
Friday, October 22, 2010

Beware of Attorney Generals Bearing Gifts. Florida Attorney General "Wants Paperwork Mess Resolved and Foreclosures to Begin Again Quickly"!

So, we all think the Attorney Generals doing a joint investigation is Awesome... Right?  Well... Maybe we should rethink that!  If they are going to come out as the Attorney General of Florida (Bill McCollum) has, in saying "He wants the mess straightened up right away and Foreclosures to Begin Again Quickly!

Wow, they have not even investigated the fact the MERS Banks are Fraudulently Foreclosing on people and he is wanting it over with, so the banks can keep throwing people out on the street and making them homeless, due to their fraud?!

That is outrageous!  I have been under the impression the Attorney Generals of all 50 states would be doing a comprehensive investigation into all the paperwork "irregularities"!  I would also hope that it would take longer than just a few days to come to the conclusion the banks could continue to foreclose on people.

I have no doubt all the Attorney Generals are getting midnight phone calls, warning them, their conclusions should be in line with the banks conclusions of being able to take the homes at their will.

The people of the U.S. are expecting a real investigation of the Wall Street MERS Banks Fraud from the Attorney Generals of all the states.  I sure hope they provide the truth and look as far back into where the fraud starts as the mortgage securities!


“They’re training a lot of new people, and apparently now they are comfortable with the legality of their foreclosure process,” Mr. McCollum said in an interview. “The primary purpose of these meetings is talking about not having this stuff held back. It’s very important for us to not have a backlog of foreclosures. We already have a backlog. We don’t want it to get worse.”…

Mr. McCollum, Florida’s attorney general, said most errors in the foreclosure process have been “procedural,” adding that his top priority is to resolve the mess in a way that allows foreclosures to resume quickly….

The talks also centered on how to quickly get the foreclosure process moving again, according to the Florida attorney general’s office. Mr. McCollum described the meeting as more cooperative than combative.

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