
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NASA to bomb the Moon - My Question WHY? REALLY WHY?

People are hurting and our economy has been melting down, money is needed for the most basic items like housing and food. The government has refused to help California with their deficit which will have them shut down parks, stop welfare, health care etc. for the people.

So what is the government doing? BOMBING the moon to see if there has been water on the surface before!! Really, what the hell is that about? WHY spend money in the million/billions to see if the moon ever had water on it? Besides why wasn't this done 20/30 years ago? Why now, when money is needed for more important things?

link to article:

I find it bewildering our government is willing to spend money on things that will not benefit us in the long run, when people are hurting and needing help more than ever in our countries history.

My respect for this government and the way they spend money, keeps going downhill.

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