
Friday, September 17, 2010

Today is Constitution Day - Sept. 17 - Does the U.S. Government Even Know that Word anymore?

Today is Constitution Day - September 17th. 

My question is, does the U.S. Government even know the meaning of that word anymore?  It does not seem so.

We have lost the right of Freedom of Speech
We have lost our Liberty, as we are not free anymore, but chained to the Patriot act, the government listening to our conversations, able to track and read our emails, we are under suspicion if we go to rallies or demonstrations, as we are then put on "terrorist list".
We have been chained to debt for our children, their children due to those in Government doing as they please.
It is not a Government "By the People, For the People" anymore.  The U.S. Government does the opposite of what the People want.  From the TARP to the Stimulus - the People Said NO - Yet the Government did the Opposite of the People's Wishes!

So, Happy Constitution Day!  We can Only think of what it meant in the Past, as it has NO meaning now and there is NO Constitution Left for the American People. 

I wonder what the founding fathers would be thinking now and how they would be treated by the Government we now have? 

The Only way to get back to any Constitution is to VOTE EVERYONE OUT!  NO Matter What - Vote the career politicians OUT!

Let's get back to the Constitution - But do I really believe we will?  I am sorry to say "No".  I can only dream this day will have any meaning once more.

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