is why the people of the U.S. are getting Raped by the bankers and no one in government is doing a thing about it!

When I don't think I can be shocked anymore, I am shocked More!

Portions from article:

A Morgan Stanley wealth manager will not face felony charges for a hit-and-run because Colorado prosecutors don't want him to lose his job.

Martin Joel Erzinger, who manages more than $1 billion in assets for Morgan Stanley in Denver, is being accused only of a misdemeanor for allegedly driving his Mercedes into a cyclist and then fleeing the scene, Colorado's Vail Daily reports. The victim, Dr. Steven Milo, whom Erzinger allegedly hit in July, suffered spinal cord injuries, bleeding from his brain and, according to his lawyer Harold Haddon, "lifetime pain."

But District Attorney Mark Hurlbert says it wouldn't be wise to prosecute Erzinger -- doing so might hurt his source of income. Here's Vail Daily:

Edit - this is a post on Huffington Post - it has the phone number of where people can call and Demand Justice!  I am reproducing the post and don't believe the person would mind, since they gave such great information. The poster's name is ydrittmann on Huffington.

I just got off the phone with the Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation. Anyone, even from out of state can file a complaint in this case. I was given a case number and the name of an attorney in the office who has two weeks to get back to me. Call the office at 303-893-8121. Cyclists Unite for Justice! 

Also here is the information for the DA's office in Colorado!

The DAs contact info:

Summit County

Physical Address:
1760 Airport Road, Unit A
Breckenridge, CO 80424

Mailing Address:
Summit County District Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 488
Breckenridge, CO 80424

Phone Number:
970-453-2327 ext 116
Fax Number:


  1. This needs to be published and circulated as widely as possible - maybe sufficient awareness of this can put enough pressure on them to do their job.

    Both Erzinger and Hurlbert should go to jail.

  2. Rothschild Bankers funded WW II Germans and Allied Bankers via B.I.S. in Basel Switzerland transferring funds the entire war between Nazi Deutch Bank and UK Bank of England extending it.

    War could have ended 1-2 years but Germans Printed Debt Free Currency and Tossed Rothschild Bankers out of Germany so they firebombed all Germans and never bombed factories to extend war 5 years to kill all Germans so no more "Banking Problem Children" left living.

    Read Old book With The New Finacial Way to rid parasite Interest Banking here:

    Oh and they invented Interest banking 800 years ago in Italy and Arab Sharia Law forbids Interest Banking so we been shooting Arabs last 800 years too.

    Oh and don't count on the Police or Homeland Security to help with this Mafia, as they are paid to protect the government from you after you see this next video showing CIA and Police bring Coke into the USA Cities:

  3. No surprise here. Everyone knows that the wealthy are above the law. That's what happens when you own the government. Maybe someone with a sense of justice will break Erzinger's neck. Then he can use his income to pay people to wipe his ass for the rest of his greedy life.

  4. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat! That is why gentiles were created." - Maran Hagaon Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit" - former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel; current spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Israeli Knesset

    Yosef's halakhic responsa are highly regarded within Orthodox circles and are considered binding in many Mizrahi communities, among whom he is regarded as "the most important living halachic authority."

  5. Nobody is above the law of cause and effect which is nature's law.
    The banker may enjoy some earthly wealth but he can take nothing with him when he passes to the next world. Once there he will have to make up for every wrong that he has done. More on this at
    There will be no forgiveness for Catholics who think saying a few prayers gets them a free ride. Everything that we do has a consequence. Every good deed will bring a favourable reward.
    It must be sad being very wealthy and knowing that nature will take your life away no matter how much you have. All of the gold and gems ever found is still here because nobody has ever taken any of it with them when they died.

  6. Hurlbert, Erzinger, there in the names is all one needs to know about this event.

  7. If justice is not served by our elected officials, I guess they prefer the alternative. LOL. Their choice.

    This article says it all. And I'm speaking from experience with the law. I never hurt a single person in my life, but they nailed me!

  8. The common idiots are comfortable in their ignorance and make no effort to do otherwise. They glorified Star Wars but fail to initiate a “rebel alliance” against the elite. Therefore the “powers that be” seem to be the winners in this world conquest.
    However the “leaders” of the coming one world government have morals that are actually far inferior, well below the virtuousness they pretend to possess. This means that their desire to conquest will in time turn on them, on each other. At the top there can be only one, and in the process they may actually neutralize each other.

  9. US govt is not a legitimate govt at all. US govt is a corporation. USC 3002 item 15a and you can look that up. The US corp created a second constitution in 1871 following the reconstruction act of 1868. The orginal constitution and the orginal form of governance intended by the founding fathers has been dormant since 1860. The people have to reinhabit the institutions of govt to reform it back to its original form. That is what is all about. Patriotic Americans taking back what is known as the true republic form of governance. The US corp is on the verge of collapse and all americans should look at getting on board with the restored America. Rule of law has collapse and that is a no brainer at this stage. These criminal acts by the congress and bankers will never get the proper justice served. We the people will have to serve up that justice but it needs to be done peacefully if at all possible and if not OH WELL!

  10. If he put a noose in an envelope and mailed it to the NAACP, he'd get 18 months. Because our Justice Department doesn't like that kind of thing.
