
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Toxic Air around the Gulf - Flight showing air has something in it!

Toxic air around the Gulf Coast. This guy has done numerous flights
over the oil, shows there is something in the air, besides people saying
the rain burns around the Gulf. Remember the EPA said the air was fine
after 9/11, though they knew it was not and there was asbestos in the
air besides other things. Since then many who worked on the clean up are dead and most others have breathing problems and Cancer...
The Government needs to tell the truth, but I won't hold my breath for that. 

I have put up information on my other blog about Dengue Fever happening around Florida and the history of Dengue Fever, with the CIA using it as a Biological Warfare virus. But questioning, is it Dengue Fever or is it Toxins from the Oil Leak/Volcano.

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