
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Der Spiegel to Release ALL of Wikileaks Documents Today at 1:30 PST - 4:30 EST - The U.S. Diplomats have been Scrambling to Warn Countries - Also U.S. is Urging Wikileaks NOT to Release info - But

UPDATE 12/7/10  - Mirror Site of Wikileaks

UPDATE 12/5/10 -    Assange has said if arrested or Wikileaks taken off the net - he will release the key to the "Insurance File"!  


UPDATE - Wikileaks,Link to Embassy Cables - they have released a couple hundred today and will release more as time goes by. - See the bottom of this post for what is on the Cable Page link.

I am not seeing the sensational claims by newspapers online earlier saying : "History will be rewritten" by the releasing of these documents.  Sophomoric words used by Diplomats to describe leaders of other countries, but nothing Earth Shattering has come out as of yet.  BUT, we do have to remember it is all MSM outlets that are controlling the release of the documents now, since Wikileaks website has been hit by a Cyber attack today and has gone dark.  **note Wikileaks is back up**

UPDATE *** I have just found, that the REAL Cables that are the TOP TOP secret have not been released as of yet.  The Guardian site below as "nice little cables from Diplomats linked".  So when will the cables which the State Department is worrying about going to be released? ****

The only thing I see that is the worst - is the request from Hillary Clinton for biometric information on the U.N. Secretary and Leaders of the World.
Every cable I have read, no matter what country is involved the U.S. Diplomats are required to get biometric information about the leader of the country - from Iris Scans, DNA, fingerprints, facial images.  

UPDATE 3:44pm est - DER SPIEGEL - Gives an overview of the documents.  Also says how they are going to release them to subscribers first and then online on Monday. (but FYI - others are releasing them now)

From above link:
The leak of over 250,000 American diplomatic cables could prove highly embarrassing for the US State Department. The documents reveal what US diplomats really think of other countries, and their worldview is incredibly dark at times. Relations with several countries are likely to suffer as a result.

UPDATE 3:05pm - THE GUARDIAN - Link to "Search the Database of Wikileaks Information and Cables" 

UPDATE - 11/28/10 11:51AM est - Wikileaks site is Down now-
Seems the Wikileaks site has "a Denial of Service" now!  Another Twitter Update says the papers will release the documents even if Wikileaks is down. Another update is La Monde will also be releasing the documents today, it is a French Site, but I have it linked through the Google Translate Page - La Monde Translated in English.

UPDATE - Another Twitter Feed that has lots of information, constantly about the Wikileaks.
Lots of really good information is coming out about the Wikileaks information at the link.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Sunday the imminent release of classified US documents by the whistle-blower website will cover "every major issue" in the world today.
"from assassinations in East Timor to the behaviour of some of the biggest United States private banks, so we cover everything."

UPDATE - 2:25PM - This site, El Pais - which I have linked Translated from Spanish to English - has information on how the U.S. State Dept. ordered the U.N. officials spied on - wanted credit card numbers and all information able to be obtained about the U.N. members.  But what is VERY Interesting is the fact the state dept of the U.S. wanted details about the mineral, copper, diamond mines and so on of countries.

I just found a link off the above site, which gives some samples of the leaked cables from U.S. Diplomatic sources.

UPDATE 2:49pm - from the above link - is this cable of Obama meeting with Israeli officials, regarding Iran, North Korea.  Very interesting reading!
Original Post:

Watch this site today

Der Spiegel out of Germany

They have stated they will be releasing all the documents from Wiki leaks today at 1:30 PST - 4:30 EST.

This is suppose to be the most damaging leak ever and will eclipse the other documents leaked regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan War.  Those documents were damaging to the military in that the U.S. has tortured and killed people without provocation and the U.S. has killed kids besides other horrific criminal acts of war.

Reports are 4330 documents in this leak are so Secret, they were Never to be allowed to be viewed by any Foreign Government or Person.  The "Top Secret" Level of these documents are considered to the be 2nd highest Tier of Top Secrecy.

Also some of the documents were up on Der Spiegel's site very briefly, released ahead of schedule by mistake and were quickly taken off the site. 

This leak is suppose to be the Worst, in that it is about Diplomatic relationships and what U.S. Diplomats and Government Officials think about other leaders, besides some truths of the U.S. being behind certain "terrorist fractions" in the world.

If in fact, it has been hinted, the information being released today, is suppose to show the U.S. has actually supported and helped those they call "Terrorist". 

Back to the Wiki leaks Disclosure today,  The New York Times, The Guardian and Der Spiegel all have the documents already.  So, Wikileaks covered themselves, they sent the documents ahead of time to the U.S., England and Germany.  The Germany newspaper Der Spiegel is the only one so far brave enough to say they will reveal the documents.  The documents are suppose to be dated 2004 and up.  So it will encompass the Bush White House, besides the Obama White House and Diplomats.

The head attorney for the White House wrote a Letter to Julian Assange, urging him to stop the release, as it will put many lives in danger.

One newspaper is saying this release is So Big and Powerful it will "Rewrite History"!  Also it is being said that this is SO Damaging to the U.S. and it's relationships with its Allies that it may lead to U.S. Diplomats being Expelled around the World, from our "Close Allies"!

There has been an Encrypted "Insurance File" up on the Wikileaks site for awhile.  Yesterday - a notification was sent out via Twitter - that people should now download the file.  The encryption key has not been released as of yet for the file.  Direct link to the "Insurance File" = The file is a Pirate Bay Torrent,

Being quite honest, I have no clue how to actually download a Torrent, a Torrent download has never worked for me.  But the link is above, for those who may want to download it and wait for an encryption key to be released at some point, to be able to read it. Here is a software link to be able to download Torrents - UTorrent.  I still can't get a Torrent download with it though.

