
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

China Govt and M16 Confirm The Federal Reserve has been selling FAKE Gold For a Decade?

China Govt and M16 Confirm The Federal Reserve has been selling FAKE Gold For a Decade?

This article says it is confirmed the Federal Reserve has been selling FAKE Gold - Tungsten filled bars with a gold overlay.

I would think this will have to be talked about at some point by MSM, but then again - maybe not.

This article also says China is trying to buy 10000 tons of gold.


China quietly introduces new financial system

China has stealthily introduced a new financial system based on the renminbi which is well on its way to becoming fully convertible, according to a high-level Chinese source. In addition, China is purchasing 10,000 tons of gold to back up a new fund designed to develop and market heretofore forbidden and suppressed technologies. The fund will be based outside of China and will be controlled by prominent members of the Chinese overseas community. The gold purchase will take some time because of the logistics of transporting it and the Chinese wish to test it thoroughly. Both the Chinese government and MI6 now confirm reports that much of the gold sold by the Federal Reserve Board over the past decade is in fact gold plated tungsten.

For its part, the renminbi is now convertible with South American currencies, the rouble, Middle-Eastern currencies, the yen, South East Asian currencies and African currencies. “We will slowly introduce our new financial system in parallel with the old one and hope that people steadily migrate towards it,” the Chinese official says.

Meanwhile, the latest G20 meeting ended in acrimony and chaos. The leadership of the West is in total disarray and will remain so until the Federal Reserve Board’s bankruptcy becomes visible even to brainwashed section of the Western public. This is now expected by January or February. Both MI6 and a senior Chinese government source now predict the collapse of the Federal Reserve dollar by that time.

We are also hearing various reports that many Pentagon and other US alphabet suit agency figures with both US and Israeli citizenship have recently fled to Israel. Things are coming to a head.

How Real is all this? But this goes hand in hand with the previous information in an earlier post about the Fake Gold here., from another source.

the SHTF will LITERALLY Happen if all of this is True!


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