
Monday, May 25, 2009

Awesome for Tennessee! No Gun Confiscation Under Martial Law

What wonderful news. The Democratic Governor signed into law, no guns can be confiscated under Martial Law! The police and Fed. Marshall Agents had confiscated guns after Katrina, in fact there are youtube videos showing them even battering an elderly woman because she had a gun and did not want to give it to them. She did not threaten them, she was simply standing up for her rights!

link to article:

NASHVILLE (AP) -- A person who legally possesses a gun would not have it seized
during periods of martial rule under a proposal that has been signed into law by
the governor.
The measure was signed by Gov. Phil Bredesen on Thursday and
takes effect immediately.
Sponsors say martial rule is the same as martial
law at the federal level. They say the law is necessary after law enforcement in
New Orleans went door to door seizing weapons in the aftermath of Hurricane
Republican Sen. Jack Johnson of Brentwood, 1 of the sponsors, has
said he doesn't expect such behavior in Tennessee, but believes legislation
should be in place just in case

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I'm gonna go post it up on ATS right now!

    Go state sovereignty!
