I have been wondering when this question would come up! Since we all KNOW there has been "paperwork irregularities" (Lets Call it What it REALLY is FRAUD), in Florida Foreclosures by Lawyers seeking foreclosures and Judges have stamped their approval of the Fraudulent Paperwork Foreclosures! In fact in Florida many retired Judges were called back just to Stamp approval of Foreclosures. There are reports of Judges taking 2 SECONDS Per Foreclosure to Stamp "Foreclosure Approved"!
Thus besides the Lawyers robosigning - and fraudulent forgeries of the paperwork, the Judges have Sanctioned the Fraud by Approving them and basically robosigning themselves, by not Really scrutinizing the paperwork to make sure it is correct. They will approve hundreds of foreclosures per day!
There are many cases I have read about in Florida where Judges do not even ALLOWING homeowners to present their case of FRAUD, when being foreclosed upon! The Judges have said "don't have time for that - Foreclosure Approved"! It has been sickening reading about people NOT getting their Day in Court, as suppose to be Allowed in the United States!
Now, We have THE Florida Bar is getting Involved! GOOD FOR YOU!! THANK YOU!!
They are Asking the Judges "Hey, We are hearing about All this FRAUD from the Media, BUT, YOU have Never Mentioned it Once, as a complaint"! They are Asking the Judges To Reveal the Lawyers that have committed and filed Fraudulent paperwork, so they can Review and Look at those Lawyers more closely!
This is Awesome, In other Words IMHO - The Florida Bar is CALLING OUT the Judges on This Issue of them Stamping Approval of Foreclosures WITHOUT looking at the Paperwork and Seeing the FRAUD Committed by Lawyers of MERS/Banks!
This letter is duplicated From StopForeclosureFraud website.
Sunday, October 24, 2010Foreclosure Mills in Florida Slipping the Net of Attorney General Investigation
Eliot I. Bernstein
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL (yes, two identically named)
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL
Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL
Uviewit Holdings, Inc. - DL
Uview.com, Inc. – DL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL
I.C., Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com LLC – DL
Iviewit LLC – DL
Iviewit Corporation – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Corporation
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 (o)
(561) 886.7628 (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)
Other Websites I like:
http://www.VoteForGreg.us Greg Fischer
http://www.killallthelawyers.ws/law (The Shakespearean Solution)
Also, check out
Eliot's Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Part 1
and Part 2 @
Christine Anderson Whistleblower Testimony @
and Eliot Part 1 - The Iviewit Inventions @
hmmmm, florida lawyers trying to have criminal fraud cases turned into bar complaints but the Florida bar can only disbar an attorney for attorney misconduct and not prosecute for criminal fraud. This should be shouted down as lawyers are being charged with crimes that the Bar and Courts cannot investigate, snaky bastards. All homeowners who feel their lawyers were part of fraud should file criminal fraud charges and skip the Bar process, which is only an attorney protection agency. The Florida Bar should be disbarred and turned into a pub. I personally have a 12-Count Trillion DOllar Federal RICO & ANtitrust lawsuit against the FL Bar and FL Supreme Court and many justices. THe lawsuit has been marked legally “related” by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin to a Whistleblower lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson a former NY Supreme Court Attorney who claims there was a “CLeaner” in the NY SUpreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Agency, Naomi Goldstein, who whitewashed complaints against US Attorneys, DA’s, ADA’s and “Favored Lawyers and Lawfirms, she also accuses New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo of illegal representation of accused state officials. There is a Criminal RICO organization that has infiltrated the Florida Bar and everyone should fear that Bar investigations are cover ups to deny citizens of their rights for crimes committed by Lawyers Judges and Regulators.
ReplyDeleteEliot I. Bernstein