EDIT - 11/5/10 - The Pentagon has denied there are 34 U.S. Warships around India - but they will not say how many there are. Also, this is Unbelievable! The U.S. Military is building a temporary Tunnel Just for Obama to see the "Gandhi Museum! WOW - How Outrageous and what is that costing? Talk about OVER THE TOP! Obama should NEVER have gone to India, if this is the over the TOP type spending needed with his Huge Entourage! OH, seems it will be costing MORE Than 200 Million a Day - an insider of the White House leaked!
Original Post:
200 MILLION PER DAY! 3000 People - Actually 6000, because 3000 have already been there and Have been "clearing" the Place! 3 747s to Take Obama's Equipment and Needed Items! The Whole Taj Mahal Rented Out! Other Luxury Hotel Rooms Elsewhere Rented Too! His Whole Family Going!
This is simply OUTRAGEOUS! People are being Thrown Out on the Street! There was NO increase for Social Security recipients Yet AGAIN! Obviously the List Goes ON and ON of how the American People are Suffering!
YET the President can go on the Most Outrageous Trip EVER in the HISTORY OF AMERICA! IN this Day and Time - HE is going on a Spending Spree as Never Before! What a KICK IN THE FACE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! He is Saying "Screw YOU" I spend as I want, but Not on You the Citizens of the U.S., but on myself! Also Michelle had a nice little vacation on the taxpayers dime, last month - in Spain. That little trip cost the taxpayers $200 Million!
Why 6000 people? Why will Washington D.C. be empty for the next couple of weeks? All the other elected officials are in their own hometowns for post election rests! So, we have an EMPTY WASHINGTON D.C.!
Why are that many people getting out of the U.S., Why did Clinton also leave the U.S.? Makes you wonder sometimes, if they know something we do not as normal citizens know!
This shows the complete disregard for the U.S. people by this government, but this has been the way for awhile now. We the U.S. people have let it occur too. We have not stood up and said "NO" you can NOT spend OUR money that way! There has to be accountability!
Personally, since I have researched 9/11 for weeks a few years ago and was curious WHY so many professionals and people have questioned the "official" report of 9/11..... I found out WHY it is questioned and the "official" story is what is actually a Conspiracy! Question Everything - Research Everything, don't just take anyone's word for it - Educate Yourself!
So, now the questions are above.....
EDIT - There are 34 U.S. War ships in the area for the President's Trip! IF they have to go through so much for the President to visit somewhere - then he SHOULD NOT Visit the place. Also WHY is it, other leaders of countries are able to go to various countries without all of this type protection and people? Also, the President has visited other countries before - WHY this time, such EXTREME amounts of people and equipment along with the U.S. military? So does the cost per day, include the Military Cost? I sincerely doubt it!
200 CEO's of major corporations on trip with Obama! So Not just all politicians out of Washington D.C. but at least 200 CEO's are outside of the U.S. also. We got D.C. abandoned and Now many top offices abandoned! hhhmmm.....
There is something Seriously Wrong with this Whole Trip! From cost to extreme equipment and military to the amount of people!
ANOTHER EDIT - The President of China is on a trip to Paris France today.
He did not take an entourage of 3000 to 6000 people with him, he does not have Military Ships to be in the surrounding waters, he did not take 3 747's just for his own items and equipment, he does not have 40 limos already stationed in Paris! He is not spending 200 million a day just on his immediate needs! NO the President of China did NOT do as the President of the U.S. has done. Considering China is a lot better economically than the U.S., the President of China is not being excessive either. The Chinese President will also visit Portugal during his trip.
watch the whole video!
turn upside down & rearrange 9/11/01 = 11/6/10