
Friday, October 22, 2010

Inroduction to the Memorandum of Law - Life Cycle of a Loan - MERS! Fraud Foreclosures/Mortgages/Note/Debt

A reader sent me this information, linked to this site - It is a complete Legal type dossier of MERS Fraud, starting at the underwriting.

Very Small Portion - Beginning of the Memorandum of Law - Regarding MERS

 The following is an “overview” of the “life-cycle” of the presently orchestrated real estate promissory note and mortgage agreement scam. This “overview,” is not comprehensive and inclusive of all of the facts and situations which may apply to particular cases. Because of the suppression of all of the facts about the banking industry’s biggest swindle in the history of the planet, this “overview” can only expose discovered facts, as such facts, are known to date.
    1.  Without full disclosure of all elements of the “system,” or scam being conducted, and profoundly ignorant of how the “lender” will exploit the possession and manipulation of the promissory note and mortgage agreement issued by the unsuspecting so-called “borrower,” papers are autographed and delivered into the possession of the so-called “lender.”
    2.  The “lender” separates the promissory note and mortgage agreement and deposits each as separate transactions, as cash, in special “transaction accounts” belonging to the “lender.”
This step creates an increase in deposits to the benefit of the “lender” in an amount equal to two (2) times the face value amount of what the “borrower” believes is the total amount of money in the transaction. If the “loan” amount is $100,000.00, the total amount of increased assets to the benefit of the “lender,” is $200,000.00.
    3.  The Federal Reserve authorized “deposit multiplication” scam begins, which increases the total amount of money generated by the deposits by an additional factor of approximately nine (9).
The banking system will benefit from the creation of approximately $1,800,000.00, in addition to the initial $200,000.00 originally deposited. A $100,000.00 “loan,” will generate approximately $2 Million, out of which the “lender” will issue a check to the “borrower” for $100,000.00, benefitting from an immediate windfall of $1.9 Million.
    4.  The “lender” will then, sell the separated promissory note and mortgage agreement to an entity known on Wall Street as an “aggregator,” for transfer into a “pool,” and get paid $200,000.00 plus a commission of approximately 2.5%. (commission amount may vary).
So now, the banking system is in possession of a windfall amount of cash of approximately $2.1 Million, based on the original $100,000.00 “loan.”
    5.  After “securitization” by government, either/or authorized corporate entities, the Wall Street gurus “tranche,” or slice up the “pool” into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBSs), Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs), Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs), Credit Default Swaps (CDSs), etc. Such instruments are then traded in the stock market and generate millions of dollars.
    6.  The bankers, in firm control of the monetary system and the economy, then engineer recession and recovery cycles which guarantee defaults on some of the “pooled” and “tranched” mortgages.
    7.  The CDSs, (Credit Default Swaps) function as insurance on defaulted mortgages, and the insider traders cash in the CDSs and generate additional millions of dollars as an added windfall of the scam.
    8.  And then, after millions of dollars have been generated from the initial so-called “loan” of $100,000.00, (the mortgage has already been paid off many times over) the banks, and debt collectors institute foreclosure actions against the hapless, and clueless, “borrower,” and do it all over again.



  2. The complete article can be reviewed at:

    PDF version at :
