With all the headlines today, you will never find on Main Stream Media the Internet is the only place people really find out what is happening in the world.
When living inside the United States, you think nothing else goes on in the rest of the world. The MSM only runs news about happenings in the U.S.. What are their favorite type news stories? Anything to distract the public. Favorites of MSM to run:
What movie star is doing what - what scandals are happening
Who has argued with who politically -
What one political figure said about another
Who is wearing what
Who has murdered who
What the latest high profile trial is going on
In other words the MSM has the most smut and most distracting news there is.
I don't care about what a movie star is doing or who said what against who - What I CARE about is
Are the People's Bill of Rights being shredded?
Is our Consitution being Adhered to?
Are we going to stop being a Barbaric Country and STOP torturing?
Is the Current Govt. actually going to be transparent at some point?
Is the Dollar on the way out and down?
What did the Bilderbergs settle on for the "Global New World Order"?
Are we on the way to Hyperinflation"?
9/11 Inside Job? - no real investigation into it!
Regarding 9/11 - interesting Fact I read today - the investigation of 9/11 (the biggest violent terrorist act on U.S. soil) cost $15 million, the investigation for the shuttle Columbia disaster cost $175 million, the investigation for the shuttle Challenger disaster cost $100 million!
Something seems VERY WRONG about those numbers - ONLY $15 Million was set aside and spent on the 9/11 Attack!
I can keep going with questions - and what is interesting is the MSM does not seem to have any type of those questions nor coverage on their networks.
The Internet everyone in the world's number one place for finding out the truth of what is actually happening in the world!
One thing about that - is all those "Elites" and Bilderberg People find it is now a threat to them. More and more people are turning to the internet to read the news. How long before more and more people wake up to what is actually happening in the world?
All of us, who have been exploring and waking up can only hope the general public begins to wake up soon.
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