
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Dare the Media Label People "Racist" for showing Discontent for the Government!

I have to rant and rave here a little bit. I have been turning on the news the last few days, wanting to hear what the MSM is telling people. It has been a long time, since I have actually listened to the news on the T. V. Even now, I can only take it for a few moments.

I am Sick of hearing the people who have demonstrated this last weekend and basically, anyone who stands up against the government is a Racist, against the President!

STOP - Bull S*^&!!

I am ready to demonstrate and I voted for the man - I am NOT a racist either! **See my post from May - On how Obama has not followed through on his promises - Third term of Bush - No Change**

Let's just go through a few things the MSM is conveniently leaving out on WHY people are demonstrating.

People are sick of the government giving away our money to big corporations and the banks, while we are not receiving the most basic help we need!

Billions and Billions to Trillions are flying out the door - yet we are the ones who will be stuck with the bill, for generations to come.

Our taxes ARE being raised in every area - contrary to Obama's promises of not raising taxes on the middle and lower class population. They may not be income taxes, but they sure are new taxes on almost everything out there, including the new sugar taxes.

People are losing their homes and becoming homeless - due to the banks who got all those billions of dollars, not resetting the mortgages for those most in need and the government is not doing ANYTHING about it! The banks are foreclosing on people at the highest rate in history, they have no regrets nor show any regard for those they are kicking out on the street. *See my post below (D-day) - towards the bottom - regarding more on this*

People are hungry and need to feed their kids and there is now the largest amount ever in history of people on food stamps.

Unemployment is ACTUALLY around 16 to 17% in the country right now. Yep, it really is - the government hides that fact, as they take off the people who have given up looking for a job or the unemployment benefits have run out! So when the media says 9 1/2% - look a little closer and question those numbers.

The MSM and government says we are in a deflation period and there has been very little inflation, in fact they are not increasing social security payments because there has not been a cost of living increase - they even had the gall to say the cost of living has gone down on CNN! ABSOLUTE LIE and BullS*&^!! CNBC - yesterday said food prices have gone down - again ABSOLUTE LIE - I don't know about you, but I go food shopping. You know what I have seen? I have seen maybe a penny or two decrease in the prices - BUT that is because the products are now anywhere from 50% (more or less) of the amount they were a year ago! Have you noticed? Take a look at cans of coffee - tea - cereal - from one year ago to now. Notice something interesting? The size is the same of the cereal boxes - but the amount has decreased drastically! I have noticed almost all food products have decreased in amount purchased. In other words, we have inflated in food prices all the way up to 100% with some products from a year ago.

Also, what about our voices not having meaning with the government, going back many years now? How millions were against the bailout last September, against the stimulus earlier this year and called their government officials to say that. We were the overwhelming majority of calls - yet did the government be a "For the People, By the People" government? NO - they did as they damn well pleased and went against the people's wishes!

The list goes on and on about why the people are frustrated with this government and want to show it!! Yet How Dare the media - label those who are frustrated and had simply wanted to live the lives they have worked hard, showing their displeasure for the government for what they have been doing - as Racist!!

Those of us who are raising our voices of displeasure are doing it to the Whole Government - Not just to the President! We are NOT Racist! We want our Government Back - to "By the People, For The People" just as our fore fathers had intented it to be and Stay!

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