
Thursday, October 14, 2010

JP is Running Far from MERS, They are Trying to Escape! - NOT using it anymore! Hate to tell them.... little late to go back on the FRAUD, they helped create! How Many other Wall Street Banks will Follow JP Morgan and Try to Escape also?

JP Morgan, is Running away from MERS - they are NOT going to be using them anymore. I guess they are trying to Escape the Fraud they Created!

Uhh.... Someone needs to let them know.... Once you have helped create a Shell co. based on ALL FRAUD! To get away from paying billions in registration fees to individual States for transferring of loans and mortgages, and to defraud the people taking out the mortgages... well you can't run away after it has been found out!

All the banks Knew what MERS was/is when they created it, now the fraud has come to light, they don't want anything more to do with it?

Jim Sinclair has the info about JP Morgan trying to Escape their Monster Creation.

The announcement by Jamie Dimon that JPMorgan Chase will no longer use the MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.) System to track its loans is a clear signal the house of cards that the Banksters built when they created MERS back in the 1990s is being deconstructed by the Banksters themselves in an attempt to soften the blow when the whole system comes crashing down around its own greed.
As the old saying goes, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

I found the “chink” in MERS armor where it concerns loans that were securitized by Wall Street Investment Banks which makes every MERS Assignment of Mortgage from an originating lender directly into the Trust Fund fraudulent.

According to MERS’ own rules, when a loan is assigned “out” of the MERS® System it must be recorded in the county land records.  This never happens!

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