No one knows what is in the "Insurance File", but if the encryption key is ever released for whatever reason, I would assume the most damaging documents are possibly there.

As a Note Sweden does have an arrest warrant out for Julian Assange, on the charges of Rape of two woman who have recently accused him of that from an August time period. I believe these charges happen to be coming at an interesting time, as I would assume there are many countries, especially the U.S. who would like to get their hands on Mr. Assange.

Today watch Der Spiegel, New York Times, and The Guardian around 4:30 EST, to see if they actually release the information they have already received.   Der Spiegel is the only one who has said they are definitely going to release all the documents, but lets watch the others to see if they too will release the information at the same time.  Right now none of them have any headlines about the coming release.

The Wikileaks website is here.

Also this is Wikileaks Emblem and Motto:
It should get very interesting to say the least later in the day.

We will see if the newspapers actually release any information, because I would assume they are being pressured from the highest areas - NOT to release the most damaging leak ever of Diplomatic correspondence.

I will say though, the U.S. Government is suppose to be "For the People, By the People", so letting the people see what goes on behind closed doors, may be a good thing, so we can all make a more informed decision on if our Government is doing the "Right" thing for the people.

For those interested - This is the Twitter Site for the Wikileaks and the Scrambling around by U.S. Diplomats Warning other Countries about what may be in the documents.

You Will see under the Twitter link - a "D" notice has been sent to the various newspapers from the U.S. Government and U.K. Government .  A "D" notice is a  "Defence Advisory Notice (DA-Notice) to editors not to publish or broadcast extracts from leaks of sensitive US cables that relate to issues of national security." 

DA-Notices, previously called D-Notices, have operated in Britain as a form of voluntary self-censorship since before World War One in 1912.  The newspapers are not bound by law to follow the "D" Notice, but lets see if they do or not, later today. 

 UPDATE It is said someone was able to get an advanced copy of what Der Speigel will be releasing today and they did not read any Earth Shattering information in the article.  If that is the case, why all the scrambling around by the U.S. Government warning other Governments, if it is only silly comments about those in power?

UPDATE - This site, which I have linked translated from Norwegian to English, has a little information about the leak.  Mainly name calling regarding various Leaders - but most interesting is a Spy for the U.S. is within the German government.  Bet that won't go over so well.  


What The Wikileaks Cable Page has on it's site:

From the link - there are button options to look at "Top Secret", Classified and Unclassified Diplomatic Cables.

Wikileaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into US Government foreign activities.

The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.

The embassy cables will be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not do this material justice.

The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states"; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them.

This document release reveals the contradictions between the US’s public persona and what it says behind closed doors – and shows that if citizens in a democracy want their governments to reflect their wishes, they should ask to see what’s going on behind the scenes.

Every American schoolchild is taught that George Washington – the country’s first President – could not tell a lie. If the administrations of his successors lived up to the same principle, today’s document flood would be a mere embarrassment. Instead, the US Government has been warning governments -- even the most corrupt -- around the world about the coming leaks and is bracing itself for the exposures.

The full set consists of 251,287 documents, comprising 261,276,536 words (seven times the size of "The Iraq War Logs", the world's previously largest classified information release).

The cables cover from 28th December 1966 to 28th February 2010 and originate from 274 embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions.

UPDATE -  11/29/10 - The Daily Mail did not hold back much, on some of the documents that have not been released yet on Wikileaks Cables - they have an article today, that says some cables really do have some interesting (to say the least) information in them.
Portion in above article:

President Barack Obama is revealed in one damaging cable as having 'no feelings for Europe' and preferring to 'look East rather than West'.

The U.S. also wanted ‘biographic and biometric information on UN Security Council permanent representatives’. 

The request could break international law and threatens to derail any trust between the US and other powerful nations. 

Requests for IT related information – such as details of passwords, personal encryption keys and network upgrades - could also raise suspicions that the US was preparing to mount a hacking operation. 

It is set to lead to international calls for Mrs Clinton to resign. 

The fishing expedition was ordered by Mrs Clinton in July 2009, but followed similar demands made by her predecessor, Condoleeza Rice.

** My thoughts about the above*** I find it interesting that it may call for Hillary Clinton to resign - would that then set her up for a 2012 run for Presidency?  It comes at an interesting timing.  BUT would she be supported to run for President, because after the above revelations, would any country trust her as the U.S. President?

UPDATES DIRECT LINKS *Wikileaks site* TO VARIOUS DIPLOMATIC CABLES - THAT ARE INTERESTING TO ME:  (I will be inserting cable links as I read the information). **Some may be damaging to the U.S.

Link to Diplomatic Cable wanting details on U.N. Workers around the world including biometric information on them.

Demand for every kind of detail on Paraguay possible in every way from early 2008.  (Of course we know why every smallest detail on the leaders and everything else about Paraguay was needed, since G.W. Bush purchased 1000s of acres there with the largest aquifer in the world under his land.) 

A Cable about Zimbabwe from 2007 - It goes through what Mugabe  has done to the country and discusses all the PRINTING of Money which will be causing Zimbabwe to go into Hyperinflation. *From my perspective - It is very sad to read how the people there have suffered under Magabe and what he has done to the country*

Sect of State under secretary on 2/17/10- Strategic meeting with France - regarding Iran, Russia, NATO, Turkey.  Interesting, regarding the strategies.  

Sec. of Defense, Gates meeting with Italy in Feb. 2010 - in regards to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq.

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