
Friday, November 12, 2010

Great Interview -James Turk Interviews David Morgan of Silver-Investor about the Metals Market. Manipulations and Where it is Headed.

This is a Great Interview - James Turk interviewed David Morgan of Silver-Investor,
in Munich, during a conference there, earlier this week.


James Turk: "Yes, I agree with you completely, it has been my view for some time now, that we are going to be seeing a short squeeze and that looks like what we've been experiencing right at the moment. It probably started actually in the low twenties, but with this breakout above 25 dollar, which with I agree with you, is a very important move and that big move up the other day when it went up 1.60 dollar, that had all the earmarks of being a short squeeze on it. The fact that the open interest has been continuing to grow, is that a sign that the shorts are reluctant to throw in the towel, that they are going to continue selling and selling until eventually there paper will be completely discredited and won’t sell anymore?"

David Morgan: :I don't think they will never sell anymore, you’ve got to remember who they are, they are mainly the large banking houses and they can create infinite money. But the problem is, at what point do they have to throw in the towel and say, you know thirty dollar, forty dollar silver. At what point does something give and I think really don't know, but what I do know is that these markets are very fragile right now, meaning that decisions are going to have to be made, I would say in a very short term, either the CFTC is going to come out with a statement in the next month or two, hopefully in the next week or two, and say: "the position limits are such and such and you have to reduce them to that level in the next two months". Were that to occur, they would have to seriously look at covering their positions on the way up. That's a possibility, there are infinite possibilities, but that's one that is likely."

David Morgan: "You know me, I'm one of the most free market guys out there and I always believe strongly that the free market will take hold eventually. That has been my case on the trend; you can't manipulate the overall trend, because free markets are greater. Would silver or gold prices be higher than they are now, if this whacking the markets down all the time were not recurring? Of course they would be higher right now, but in a way that's an advantage to people that understand how markets work and which potential gold and silver still have."

David Morgan: "I don't think you've ever, I don't think that anybody who knows me, has ever heard me saying this word in the market before and of course by law I'm really not supposed to use the word, but I do guarantee you, you will see backwardation and it may not be a two day or a three day event, It may be weeks, not like ten weeks, but maybe like a week and a half, two weeks. We are so tight in the silver supply right now, almost every commercial bar that exists is held for one reason and for one reason only and that is investment purposes, not commercial use. So any commercial use that comes on top of the investment purposes that already exist, is going to force the price not only higher, but it is going to force it higher now, because it is required for industry, so I’m really very… you know like I always watch the market carefully, but I'm more at the edge of my seat right now, then I ever have been in a long time, waiting to see what is going to happen."

 Go to Link to read or hear the Full Interview!

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