
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.

The One and only photo released of children at SH.  Suppose to have happened at 10:47 AM - would have been in front of police dash cam shown below.  Never happened in front of dash cam.  They were not running, but walking. 

There is a Police Dash Cam video of the parking lot of Sandy Hook.  I show the official timeline as written out by the Police of what happened and when.  

The official timeline says they began evacuating the children at 9:58 AM from the school and walking them across the parking lot to the firehouse.

The official timeline of the evacuation of children from the school to the Police dash cam. No children are ever seen during the time they should have been going across the lot.  

Here is the State Police site to view the Police Dash Cam video.

There are different times going to 10:03 AM of masses of children being evacuated at one time from the school and going across the lot.

The dash cam video has a few redacted seconds, but they are only seconds of time and there would be no way of getting the children across the lot in that amount of time.

Watch the Police Dash Cam showing the parking lot compared to the official Timeline:

Recent information  and videos about SH:

What bothered me about the Candles in Sotos windows.

Soto's Room changed for pictures, inside and outside:

Video of Police getting lost responding to SH shooting... turns around 4 times and ask people where the school is. 

Video of school - mold, wires hanging, Windows covered with stuff. 

Update 3/6/14 - See the Big Difference between Sandy Hook and other school shootings last year. 


  1. Am unable to post at youtube, so I will post here. You seem to be FIXATED on a whole large group of 600 kids being evacuated across the parking lot all at the same time. There was a photo taken of a small group of children being evacuated - 15 to 20 kids and these small groups of kids were probably taken across the parking lot whenever the content was redacted. 15 to 20 seconds to get 20 kids across the parking lot is very doable. The photo can be seen on this link - just scroll down to 10.47 AM - - So therefore ALL the kids were eventually evacuated in small groups like the one in the photo. While I agree that the SH massacre may have been a hoax - your attempts to muddy the waters are not particularly helpful. You should be focusing much more on the shooter or shooters and the weapons and the mother. THAT is where the hoax occurred.

    1. Exactly my point - watch the video the famous picture of the children in line being walked to the firehouse, would have happened right in front of the video shown. It didn't happen. They were not running across. I show in the video the timeline, saying 'large group' of children and so on at various times. The children were not seen on the dash cam. I don't say in my video how 600 went across at one time. I state/show when kids were suppose to be taken in groups across. I am clearing the water that is muddy by showing the lies. So, I believe I am being very helpful with cutting through the lies and showing the truth.

    2. Great work, Sherrie!! Thank you so much for all the time and energy you are putting into getting the truth out about the Sandy Hook HOAX!

      Also, @anon, here's some info on the weapons, shooting, and the "Lanzas":

      First, there are NO permits for weapons or guns in Nancy Lanza's name, says TIME magazine. In the video below, at 57 sec mark, he has a screen shot from TIME magazine, saying that in a public records search, they could find no firearms or weapons permits under Nancy Lanza's name:

      No Gun Permit Under Nancy Lanza's Name in Public Records, Says TIME magazine

      video description: Published on Jan 11, 2013- So gun permit records are public knowledge, and major news outlets are unable to find any for Nancy Lanza. Not even for the AR-15 rifle? The police are saying that those guns were registered to her and she had permits for them, but apparently the public records themselves are not supporting their theories.

      And second, there's NO EVIDENCE of Adam or Nancy Lanza going to gun ranges or practicing shooting. ATF Special Assistant Agent Gene Marquez said his agency "has not been able to uncover any evidence that the mother and the son were actively engaged in going to the gun ranges, practicing marksmanship, or anything of that nature."


    3. Rifles require no permits (until now, unexplained what or how that will take shape.) Pistols are different, have required a permit for over a decade just to buy one. Not sure on their FOI status in Ct, know one of our horrible reps wanted to change the law so the press would be freely to publish ALL permit info- did not pass so I assume there is some kind of restrictions on the data in Connecticut.

    4. can someone tell the time at SH latitude from the shadows thrown by the kids ?

  2. No parents sued the school. No bio hazard unit was called in to clean up the 'blood' and look for forensic evidence, NO medical helicopters were called in yet they had helicopters flying overhead ? (fake footage) But what sealed it for me (besides the all liberal anti gun parents not grieving) was Gene Rosen and Robbie Parker's FAKE drama induced interviews.

  3. Hey Sherrie Aloha!
    That top photo by one account I read, was said to have actually been from a drill two years prior...go figger?

  4. Does it get any better? Good job exposing! Who's in the mood for a class action?

  5. According the the timeline you are using, the main exit point for the children was the school's northeast corner which is not adjacent to this dashcam shot. The northeast exit is in the timeline over and over again. "Children are escorted from the northeast corner of SHES." The road to the Firehouse is behind the dashcam car so they wouldnt cross in front of this cam unless they were heading into the woods.

    00056732_MVR_Part_1.wmv from the Report website actually faces the northeast part of the building and has many redacted sections. At 10:33:14 theres a few seconds which may be kids being escorted away.

    1. Actually, read the timeline. The children do not start coming out of the Northeast corner until around 10:04 to 05. Otherwise it states children out of the front. Especially the 10:03 says front and there is not redaction on the dash cam during and after that. No children there.

  6. The video lines up fine with the timeline once you realize that the clock on the dashcam is 80 seconds slow. See


  7. What does CT state trooper Vance know about what Wolfgang Halbig is now demanding?

    ...gun registry and confiscations started with the Sandy Hook operation:


    Video: National School Safety Expert: Sandy Hook shooting was a fraud

    Posted on February 19, 2014 by Carl Herman

    43-minute game-changing interview here.

    Wolfgang Halbig has the perfect combination of expertise to evaluate what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School:

    -Law enforcement: Florida State Trooper, US Customs Agent.

    -Education: teacher, assistant principal, principal.

    -Current school safety expert: trained key personnel at over 4,000 US school districts, and over 3,500 school safety officers.

    His conclusion after ten months of motivated investigation:

    “In my professional opinion, [Sandy Hook was] a scripted event… in planning for maybe two, two and a half years.”

    Mr. Halbig’s response is demand for criminal arrests of “leaders” involved in Sandy Hook based on rational embrace of the public evidence he explains in the interview:


    AFP PODCAST: School Safety Expert Threatened for Questioning Sandy Hook

    February 11, 2014

    Concerned citizens should be contacting the CT state police, Sandy Hook mayor and CT governor Malloy.

    ...or allow this BS to continue until you are sent to a camp and all your property confiscated.

  8. EXCELLENT work here on your blog Sherrie! Please continue to expose the truth about this Sandy Hook hoax. We must NEVER allow these communist New World Order scum to destroy the Second Amendment and disarm the American people. Thank you for your efforts, and I pray that the Almighty bless you.

  9. this scares me I want to no how no one was just hurt all were killed was this guy a army Ranger no he was just a kid going nuts and no one was just winged come on people wake up and force the truth

  10. I hadn't seen any pictures from the air showing 600 coming out of the shool .......Check bus schedules for Sandy Hook to see on a regular day how many buses take children to that location daily.....I think it was a hoax
