
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NEW Restrictions Taking Affect Immediately in New York State For Foreclosures - Lawyers Wanting to Foreclose For Banks, Have To Take PERSONAL LIABILITY That all Paperwork is Legal and Correct! That should STOP Foreclosures there!

Now, I wonder how many lawyers are going to be WILLING To take PERSONAL LIABILITY For banks to Foreclose on properties in New York State?!  How many are now going to RUN from having the Gravy of being a Foreclosure Lawyer for banks now?

A New Restriction Affective IMMEDIATELY Makes Foreclosure Lawyers take Personal Liability for making sure all the Paper work is Legal to be able to Foreclose on a property now in New York State!

Now, if ALL States Would make this a Requirement - I would BET ALL foreclosures would come to an IMMEDIATE HALT!  It is NOT possible to have Legal Paperwork to Foreclose on a MERS Home - ALL Paperwork has to have "irregularities" as the MSM likes to call it, to COVER UP THE FRAUD OF THE BANKS/SERVICERS TRYING TO FORECLOSURE!

Portion of Article:

New York is instituting new filing requirements in order to ensure the integrity of the home foreclosure process, the state’s chief judge said Wednesday.

Lawyers bringing foreclosure claims will now be required to file an affirmation that they themselves have taken reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of documents filed in support of residential foreclosures.
“We cannot allow the courts in New York State to stand by idly and be party to what we now know is a deeply flawed process, especially when that process involves basic human needs–such as a family home–during this period of economic crisis,” said New York State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman in a statement.

The new filing requirement goes into effect immediately. In new cases, the affirmation must be filed along with the initial request for judicial intervention. In pending cases, it must accompany a request for judgment or must be submitted to the court referee if a judgment has been entered, but the property hasn’t yet sold.


  1. Good. Next they should make the bank CEOs take personal responsibility for their bank's criminal actions.

  2. Why wait till tomorrow. Start today with the CEO's.......take their assets and give them what they deserve for the fraud they have committed.

  3. Random capitalization makes your article more difficult to read. A link to the article you extensively quote from would be welcomed.

  4. sorry, it is the way I write. All articles are linked. They are the lighter purple and the words turn green as your cursor goes over them, letting you know it is a link.

  5. Hmm, obey the law is something new? US is a country of printed law only enforced on the poor!

    The US prison system looks actually more and more like a concentration camp system - which nation can call itself civilized by committing murder through executions.

  6. The Florida Supreme Court amended the rules of Civil Procedure to require just such a thing in Feb 2010. In May when an amended complaint was filed in my case without it, I moved to dismiss for lack of standing due to the clear failure to comply with the pleading requirements. When I got to the hearing and argued there was no question that both the law and facts supported my motion, I GOT DENIED - no rebuttal, no attempt by the judge or the foreclosure mill atty to deny the defect, just the Judge declaring that she was going to deny my motion anyway. Good luck NY, but I'm still preparing the criminal complaint I expect to file against the judge for that particular episode.
