
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cern Low Energy Smashed Protons - Also Very Strange Picture Above Cern In Sky During the Time!

This is a picture above Cern - it just happens that the Cern was also smashing Protons for the first time, with very low energy. This picture is not in the article. What the heck is that? Not a reflection from anything.

BBC Article:

Part of article: Please click on link to read the whole article.

Engineers operating the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have smashed together proton beams in the machine for the very first time.

The step was described as a "great achievement" for those working on the huge physics experiment.

The low-energy collisions came after researchers circulated two beams simultaneously in the LHC's 27km-long tunnel earlier on Monday.

The LHC is smashing together beams of protons to shed light on the cosmos.

Operated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern), the LHC is the world's largest machine and will create similar conditions to those present moments after the Big Bang.

UPDATE - 12/03/09 Due to "Sage" a Reader suggesting I look up Saturn and alchemy - because of Nostradamus's quatrain about Geneva which is:

"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
Saturn will be converted from gold to iron,
RAYPOZ will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs."

this is what I found.

Saturn: Saturn alchemy planet symbols are seen in texts as governing the metal lead, which is one of the symbols for dark prime matter. Understood as having nefarious overtones, Saturn plays an important role in more sinister alchemical processes. On the other hand, Saturn represents order, strictures, and a gravitational pull to balance and moderation. Alchemist's understood that Saturn had a very "take matters into hand" energy and utilized this essence in practice as well. More on Saturn symbolism here.

Interesting is says a symbol of Dark Matter - considering Cern will be producing Black Holes.


  1. Is there actually a practical point to this thing? Is there something to this besides proving the "Big Bang Theory"?

    It just seems to me like a lot of money being wasted, just so scientists can try to play god. What is the end game?

    And Sherrie, in reference to Nostradamus' quatrain, you ought to google +Saturn +alchemy. Fascinating stuff.

  2. researched this a bit and compared it to other pictures from the same camera... looks like a reflection of inside the building.

  3. Sage - you are awesome!! I did as you suggested - Very Interesting Stuff! Will post it!
