
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hit Men Assigned to Bust Comex Gold and Silver Market

What a title right? Well, the Comex metals market has been manipulated for a long time now. Other countries have been frustrated over the manipulation. The article linked is a very good explaination of the manipulation and the possibility of it being busted. Gold and Silver are on the rise today, in fact Silver is out performing gold in the increase of value. Silver is a much better buy for the expectations of increase compared to the money spent to purchase it. Since last December there has been hope of a busting of the manipulation of the Comex metals market. The amount of shorts on it from 4 big companies cover more than the longs on them. But, if they ever fail on their shorts of the market, it would be bad news for them. Some say the actual amount of Gold and Silver Comex has does not even come close to their orders against those metals. They get away with it, because they make it very hard for people to actually take delivery of the metals. They provide a lot of red tape, etc. Few people have take delivery, but slowly people have been taking the deliveries ordered.

Now regarding the "hitmen" article - link:

Even though it is from a gold company, it is still a good explaination of the manipulation along with why it could be busted.

I have said it before and I will say it again - If you have not purchased metals up to now - you need to take a VERY SERIOUS look at purchasing them as soon as possible.

That is the lynchpin to control the USDollar, the USTreasurys, and the
corrupt mechanisms used by the New York and London syndicates. Their clear
criminal behavior is beyond the reach of law enforcement, but they are not
beyond the reach of hitmen. The USDollar has been in violation of the US
Constitution since 1971, perpetuated by a renegade series of administrations.
The global creditors for the USTreasury Bonds are so angry at the past suffered
losses, the prospect of deep future losses, and the corruption laced throughout
the US financial system, that they have hired third parties to kill off the
US$-gold platforms, to destroy the burdensome banking ballast dominated by
protected entrenched fraud experts, to lay waste to the vehicles used by the
US-UK bond trafficking syndicate totally saturated with corruption, dishonesty,
and collusion, replete with greed, totally absent conscience. They have
systemically been dismantling the COMEX pillars and levers over the last several
months, quietly and without fanfare, surely without publicity. If gold investors
knew of their actions, they would become much bolder. Some want the bankers in
their gunsights not to be warned. They await their fate with the Financial Grim
Reaper. Their executions will be as swift as brutal.

I checked today, if you were purchasing gold with Zimbabwe dollars today - you would be paying $334,980.00 in Zimbabwe for ONE ounce of Gold.

So, in knowing that and knowing we are printing money as Zimbabwe has - but the U.S. dollar is protected in many ways as the Zimbabwe Dollar has not been, because the U.S. dollar has been the reserve currency of the world. That has been our one saving grace at this point (in my opinion) of why we have not started a major hyperinflation period. But now that other countries are starting to make deals with fellow countries to trade in local dollars or the Chinese Yaun, I would not expect in a year or 2 years from now, we will be as protected as we are at this moment. So, using protected dollars at this moment, when you can still buy something of value for them at a decent rate, doesn't it make sense to purchase metals? Where you will always have the current value of your money protected?

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