
Monday, September 20, 2010

David Morgan - Silver Investor Expert - On Fox News - Says Go Long Silver - Get Physical

David Morgan of

Was on Fox News - Says Silver is Very Undervalued and if people asked for the physical from the paper they own - prices would go much higher - hints physical is not there to the paper.

This guy knows what he is talking about.

He is also recommending for those who want to have funds into silver and do not want to take physical, but have the money in real physical - he says: - is a real fund.

He has lots out this last week:

Play Silver Don't get Stuck


Keeping my sources confidential, I have had a couple of calls from people in Washington, D.C., and a few from overseas, and they've woken up to the silver story. Before now, they were gold-only or gold-centric people. There's some relatively big money moving into the silver market, and because silver is such a small market relative to gold, it won't take much new money to move it substantially.

Fox Business had an article he did on their site.  Gold's Rally - Fakeout or Breakout?


Gold Trusts
A more secure investment option in gold, barring actual physical ownership - is the gold trust, also known as a gold-holding company.
The difference between a gold ETF and a gold trust is that the latter is more frequently audited. Also, in a gold trust, the investor does actually own part of an ounce of physical gold which is held for them by the trust. An investor can buy any fraction of an ounce that he or she chooses - however, at no time is she allowed to redeem her investment for the physical commodity.
There are fees associated with gold trusts, of which investors should be aware. These include a premium, usually in the neighborhood of 7%, that can increase with the price of gold.
For those investors who are interested in gold trusts, here are a few that I would recommend:
• Sprott Gold Bullion Fund
• Central Fund of Canada
• Bullion Management Group

I have been following David - GATA has his information on their site at times - he knows what he is talking about and he does all the research to know what is really happening.  What is also nice he is NOT a tool of the govt.  - He tells it like it is, he a business manner.

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