Why is the former CEO of AIG selling all his 12.9 million shares in one package to a company he controls? What does he know, others do not? He is selling it to Starr International which has 205.8 million shares of AIG already. Hank Greenberg controls the company and those who are lucky enough to be part of the "elite" group of Starr International (about 80 people) are the "elite" of the world, but they never dare question what Hank Greenberg does. Greenberg ran AIG for 37 years. Why would he sell his shares to a corporation? Is it so exposure to a bankrupcy is lessened, by the stocks being under a corporation? I find this interesting, I would also bet, Greenberg will never be investigated by the SEC for insider trading either, since the SEC has seemed to let companies go unchecked (Madoff etc), though they have known irregular trades have gone on in the past.
I wonder if Greenberg was part of the Bilderberg meeting which just happened in Greece?
I also wonder what some of the Bilderberg people are doing in their financial dealings, are many of them moving assets and selling stocks as Greenberg is doing?
To me, this means something is coming down the line in the near future which will not go over well for the public as a whole. Are all the elite getting rid of their stocks in companies?
People need to be aware of what the "elite" are doing, to basically follow their lead, as they know and control events that are happening.
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