
Monday, August 23, 2010

London Metals Exchange Raided by Smart Investors and Emptied of Gold?

Seems there may be evidence of the London Metals Exchange being raided and emptied of Gold.  For a couple of months the numbers out of the Metals exchange have not made sense.  Many experts have been commenting on it over and over.  Also, remember BIS admitted to swapping gold in July.  But one thing that has been for sure... from GATA, to Harvey Organ - they all have been saying the same thing..... the numbers of inventory and what is going out have not matched and all of it, has stopped making sense.

This article could be the explanation of what has occurred.  Very smart investors working together with unlimited amount of money, in a sophisticated way, raided the vaults of the London Metals market in July and may have emptied it. 

If this is the case, then will the manipulation FINALLY Be Broken in the very near future?

TPTB, have been able to keep the manipulation going much longer than many had expected.... but is it Finally about to be over?  Lets Hope So!

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