
Thursday, October 21, 2010

HUD Sect - Donovan, Speaking For White House: Says "Homeowners Will be made Whole" BUT his Exact Quote, Makes Me Question WHO He Will Protect and Defend, Due to the Way it is Said! Sounds Like He Means - He Will Protect and Defend the Banks!

HUD Secretary Shuan Donovan has come out Speaking for the White House has said "Homeowners will be made whole, due to the Bank foreclosure fraud " - But his Exact Quote Makes Me question WHO exactly will he be Protecting and Defending!

 Exact Quote:

"Where any homeowner has been defrauded or denied the basic protections or rights they have under law, we will take actions to make sure the banks make them whole, and their rights will be protected and defended,"

Seems to me, with the banks being mentioned last, his statement of their rights being protected and defended, could mean the Banks will be protected and defended.  The clarity of the statement is NOT there, IMHO!

He added, however, that the administration is focused on ensuring future compliance, rather than on looking back to make sure homeowners and investors weren't harmed during the reckless boom years. The administration is "committed to forcing institutions to change the way that they conduct business," Obama's top housing official said, "to make sure these problems don't happen again."

To me, that says - We Will NOT dig into the Fraud committed by the banks in the past, we are ONLY going forward to make sure they have their paperwork together in the future.

When Donovan was asked about the Underwriting Accusations of Fraud of the Banks he has said "All Is Well"!

UHhhh,  considering whistleblowers are out saying the FRAUD STARTS AT UNDERWRITING!  I would say All is NOT well!  To me that is a blatant LIE!  So, now why should I believe anything else he has to say?  Interesting it seems the HUD Secretary has said there has been an investigation going on since May of this year.  Really?  I was not aware of the government investigating the Banks Foreclosure Fraud! 

Donovan says:
"we have not found any evidence at this point of systemic issues in the underlying legal or other documents that have been reviewed."
Really?  No legal issues found by HUD regarding the foreclosure papers filed?  Gosh, darn..... Why are all the Judges finding Issues with the paperwork?  Why have the banks admitted Paperwork "irregularities"?  Why have 150 depositions of people who work in the foreclosure business admitted to not reviewing the paperwork?  OH, and WHY are signatures different on a lot of paperwork for foreclosures and EVEN ON Obama's release of Mortgage signature of the bank official?
Let's face the facts, the Banks started the Fraud with bundling and selling the mortgage securities many times over in different funds through MERS.  They have defrauded the States by getting around registration fees required for changing of assignment of the mortgage.  They have now defrauded the courts by creating fraudulent paperwork to be able to foreclose.  The servicers are the ones foreclosing on the houses on behalf of the owners of the mortgage - uh.... in laws ONLY the owner can foreclose on someone.
Let me give you the most simple scenario in showing the fraud of a servicer foreclosing on a mortgaged house through MERS.  
Lets say a neighbor had an issue with someone else, well I decide to sue that person for the neighbor.  I go to court and say "Your Honor, I am suing so and so for so and so and I would like One million dollars on behalf of the person I am starting this suit for".  "BUT, Your Honor the person I am suing on behalf of, has not signed any papers saying they wanted me to sue, I am just doing it for them, because they are annoyed"!  Now, do you think a Judge would ALLOW a suit like that?  Where someone is suing on behalf of another, with out the other being in court?  NO!  It would NOT be allowed, that would be against All judicial procedures of suits!  So, how come mortgage servicers have been ALLOWED to do the same thing on behalf of the owner of a mortgage through MERS?  Because there is NO Owner of a mortgage, they are securities that were bundled and they are actually all derivatives anyway.  Money created by banks out of thin air, it is all gambling with fake money on banks books - just transfers of numbers, no real paper.  


  1. When is someone other than the tax payers going to be held accountable for all this mess?

  2. If we are tired of how these banks run America, maybe its time to Run the Banks.

  3. let's see some handcuffs Obama. For the love of god.

  4. Frist off when it comes to Japan only the Russian can help them now.
    The banks will use every trick in the book to slip out from the rock now and then some
    Pat the rat
    p.s. You are one of the few people on the internet I trust
